View Full Version : elevation

13-01-2013, 02:23 PM
ok as i speak i am setting up new motorised installation using tm2600,box tm5402,65cm 26degree offset dish.dish mounted on pole and aiming due south by eye according to dishpointer.black ultra set at 0 skew.lat set at 51 degrees on motor and tightened.all other bolts just pinched up for movement until locked to ref 1w.i am a little unsure about what the elevation should be on dish itself.what do you think.

13-01-2013, 02:34 PM
around 27.5 to 30.5 approx, but should tell you in the motor manual

similar to this thread


13-01-2013, 02:40 PM
thanks again echelon.bit confused with manual,bearing in mind i am a complete novice.manual says 30 degrees minus declination angle.very confusing to the likes of ME.

13-01-2013, 02:51 PM
Ah.Page 7 of manual explains better. Elevation 39 Declination 7.4. 39-7.4=22.6 Dish Eelevation.Must be right i guess.

13-01-2013, 03:16 PM
best to get a lock on a sat ,then fine tune your dish to get max signal,,,,,,if motor is set ok, and brackets plumb,, you should no problems at all,,,,,,i always start with the dish plumb on 28.2 ,then fine tune from there.

13-01-2013, 03:36 PM
Ah.Page 7 of manual explains better. Elevation 39 Declination 7.4. 39-7.4=22.6 Dish Eelevation.Must be right i guess.

39 - 7.4 = 31.6 elevation m8

13-01-2013, 04:21 PM
stumped.only getting level 97% quality 9%

13-01-2013, 04:25 PM
make sure usals is enabled, and set your location on your box

make sure you are using something like 31 degrees and not the 22 you posted earlier

select thor 0.8w and bbc world news

now providing your motor latitude or elevation is set correctly, you have to use the left/right/up/down of the motor mount and dish elevation to get onto 0.8w, as long as you have no obstructions blocking 0.8w

all this is fully explained in that other thread where lawxlb is also trying to do the same as you are

13-01-2013, 04:43 PM
yes have set usals and put 51.7 lat and 1.20 long west into box.gonna set 31 on dish like you said.fear i might have changed settings of motor.can i reset by pushing needle into hole while powered . the motor is turning ok,but the dial on motor is reading past 30 degrees east.when told to go to 28.2 east.can see this as only approx 10 feet from ground.

13-01-2013, 05:11 PM
manually set motor to zero using buttons on motor before resetting,,,,,,was motor at zero when you bought it ?? would do this as a last resort
the tm 2600 is a great bit of kit ,very reliable

13-01-2013, 05:18 PM
thank voyager for assistance.have put paper clip in motor to reset but nothing happens.led light changes to orange while doing this but no movement at all.motor was a tad past zero from new

13-01-2013, 05:33 PM
sok.should've read this better.have now used maual button on motor to set 0 then placed paperclip in reset,orange led lights briefly.hope this now corrected motor
manually set motor to zero using buttons on motor before resetting,,,,,,was motor at zero when you bought it ?? would do this as a last resort
the tm 2600 is a great bit of kit ,very reliable

13-01-2013, 05:39 PM
i have put longtidude setting as 1.2 west.should this be 01.2.lat i have put 51.7,in tm5402.

13-01-2013, 06:13 PM
i have put longtidude setting as 1.2 west.should this be 01.2.lat i have put 51.7,in tm5402.

1.2w (west) is your longitude, latitude is 51.7n (north)
28.2 east is not going to be on 28.2e on the motor pointer, its going to be a few degrees out, so could well read past 30 east

13-01-2013, 06:46 PM
thank you echelon.dark now so have to leave it for now.i think i must recheck cable connections.baffled because led on motor green.double checked pole is plumb.think you right about pointer on motor nudging past.it wasn't exactly on zero when new but only a tad east of centre.shouldn't have thought that would make significant difference.motor goes to x so no probs there.dish elevtion set at 30 degrees.but so far no thurther than level 97% quality at 9% tops.will have another go next weekend arghhh!.problem is sitting at the end of my nose and i still can't see it!hope and pray u about next attempt.you have been an asset.thank you voyager also.

13-01-2013, 06:58 PM
what format is the longtitude setting??

13-01-2013, 06:59 PM
I think you are over thinking things m8

put the box onto diseqc v1.2 and nudge the motor to the zero setting on its pointer, now reset the motor to set its zero

change to usals on the box ensuring the correct location is stored as above (longitude and latitude) and select 0.8w and the motor pointer will move to where it believes 0.8w will be relative to your location which will be a few degrees from where you expect it to be (it will not have say 19e at 19e on the pointer, and it wont have 28.2e at 28.2e on the pointer, I think that you think the motor pointer will mirror the satellite you have sent it to - it wont !! )

so when you send it to 28.2e on the box it may go to 30e or 32e for all I know or can remember

