View Full Version : PKTeam E2 NEBULA v3 For IceCrypt / Atevio / Octagon

11-01-2013, 11:15 PM
Enigma2 OCTAGON PKT E2 - Nebula V3 - 918-1028 , 10-10-12

This is a link to the start of the thread for the above E2 image, where it can be downloaded, and covers all the 35** / 36** / 4000 / 6000 range.


I've found the octagon version to have most of the remote keys working, and stable.

When setting up most of the new images, if you cant configure your tuner set it to 'nothing connected' then download or transfer over your channel list, then after a restart configuring wont be an issue (satalites will be populated).

Have fun...