View Full Version : TM-6900HD Combo Super various troubleshots-Help,please!

11-01-2013, 03:56 PM
My TM-6900HD Super has come with a few toubleshots the last 2 weeks & I could use any available advice,please.
A few seconds after booting it freezes on the current channel,even on a FTA,the picture keeps going,but the audio switches off & I can't do anything using the remote,I can't even switch the receiver off using the standby button on the box.
The only thing I can do is reboot the receiver using the mains switch at the rear and then it might work OK till I set it to standby again when I have watched enough.
Another troubleshot is that it stopped reading any kind of USB sticks via both slots available.
A third one is that the front display pannel is going off from time to time,not so frequently though.
Today I switched from 751p to 752p using the rs232 port,but that solved nothing.
I thought starting all over from the scratch,using the go-back software (which I couldn't find anywhere,has anyone got it available please?) but would that fix anything?
Any advise welcome.

11-01-2013, 03:59 PM
Capacitors in power supply and on main board. If you look dud ones will have domed tops (should be flat).

Sent using sorcery and the magic interwebs.

11-01-2013, 04:21 PM
Thanks,mate.I must check and take it to a technician friend to confirm.

P.S. No,I can't see any of them having domed tops or any burned wire smell or sign.

11-01-2013, 05:28 PM
Have you tried a Factory Reset mate (but backup Channel List FIRST if you have one with red button) - followed by the 'standard' installation procedure as follows:-

First Backup Channel List
Then Factory Reset
Load patch 752P (no need to use orig firmware with this patch as suggested previously, as its included within patch 752P)
Load Add-On
Factory Reset
Restore Channel list via USB
Load latest softcam from USB

It now SHOULD be ok, thats always assuming your TM5900HD Super allows you to follow all this mate!

Good luck!:bravo-009:

11-01-2013, 06:32 PM
@holmroad m8 thanks for the tips!
Don't forget usb upgrade option is gone atm,I'm fighting using the rs 232 serial port.
I've managed to load the official fw 729/19-08-2010 successfully (doing all factory resets required)
but that did not improve anything and tried the official 747_July2012 fw which the Darkman loader pushed it in
until the last step where ""Writing OK ...100%" is displayed on the loader but it stuck there(!),
my receiver also displays "WRITE 100%" switched off to reboot,but it is stuck there,not rebooting!
What do I do now???
The only option on Darkman's loader is to Cancel the procedure(it never turned to "Finish" as it should).
And on receiver the only option is to switch it from the rear and turn it back on,
but that would be too risky,the box should come back itself at this step.
Any clue?

11-01-2013, 06:46 PM
Ah, yes I see mate, not as straightforward as had hoped - and 729P also a good patch, although 726P is the recommended one before they started to start causing all the probs we have endured this past year and a half!
Why not contact TM themselves, I'm told they CAN be very helpful - especially after all the other probs thgey've given us - as mentioned above? :respect-069:

11-01-2013, 06:53 PM
Finally I dared to switch it off from the rear and it successfully came back on.
I'll go for the 752p now and leave it alone for today,I'll surely contact my seller-shop tomorrow.
I'll let you know the results.

11-01-2013, 08:41 PM
From the symptoms you describe, especially the USB ports no longer functioning, I would put my money on a faulty main power supply board. I have the same model receiver as you and my USB ports started to malfunction and then stopped working completely a couple of months ago. Following the advice in the Technomate section on this forum I checked out my power supply and found 4 capacitors with slightly domed tops. replaced them and everything has worked perfectly since. If you are not confident with replacing capacitors I believe you can buy a replacement power supply board from Technomate for £20-30. Swapping this only involves removing the outer case and then undoing the 4 screws that secure the board plus two cables attached to it.

11-01-2013, 09:50 PM
From the symptoms you describe, especially the USB ports no longer functioning, I would put my money on a faulty main power supply board. I have the same model receiver as you and my USB ports started to malfunction and then stopped working completely a couple of months ago. Following the advice in the Technomate section on this forum I checked out my power supply and found 4 capacitors with slightly domed tops. replaced them and everything has worked perfectly since. If you are not confident with replacing capacitors I believe you can buy a replacement power supply board from Technomate for £20-30. Swapping this only involves removing the outer case and then undoing the 4 screws that secure the board plus two cables attached to it.

Looking at the USB symptoms I think it's likely to be the blown capacitors. I put off taking the back off mine for months and I couldn't believe just how easy it was when I did. It took me about 20 mins all in and I'm no electronics technician.

here is a link to my outcome: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?156529-Tm6900-super-amp-usb-problem/page2

11-01-2013, 11:03 PM
Looking at the USB symptoms I think it's likely to be the blown capacitors. I put off taking the back off mine for months and I couldn't believe just how easy it was when I did. It took me about 20 mins all in and I'm no electronics technician.

here is a link to my outcome: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?156529-Tm6900-super-amp-usb-problem/page2

Well obviously I too had the same symptoms last year and replaced the swollen caps accordingly - but sat_rrstm has already said his caps are ok, hence me suggesting him contacting TM!
However I would still put my money on it being the caps/power supply which may sort out the really irritating problem sat_rrstm has got!
As I said earlier, good luck mate!!:respect-055:

11-01-2013, 11:15 PM
Thank you all guys,I'm pretty convinced now that this is a faulty-capacitors issue
and I'm taking my box to a friend tomorrow to check & replace every blown one.
I will let you know when it's fixed.

11-01-2013, 11:46 PM
I was looking at the power supply caps a while ago. Here is a list of some of the caps and the supply lines they are connected to.

