View Full Version : vu+control centre

04-01-2013, 08:15 AM
Is it possible for me to load vu+control centre with usb as i have not got a hard drive fitted.If so how do i load with usb.

04-01-2013, 09:21 AM
It installs on your pc not your VU+

simon 2003
04-01-2013, 12:04 PM
its ftp software for moving files to and from your VU+ from your pc mate an essential tool for your VU+

04-01-2013, 01:18 PM
its ftp software for moving files to and from your VU+ from your pc mate an essential tool for your VU+

that is one of its functions, but only one of many ;)

telnet, channel lists , all sorts

but its not installed on the vu which is what moonbug meant , it is run as a stand alone tool on a pc from the pc hdd or even from a usb stick plugged into the pc

05-01-2013, 10:32 PM
I have got VU+control centre on my pc but will no connect. I have entered my ip address, username root, password was left blank, ports were 80 21 23. I was at it all day yesterday and today as i had the same problem not connecting on dcc and FileZilla. I checked both lans connecting on UNO. PC is connecting to wi fi router ok.Router is connected to uno via cable lead. Any thoughts ?

simon 2003
05-01-2013, 11:03 PM
but its not installed on the vu which is what moonbug meant , it is run as a stand alone tool on a pc from the pc hdd or even from a usb stick plugged into the pc
yes mate was more of a reply/advice to OP, good tool

wildrover ,can you ping you vu+ from your PC mate ,press start>run>type cmd in little box >then when little black command box pops up type in ping 192.168.0.xx or whatever your vu+ ip is (apologies if you know how to ping)

05-01-2013, 11:05 PM
No idea how to ping

simon 2003
05-01-2013, 11:16 PM
follow the instructions above mate ,i reckon you are not putting in the correct ip addy into vucc, you on windows 7 ?

06-01-2013, 12:08 AM
I am on windows7. Filled in black box as requested. Nothing happened.

06-01-2013, 12:12 AM
suggest you check your lan setup on the image on your box and get it to test the network to ensure it has a local ip address from your router

once you know what that local ip address is you should be able to ping it from the command prompt in win7

its also the same ip address used in dcc or vucc too

I have set my boxes to fixed ip addresses like or similar (example only)

so depending on your router ip addy and its ip range will depend what your box and its ip actually is

dhcp on will mean the router gives the box an ip, dhcp off means you assign your own ip

typing ipconfig into the command prompt will tell you the router ip addy and your pc or laptop ip addy

simon 2003
06-01-2013, 12:23 AM
I am on windows7. Filled in black box as requested. Nothing happened.

it has too work mate !!! type in ping 192.168.0.xx ,,,,,,,,,,,xx is your vu+ ip addy ,if vu+ is on your LAN it will give you reply from 192.168.0.xx 5 times ,if not it will say destination host unreachable

I checked both lans connecting on UNO. PC is connecting to wi fi router ok.Router is connected to uno via cable lead.

"both lans connecting to uno" what do you mean by that mate,,,

06-01-2013, 03:49 PM
2 lan connections showing for ethernet network interface on bh network adapter. When i enter network browser it says . ip is showing as

06-01-2013, 04:07 PM
Just had thought. I have not got wi fi installed on my uno. My ethernet cable is connected from router to uno. My pc is connected to router by wi fi. Should ethernet cable be connected direct from pc to uno.

06-01-2013, 04:08 PM
Hi wildrover,

You need to enter (root) but don't leave
Password, Enter (dreambox) into Password.


06-01-2013, 04:14 PM
Hi wildrover,

Your setup is OK, same as I have.
Wifi to router Ethernet to Uno.

Try the Channel settings APP.
Dreamset 235 x 32.
That FTPs the latest Channel list
to your Uno.
When Installed all her will
walk you through Setup.


