View Full Version : Recording a Biss encrypted .ts file

12-01-2013, 03:40 PM
Can anyone explain why when I record a fta sattelite .ts file, the file is many mb's in size.

When I record a Biss encrypted .ts file, the file is very small. It takes around 5 minutes of recording to get over a mb.


12-01-2013, 08:01 PM
A ts file can contain multiple video, multiple audio and multiple data streams (epg, subtitles, teletext, private data etc.) including different tables. A single fta channel can be reconstructed from one video stream and one or more audio streams which are contained within the ts file.

It is possible to record multiple video streams, or even a single video stream, a single audio stream, a single private data stream or any other combination you might think of, and place these streams within a .ts file. Each of these captures could have a size that varies from GBytes to MBytes to kBytes or even a few bytes. Most possibly the "satellite ts file" you recorded consists of multiple streams, and the "Biss encrypted ts file" is probably a single private data stream or it could even be a single audio stream. If you upload the small file I can tell you exactly what you recorded.

12-01-2013, 08:14 PM
The small Biss file in question is PLTV 10 east.


12-01-2013, 08:41 PM
The small Biss file in question is PLTV 10 east.

dog-manNoone can tell you what you recorded unless you explain how you did it or you show us the file

12-01-2013, 10:33 PM
I used progdvb with a skystar 2 HD express pci card.

I recorded about a 1 minute stream using pid recorder and all streams and pids selected.


13-01-2013, 12:00 PM
I don't know how progdvb records pids. Maybe it only records non-encrypted pids and thats why you have that result. Upload it here if you want to know exactly what you recorded.

13-01-2013, 12:13 PM
5 min recording of pltv should be a few hundred mb.

13-01-2013, 12:19 PM
Here is around 1 minute of a .ts file recording.



13-01-2013, 01:45 PM
There are 11 pids present in your file, 10 of which are tables which make 47% of the file and the remaining pid which makes the other 53% is a PCR pid, which is timming information that is needed by stbs or media players in order to synchronise video and audio.

All of the pids present are not encrypted, maybe progdvb doesn't record encrypted pids? From the information provided within the tables there should have been more pids present (like audio and video pids)

13-01-2013, 01:57 PM
It should do as it has an option for 'not recording encrypted pids'.

What other options are there for me recording a .ts file using my skystar 2 HD card?


13-01-2013, 01:59 PM
sothings messed up, try recoeding it with the known biss key and see what file size you get.

13-01-2013, 02:01 PM
somthings messed up, try recoeding it with the known biss key and see what file size you get.

13-01-2013, 02:02 PM
I don't currently have any plugins within progdvb.

Should I?

I am just using progdvb with nothing added.


13-01-2013, 02:08 PM
I don't currently have any plugins within progdvb.

Should I?

I am just using progdvb with nothing added.


when recording you dont want to have any emu's running but its worth testing to make sure your signal in progdvb is ok

13-01-2013, 02:31 PM
It should do as it has an option for 'not recording encrypted pids'.
Try it twice setting the option on and off and see if it makes any difference

13-01-2013, 02:40 PM
I think I have found the answer to my problem.

I need to double check to make sure, but it looks like the problem was that the codecs were set for mpeg2 channels and PLTV is mpeg4.


13-01-2013, 03:37 PM
I was wrong. The problem was not the codecs.

Progdvb needs the mdplug plugin installed for it to be able to record a full transport stream.

Obviously the correct key should NOT be in any softcam file.

Here is my latest recording. It is much larger than previous files.



13-01-2013, 04:56 PM
something is still not correct though, created input txt for cudabiss but it passes known key

13-01-2013, 05:31 PM
I think I have found the answer to my problem.What exactly is your problem? That you cannot clear it using progdvb?

13-01-2013, 05:56 PM
I am trying to create a .ts file of PLTV that will help in the search for keys.

I can clear it with progdvb if I use mdplug and a softcam file if I want.

My setup is: - Win 7, 64 bit. could that be the problem?
I am running a 32 bit version of progdvb. I have never found the 64 bit version to run very well if at all.


13-01-2013, 06:13 PM
The second ts file you created is ok, the encrypted video and audio streams are both present.

13-01-2013, 07:03 PM
Why then does 3tv say that cudabiss passes the known key when using this .ts file?


13-01-2013, 08:56 PM
I put your file in a ts analyser and can see 12 pids present, including the desired video and audio pids. These 2 pids seem to not have any missing data, however I cannot see any scrambling flags set on the ts level. I am quite sure the scrambling control flags should be set, maybe progdvb has altered this flag? I guess an expert can clear things up.

13-01-2013, 09:39 PM
Try this one. It is possible that I did not have mdplug active when recording.

A long shot, but worth investigating.



13-01-2013, 10:21 PM
Again no scrambling flags set

13-01-2013, 10:22 PM
Very strange!

What other progs could I use other than Progdvb?


13-01-2013, 10:33 PM
google :

progdvb recording biss

first link might be usefull

13-01-2013, 10:51 PM
The first link in Google just directs me to the progdvb web site????

I am going to try some different versions. I have already tried two versions.
