View Full Version : Plugin Tutorials?

11-01-2013, 10:33 AM
I have downloaded & installed a plugin bundle onto my S3600 but I'm unsure which ones to use or indeed, how to use them!!
Can someone kindly run down what each of the plugins do (in laymans terms please!)?
For instance, Coconut sounds lovely but I don't actually know what it's meant to do for me and am I using it correctly?
MCAS Client
Xcam, Xcam Client
MGcam etc

Thanks in advance!

11-01-2013, 11:52 AM
I'd be inclined to use the forum search for each term listed failing that I'd then do a web search for each of them in turn.

Here's one to get you started for MCAS (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?125962-Octocam-Mcas-Emu)

11-01-2013, 12:01 PM
I have downloaded & installed a plugin bundle onto my S3600 but I'm unsure which ones to use or indeed, how to use them!!
Can someone kindly run down what each of the plugins do (in laymans terms please!)?
For instance, Coconut sounds lovely but I don't actually know what it's meant to do for me and am I using it correctly?
MCAS Client
Xcam, Xcam Client
MGcam etc

Thanks in advance!

already explained in the glossary of terms at the top of the icecrypt forum

11-01-2013, 02:46 PM
Thank for the patience folks. Hopefully I won't ask too many more daft questions!

11-01-2013, 04:07 PM
Thank for the patience folks. Hopefully I won't ask too many more daft questions!

your best method of dealing with this is to assume the following statements are true

1) your questions have already been answered on a forum as old as this one

2) the file or section or information you require is already here somewhere

3) that the forum is split into sections dealing with different aspects

4) that sticky threads contain a wealth of information which is why they are "stuck" !

so biss is in the biss forum
mgcamd has its own mgcamd forum
cccam has its own cccam forum

that many aspects pertaining to dreamboxes and vu boxes (linux boxes) may well apply in this case too, due to crossover topics

therefore, the trick is to read as much as possible, search for the topic you wish to know about, and only ask questions if you are positive its not already here, because if it is you may feel embarrassed at being pointed towards existing threads or posts that are months or possibly years old ;)

so as you can see, the same thought had occurred to me well over 18 months ago in june 2011