C14 ......... 3300uF 10V ...... 1.7V
C12,41 ... 1500uF 10V ........ 5V
C28 ........ 2200uF 16V ........ 7V/8V
C22,23 ... 47uF 50V ............ 32V for VFD Display?
C15 ....... 2200uF 10V ......... 1.7V
C29 ....... 1000uF 10V ......... 8V

The power for the USB ports comes from voltage regulator U18 and is switched by U20 for the front port and U23 for the back one.
U18 is near the middle of the main board (slightly towards the front), a large plastic transistor type package mounted flat on it's back.
The middle pin is the output and should be 5V the input pin on the left is fed with 8V from the PSU. The right pin is the voltage adjust pin and I measured 3.8V on here.

C28 would be a good bet for your problems but any of the caps failing would load the transformer and affect the other outputs.

The power supply connections are marked with the voltages which should be present.
I'm sure your technician friend will be able to check these

12-01-2013, 01:55 AM
I was looking at the power supply caps a while ago. Here is a list of some of the caps and the supply lines they are connected to.

C14 ......... 3300uF 10V ...... 1.7V
C12,41 ... 1500uF 10V ........ 5V
C28 ........ 2200uF 16V ........ 7V/8V
C22,23 ... 47uF 50V ............ 32V for VFD Display?
C15 ....... 2200uF 10V ......... 1.7V
C29 ....... 1000uF 10V ......... 8V

The power for the USB ports comes from voltage regulator U18 and is switched by U20 for the front port and U23 for the back one.
U18 is near the middle of the main board (slightly towards the front), a large plastic transistor type package mounted flat on it's back.
The middle pin is the output and should be 5V the input pin on the left is fed with 8V from the PSU. The right pin is the voltage adjust pin and I measured 3.8V on here.

C28 would be a good bet for your problems but any of the caps failing would load the transformer and affect the other outputs.

The power supply connections are marked with the voltages which should be present.
I'm sure your technician friend will be able to check these

You make it sound much more complicated than it actually was. I just took my power board to RS components and asked him for replacement capacitors with higher rating if possible. He went in the back and came back with the replacements and i just replaced the capacitors like for like, keeping the orientation the same as the ones I was replacing (to keep the correct polarisation. ROCKET SCIENCE it was not!)

12-01-2013, 01:45 PM
@stroker thanks for the list,I'll take it with me on Monday morning
and as @joany said it can't be such a hard job for a tecnician to fix.

12-01-2013, 01:48 PM
Well thanks to Joany & stroker - and all the other information off here, you'll have all the info at hand to hopefully totally resolve your probs sat_rrstm mate!
All the best - I'm sure you'll get it sorted!:respect-055:

14-01-2013, 03:01 PM
Good news!
Out of those 4 red-arrow marked caps by another member here in the attached pic below
I just had the 2 on the right blown & replaced,so now everything is back to normal atm.
Thank you all guys,you were all very kind & helpful! :respect-053: :respect-001: :cheers2:


15-01-2013, 01:03 AM
@ sat_rrstm
Thats GREAT news mate - just as we'd all hoped - but you never really know for certain till it actually happens and works out fine!
So pleased for you mate!:respect-055::bravo-009::respect-040:

15-01-2013, 06:48 PM
... a few seconds after booting it freezes on the current channel,even on a FTA,the picture keeps going,but the audio switches off & I can't do anything using the remote,I can't even switch the receiver off using the standby button on the box.
The only thing I can do is reboot the receiver using the mains switch at the rear and then it might work OK till I set it to standby again when I have watched enough.

This bug kept on using the 752p and after 5-6 patches tests,I noticed that had no problems when using 726p_11-06-2010 and 736p-23-12-2010,
so I stuck to 736p until the 753p is released.

15-01-2013, 07:26 PM
I also have seen the problem with 752p where the remote appears to stop working but only very occasionally. I was beginning to think the remote may need new batteries. I have been using 726p mainly but have just gone back to 752p so I'll have to see how much a problem it is. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that 753p will not be too long coming.

16-01-2013, 01:16 AM
I thought it was only ME who had to periodically switch my TM6900HD Super off at the back when I could no longer communicate with it via my remote - but whilst it does seem worse with 752P I also experienced it whilst on 726P for long periods between patches!
Maybe we should add it to our 'Feedback on 752P thread for Phantom to take care of, just in case he actually reads it?:respect-055:

18-01-2013, 10:56 AM
The USB sockets on my TM6800HD Super stopped working last week, so I guessed that some of the capacitors had blown on the PSU, as reported here. I decided to take the easy repair route and replace the whole PSU, so I ordered one from Technomate (£25 + £12 postage) and it arrived the next day. The whole job took about 30 minutes, including disconnecting the receiver from my system and reconnecting it after the repair. Everything seems to be working again now.

Without Satpimps, I would have had no idea what the problem was, so this shows the value of members sharing their experiences.

20-01-2013, 11:44 PM
The USB sockets on my TM6800HD Super stopped working last week, so I guessed that some of the capacitors had blown on the PSU, as reported here. I decided to take the easy repair route and replace the whole PSU, so I ordered one from Technomate (£25 + £12 postage) and it arrived the next day. The whole job took about 30 minutes, including disconnecting the receiver from my system and reconnecting it after the repair. Everything seems to be working again now.

Without Satpimps, I would have had no idea what the problem was, so this shows the value of members sharing their experiences.

Its interesting however that you have a TM6800HD Super mate, whereas I believe ALL the previous 'USB' probs have only applied to the TM6900HD Supers?:confused:

21-01-2013, 10:49 AM
Its interesting however that you have a TM6800HD Super mate, whereas I believe ALL the previous 'USB' probs have only applied to the TM6900HD Supers?:confused:

The TM6800HD is basically the same receiver as the TM6900HD, but without the terrestrial receiver, so I would assume that the PSUs are the same and prone to the same problems.