View Full Version : My Review of the Avenger 321 Standard LNB

11-01-2013, 01:03 AM
As I promise here is one of my resent test, done this past 3 of January,
The LNB tested is the Avenger 321, I choose this LNB because it has being classified HD Ready, I have tested old LNBs with new HD receivers and work OK, no missing TP's freq during a Blind Scan at all, but this new era of High Def some manufacturers are starting to mark their LNBs with this HD Ready logo, so I started with this one, first here is what I have, SkyBox S12 HD Mini PVR, OpenBox S10 HD Mini PVR, 9 dishes in the 4.5' feet and 2 5.5' feet all of them solid none are mesh nor fiberglass, in my area the Sats available to me are from 15west to 135west, everything 121 west and above are a bit difficult to aim but it can be done.
First test was with a dish wish is already fixed at 30west Hispasat, I removed the LNB FortecStar Quad Universal 0.3dB Noise I had with the Avenger 321, did the proper settings at the receiver's menu and exit the menu to see 1 of my favorites channels from this Sat channel Monte Carlo, first thing I notice was the quality signal meter, it improved from 73-76% that it fluctuates to 79-81%, then the image, image was very sharp color definition was improved also.
Second test was aiming a dish or Sat hunting as I like to call it using the Avenger on a 4.5' feet I have for test, using the Accutrac 22 Plus Sat Finder and the OpenBox S10 with Portable TV I started to Hunt Sat at 78west Known as Simon Bolivar, I enter this Sat's TP manually and started to hunt, Honestly in the Hunting I didn't see any difference at all found the Sat did the last adjustment to gain the best quality signal possible and did a Blind Scan, everyone that has owned an OpenBox knows this receiver's has a good tuner and good Blind Scan, but it is no secret they tend to skip 1 or 2 TPs during the Scan, but on this test is where I got surprised the OpenBox did the Blind Scan and didn't skip a single TP, some members don't think the same but I have chatted with a few old timers from this Hobby and they all said, "it doesn't matter how good a Blind Scan of a receiver can be it will be affected by the LNB's quality" It seems this LNB is well made, it was the first time my OpenBox did not skip a single TP.
I recommend this LNB, it really performs as I was expecting and the price is cheap, here are the LNB's specs
Input Freq: 11.70-12.75GHz
Output Freq: 950-2000
L.O. Freq: 10.75 GHz
Noise fig: 0.1dB
HD Ready

11-01-2013, 01:36 AM
aint hd and 3d ready lnb's just advertising bull**** ?

11-01-2013, 02:29 AM
aint hd and 3d ready lnb's just advertising bull**** ?
That is what I have heard, I haven't seen an old LNB that doesn't work with new receivers, the only thing I can see improved is the image and color def with a newer LNB, I am sure manufacturers just add this stuff to sell their stuff faster.

11-01-2013, 11:50 AM
That is what I have heard, I haven't seen an old LNB that doesn't work with new receivers, the only thing I can see improved is the image and color def with a newer LNB, I am sure manufacturers just add this stuff to sell their stuff faster.

I don't know anything about lnb's but surely image quality or colour definition cannot be affected by the lnb. The colour and resolution will be coded within the signal won't it?

11-01-2013, 11:58 AM
Not changed my LNB for 5 or 6 years and get full HD & 3D & lovely colours without any problems what-so-ever even on an OpenShyteBox

11-01-2013, 02:07 PM
And the other thing that could be happening is, since all my LNB are old installing a new one helped the signal quality strength, I remember an old thread where a member was explaining why the Noise figure of a LNB can affect image and color def, anyway I am no expert on electronics I just like to test stuff and see what is different with the previous equipment compared to the new equipment, just a test, 3D is something I can't test at all for now. I didn't have any image or color problems with my other LNBs, wish are all installed back where they were, I just said I saw an improvement on the color def and a sharper image.
Today on the mail I received a FTA receiver AZBox Bravissimo Twin, is the second one because the first one died after a few hours of test, not sure if it was power spikes but today I received the replacement.

21-01-2013, 05:49 AM
Guys I think I found out why the image improved when I tested this LNB, found more specs on the box where the LNB is packed, here is the info
Compact, lightweight, weatherproof with a 40mm throat diameter
Excellent Noise Ratio 0.1dB
Standard 10750 LO Frequency
40 dB Image Rejection
Great for all of your international channels & Ku linear sat feeds

07-02-2013, 12:11 AM
0.1 noise level is just marketing move....

07-02-2013, 12:12 AM
aint hd and 3d ready lnb's just advertising bull**** ?
Totally agree. :)