06-01-2013, 04:21 PM is not a standard ip address from a router is one of several standard router addresses, so or are standard ip addresses for pc or boxes

alternatives for a router can be say or or or similar

you will notice by now that 192.168x.xx is the common theme, and the subnet is usually

I already told you in post #10 to type ipconfig into the command prompt to find out your pc and router ip addresses, and your box should be something similar. no point in you asking for help if you dont read the answers !

never had an uno but all my boxes are connected to my netgear router using ethernet cables and have similar ip addresses to the above

post back with your router ip address (host) and your laptop ip address (client)

06-01-2013, 04:38 PM
sound simmeler to a problem i have
i can ping my box and get a reply
but i cant ftp to it or connect with dcc or vucc

but if install the image again i can then use dcc or vucc and can then ftp to me box again then try again next day no connection again

uno and black hole latest
straing one

06-01-2013, 04:44 PM
if dhcp is on then the router assigns an ip based on the next available ip after the routers own base ip which can change daily

this is why members should fix their boxes to a fixed ip away from the basic early ones

so if your router is , use something like for your first box , for your next box etc

and leave to for wifi devices like smartphones and laptops and consoles

06-01-2013, 04:44 PM
Hi All,

Look' like widlrover has no
B/Hole or openvix or spa image installed.


06-01-2013, 05:32 PM
is this box genuine or clone

06-01-2013, 05:43 PM
Genuine box. blackhole image 1.7.9 back up file loaded as i had problems installing original file. I have all channels running and access to black hole menu. Do you think back up image is problem. If so i will have to go through the heartache of removing back up image and installing new image.

06-01-2013, 05:54 PM
what is it you have backed up is it connected to a server do you have your config file on your pc if so id just re image it with the latest image and not a back up

i keep all my files needed in one folder on me pc
if the box goes **** up i just start again

06-01-2013, 05:55 PM
I haven,t read the full thread so apologies if i offer advice on whats already being covered,

As you say your using a backup image,

Is it your Backup image file or some one elses?

if someone elses
most backups the root password have been changed so i would presume this would be your issue.

Hopefully you will have TSpanel in your plugin panel
from memory you run TSpanel and either in tools or aplications you can reset your root password
the reset removes any password
so ftp login would then be as follows
IP Address: 192.168.x.x
username: root

another option in BH Plugin feeds you should be able to download password changer

simon 2003
06-01-2013, 09:54 PM
2 lan connections showing for ethernet network interface on bh network adapter. When i enter network browser it says . ip is showing as

thats a loop back address thats why your not connecting , try adding a static address say and if you have sussed it yet try to ping it from your PC see what happens

didnt think you needed password on vu+ ,mines blank on VUCC with just root as the user??on latest blackhole on solo2

06-01-2013, 10:10 PM
I have already gone into great detail twice about the ip addressing and been totally ignored up to now. several other members including yourself and compass have also mentioned correct ip addressing too

06-01-2013, 11:41 PM
So sorry mate. Iwas confused when you said press return. Iam not very pc savvy. I pressed enter on my laptop and hey presto i got following .Pinging : 32 bytes of data : packets sent=4 : received=0 :lost4

06-01-2013, 11:49 PM
thats still not the ip of your uno m8

have you had a dream box before do you no how to network and ftp

06-01-2013, 11:57 PM
So sorry mate. Iwas confused when you said press return. Iam not very pc savvy. I pressed enter on my laptop and hey presto i got following .Pinging : 32 bytes of data : packets sent=4 : received=0 :lost4

if you took the trouble to read his post it actually says , not

he was telling you an example ip to set your uno to, doesnt mean its correct

open the command prompt again and type ipconfig and press return

you will get 2 ip addresses

1) 1 will be your router

2) the second will be your laptop

type them both in your next reply, that way we will know what address range your router is using

alternatively, access the admin panel of your router through your web browser and check the ip,s of the connected devices and type them all in your next reply

do not ignore replies just because you dont understand the jargon

until you sort out this ip addressing you wont get anywhere

07-01-2013, 12:00 AM
New to linux. Not sure how to network or ftp. Ihave swiched off DHCP and left interface on. The only ip showing is primary dns which says

07-01-2013, 12:02 AM
New to linux. Not sure how to network or ftp. Ihave swiched off DHCP and left interface on. The only ip showing is primary dns which says

now do what I said in my last reply or I am closing this thread

07-01-2013, 12:15 AM
New to linux. Not sure how to network or ftp. Ihave swiched off DHCP and left interface on. The only ip showing is primary dns which says

why buy one if you never done it before if you got from the sponcere it says at least basic networking needed

i suggest you read all the uno info and watch the youtube from lee

i wouldnt of got one if i didnt no the basics

07-01-2013, 12:17 AM
now do what I said in my last reply or I am closing this thread

i suggest you close this m8 hes not reading

07-01-2013, 12:17 AM
If i wanted to find my VU Ip address i would do the following

press menu on your remote, then select

07-01-2013, 12:20 AM
he has turned off dhcp so wont get an ip address as it has to be set manually, same as mine

until he answers my questions and does what I have told him to do none of us know the ip range used by his router, which is wasting everybodys time

so if he continues to ignore my repeated requests I will close this thread as its not helping anybody

