View Full Version : For Phantom: Do not forget non super users :)

03-01-2013, 12:51 PM
Do not forget us please. I have a 6800 non-super and would like a new patch that can open 23.5East (like the super models).

Thanks for your work.

03-01-2013, 01:13 PM
Do not forget us please. I have a 6800 non-super and would like a new patch that can open 23.5East (like the super models).

Thanks for your work.

Very well said i have one of the original 6800 hd boxes not being a release for it for ages !

03-01-2013, 01:56 PM
They are obsolete models.

So are the TM6900HD Supers mate, but thankfully we are still getting patches, albeit they still need tweaking!! lol!!:respect-050:

31-01-2013, 10:23 AM
My TM6800HD Non-super still works perfect and would be great if Phantom updates the FW for channels at 23.5e. I will be glad to help in any way. Many thanks to Phantom for the excellent work so far!

31-01-2013, 02:12 PM
Yes mate, you wouldnt think it would be THAT difficult to include the non-super models - and after all, just because many of us have so-called 'obsolete' models doesnt mean that TM havent got a duty of care/follow-up for ALL their models?:number-one-043:

01-02-2013, 12:23 AM
As far as I know its true TM have always absolved themselves away from patches as obviously they could face legal challenges from uncle Rupie & co - so yes that is a fact, but I am referring to 'basic' common or garden after sales - and even beyond - follow up for which all of us should expect good consideration in the eyes of both the law AND surely basic commonsense!
Goodwill can ALWAYS buy commercial companies more ongoing & future sales/business - all in MY humble opinion of course!:number-one-043:

05-02-2013, 02:52 PM
Thye are obsolete models.

DM500 was released in 2004, has now been obsolete for many years and support for it (including channels on 23.5) is still strong!

16-07-2013, 12:17 AM
yes m8 i i agree why cant they look after the early models as well cos we all in it together thanks

16-07-2013, 08:43 AM
They have no care of duty regarding any 3rd party sw you care to load.
If a patch fried your stb would TM be responsible?
No they wouldn't, eventually all support ceases, look at microsoft products?

have to agree with manic01 on this as its common sense

ask yourselves these questions

if you jailbreak an apple product and it fails, are apple responsible for fixing it under "duty of care" ? (no)

if you softmod a nintendo wii are nintendo responsible for fixing it under "duty of care" ? (no)

if you buy a ford fiesta petrol car and put diesel into it (misfuelling), are your dealer or ford responsible under "duty of care" ? (no)

if you buy a samsung laptop with windows on it, format it and install ubuntu and it fails to load, are samsung responsible under "duty of care" ? (no)

if your old or obselete laptop has windows xp or vista on it, are microsoft or the laptop manufacturer obliged to upgrade the os to a new version when it comes out ? like win7 or win8 ? (no)

if you "chip" a playstation or xbox you lose your rights to any "duty of care" because you interfered with it and its no longer in the same state it was supplied, so sony and microsoft can tell you to go where the sun dont shine, same as an apple istore if you took in a jailbroken iphone (or a rooted gadget to a similar shop or manufacturer)

if you own a sony xperia android v2.3 froyo phone (or honeycomb or similar) you dont have the right to have it upgraded to android 4.2.2 jellybean, or even to 4.0.4 ice cream sandwich, you either root it (jailbreak it) and lose any rights you have in law, or you replace it with a model like the new xperia that has jellybean installed as standard (if you now proceeded to root the new phone then again your rights under the law are severely diminished should a fault occur)

technomate is a badge (a reseller) of products made by somebody like hubtech or marusys or whoever, so are not even the manufacturer of the product, but when supplied under their "badge" it has their own legal software installed, something that owners/users promptly destroy by overwriting it with 3rd party patches, in this case it was d*rkman patches and then maybe boxer patches and then phantom patches

you will find that somebody with a technomate 5402 HD box has essentially the same box as a blade bm7000s or another box which may be the drHD box, there are differences and they each have their own patches and firmware but use the same softcams and channel lists, so that box is not a technomate as its made by one manufacturer for all 3 resellers but with a few variations on each spec, and their new tm twin is essentially a marusys vu+ duo under the hood from what I can see on the net

if anyone cares to go to the "makers" site, in this case technomate`s website, you may well find official software for your official technomate box, in which case install that and you may have a point should something befall the box, bearing in mind your rights in the uk under the sale of goods act etc

manufacturers can cease providing updates etc after something like 3 years (with enough warning) and you can see that microsoft do this with their products like vista which only lasted about 3 years before they made it obsolete and superceded it with win7 (and now win 8), and xp support finishes next april (but had a longer run)

here in the uk, you have no redress after 6 years (5 in scotland) under the present laws, but one key element is that the item must be in the same state it was sold, including firmware , or that firmware has to be an approved manufacturer upgrade as advertised on their own sites

so my sony tv has been upgraded by me using a usb stick, with official sony firmware , so is covered by law and yes sony have a duty of care, which is why they released freeview upgrade firmware for my sony recorder (actually made by pioneer and badged by sony) so it too remains "covered"

one thing I am 100% sure of, is that technomate don`t have a "duty of care" for phantom patches, its just somebody tweaking the source firmware in order to keep it up to date as best he or they can, and I also doubt they are in the uk so in that case our laws dont apply anyway

the same scenario applies for spiderboxes, in that you buy a box , patch it with 3rd party software and then can easily lose your rights if it fails

anybody stupid enough to contact trading standards complaining a patched box cannot access scrambled channels they are not entitled to watch or has failed since the owner (themselves) patched it wants their bumps feeling in all honesty

its the chance we take with these products, so patching , rooting , softmodding, chipping and jailbreaking these products means you do so at your own risk

anyone wanting to maintain their "duty of care" needs to use their equipment the way it was intended to use it, not interfering with the equipment in any way , shape or form , and ensuring it doesnt get damaged due to "misfueling" , dont open it up, dont patch it , dont interfere with it and treat it in such a manner that you wont be held to blame should something go wrong

its also worth noting that under current uk laws you have no rights at all as regards software as its not yet considered "tangible goods". this should change when the new consumer laws are brought into force