07-01-2013, 12:23 AM
IPV4 address is . default gateway address is . Ethernet adapter says no media is connected

07-01-2013, 12:24 AM
in the set up wen you turn of dchp it gives the ip so i domt undersand y we dont have it

07-01-2013, 12:25 AM
ok, and what is the laptop ip address ?

ipconfig should have given you the router ip address which was and the laptop address where the last number will be higher than 1

07-01-2013, 12:25 AM
game over

07-01-2013, 12:33 AM
in the set up wen you turn of dchp it gives the ip so i domt undersand y we dont have it

I wanted both of them, and I assume his laptop is on 2 or 3 or 4 , ie:- just above 1 , but it may be say 100 or 101 or similar

07-01-2013, 12:39 AM
router should be 1 by wats posted

2 should as norm be pc

3 should be if no more connected 3 if not hes not givin enough info m8 and its getting borring now

07-01-2013, 12:43 AM
router should be 1 by wats posted

2 should as norm be pc

3 should be if no more connected 3 if not hes not givin enough info m8 and its getting borring now

I know what you mean, its like asking somebody to pop to the shop for some milk for the coffee, and bread and butter for toast, they take 2 hours so you are starving and come back with a paper with a picture of a mc`muffin and a cup of coffee from mickey`dees on the advert page :D

once I can see what his lappy is using I can get a good idea where the client start address is , probably 2 or 3

up to now people have used the 192.168.0.xx default router settings for advice and so all tests will fail as his router is clearly 192.168.1.xx

07-01-2013, 12:43 AM
as he says its wired his range should be no more than 5 then theres the wifi i dont no that bit sorry

07-01-2013, 12:49 AM
when this all started the first task he should have been asked to do was establish these networking details using ipconfig

then he could have been told to ping the router, in this case using ping and press return, this would have had 4 answerbacks proving how it works and getting him used to doing it

he should also have been asked to check the router admin panel from his web browser using as the "address" in the address bar and logging in

he could then have checked "connected devices" and seen what was listed, and with dhcp on inside his vu he would have got his laptop , the vu and his router, and any other devices like smartphones or consoles or whatever as well in that router admin panel

once we knew what his vu was using , he could then have pinged it to check if it was connected to the router and answering back

the methodology is important and too many steps were missed, causing this saga to continue

07-01-2013, 12:58 AM
agreeed i think this post needs trimming back a bit m8


07-01-2013, 01:00 AM
If he enabled DHCP and did either

press menu

Device settings
Adapter Settings

or alternatively


He would then have the Network interface of his VUUNO

Ip address: 192.168.X.X
Subnet mask:
Gateway: 192.168.X.X

07-01-2013, 01:06 AM
If he enabled DHCP and did either

press menu

or alternatively

He would then have the Network interface of his VUUNO

he will if he has a good connection and if the router has assigned those details

otherwise he wont

what worried me was the fact that he said the ip was the loopback ip of in post #12

clearly there is an issue there, could be a faulty cable, not pushed home correctly , all kinds of issues

07-01-2013, 01:47 AM
Got it sorted gents. The ports vucc were set up wrong. I have now got them set web control port 80. ftp port 21 telnet port 23 . I also turned DHCP back on.

07-01-2013, 02:24 AM
glad your sorted m8
as you could not understand
1 post 29
2 post 31


nevermind glad your sorted

07-01-2013, 09:32 AM
Got it sorted gents. The ports vucc were set up wrong. I have now got them set web control port 80. ftp port 21 telnet port 23 . I also turned DHCP back on.


so now you should have an ip address for the vu , something like

so whatever that last number is , try a ping from a laptop command prompt like before

ping and press return (change the last digit to your vu address)

it should return an answerback 4 times, showing its good to go and that you know more than over the weekend

then use VuCC 0.6 , dreamboxedit and dreamset in order to access it

you can also use the address (like in your web browser and look at its web interface panel

your router admin panel will be in in your web browser