I know my motor is about zero on the pointer when I select 5w, so thats about 5 degrees of difference, which is really of no consequence anyway, so you would think that when I am on 28.2e its pointing to say 33.2e on the pointer

now the important part

set the motor elevation to your latitude and lock it off

now the variables

your motor will swing left or right when you slacken the locknuts holding it to the pole
this is your left and right adjustment

now with your dish set to say 31 or so degrees, you have the box on 0.8w thor and bbc world news,
and try to find it by moving the motor and dish, the dish elevation is your up/down adjustment

if and when you find it , lock it off when you peak the signal, then test bbc1 etc on 28.2e astra 2

all the above depends on you having no brick walls or trees etc blocking the signals (and not yourself blocking it either)

alternatively you could try 5w fta channels, or 7e fta channels, or even hotbird fta channels on 13e, still using usals as the locator

when you get onto a known sat, lock it off and mark the mounts with marker pen so you have reference points

nobody said this was simple, and is one reason installers charge so much, but you learn a lot by doing it, and can fix things if they go wrong
the first time is the worst, when you have done a few it makes more sense

13-01-2013, 07:20 PM
format is 00.0 voyager.just checked.same for lat
what format is the longtitude setting??

13-01-2013, 07:35 PM
format is 00.0 voyager.just checked.same for lat

in that case its

01.2W for longitude
51.7N for latitude

13-01-2013, 07:36 PM
i think my problem maybe short length of webro cable between lnb and and motor.not sure tho.to dark.i know the cable ok from receiver cus had to plug back into our original sly minidish.missus throwing a wobbly (dancing on ice),and all ok for 28.2.echelon.my line of sight is pretty good from about 30w to 50e.so shouldn't be any probs there.this could be as simple as 1 strand copper wire touching where it shouldn't.this is what i am hoping cus i should have picked up something from the arc surely.

13-01-2013, 07:39 PM
in that case its

01.2W for longitude
51.7N for latitude

yes just double checked and can confirm i have correctly entered details as same.

13-01-2013, 07:40 PM
i think my problem maybe short length of webro cable between lnb and and motor.not sure tho.to dark.i know the cable ok from receiver cus had to plug back into our original sly minidish.missus throwing a wobbly (dancing on ice),and all ok for 28.2.echelon.my line of sight is pretty good from about 30w to 50e.so shouldn't be any probs there.this could be as simple as 1 strand copper wire touching where it shouldn't.this is what i am hoping cus i should have picked up something from the arc surely.

very true m8, a simple fault like that would cause you problems

as would if the inner core isnt protruding beyond the f connector by enough as it needs a good connection at each end, with the outer braid touching the f connector itself

so a few mm protruding past the f connector, and ideally a decent piece of coax for this task and long enough to allow movement

13-01-2013, 07:54 PM
yes.had this before.the wires being so fine.i will have to recheck them rf connectors.cable is good quality wf100 .this really has scrambled my brain.missus thinking about committing me lol.really enjoy the help and chat to be had here.helps to calm me slightly.only slightly mind.

13-01-2013, 08:00 PM
have about an 1/8" protruding.enough you think.
very true m8, a simple fault like that would cause you problems

as would if the inner core isnt protruding beyond the f connector by enough as it needs a good connection at each end, with the outer braid touching the f connector itself

so a few mm protruding past the f connector, and ideally a decent piece of coax for this task and long enough to allow movement

13-01-2013, 08:03 PM
could i have a dodgy lnb.qestions questions questions............

13-01-2013, 08:44 PM
could i have a dodgy lnb.qestions questions questions............

of course it could be a dodgy lnb, could be many things m8

only way to know is swap out the motor to lnb cable, swap out the lnb itself , test the box on your sly dish on 28e , etc etc

eighth of an inch protrusion sounds ok to me

13-01-2013, 09:10 PM
well.have been out armed with torch and taken off the lnb to motor cable.one end of cable core not protruding enough i fear.have cut another length of cable.original being a bit short anyway fouling dish mount bracket.may have a go tomorrow evening if i've the energy.

13-01-2013, 09:38 PM
hook your box up to your sky dish and scan the sat,then hook it back up to your motorised setup and work from there,,,,,as for the lnb ,,,its possible its faulty.,......but hard to tell.....give it another go

13-01-2013, 09:47 PM
well voyager.i am open to all suggestions and yours is no exception.thank you.will attack tomorrow eve,all being well.its just one piece of the puzzle missing which i cant put my finger on.hoping newly cut lnb to motor cable could be the completion of said puzzle.then again..................

13-01-2013, 09:56 PM
let me know how you get on

13-01-2013, 09:57 PM
you bet!

13-01-2013, 09:58 PM
poor old motor sat dish sitting up there wondering what to do lol

13-01-2013, 10:01 PM
From my understanding of motorised setups:-

Choose the sat nearest to the south of your location to zero dish, lnb zero skew, yours is thor details from your posts ( mine is 7e ) otherwise you cannot track the whole clarke belt arc of sats without probs ( weak TPs on other sats ).

Good luck

13-01-2013, 10:21 PM
well.i started at thor,which for me would be 1w i beleive.been there,wiggled and tickled,up and down and nothing.hoping its just a cable connection issue.because wherever i send dish,i'm only getting 8-9% quality.so its back to the drawing board for me.measure twice cut once,as they say.scaffold pole is allround plumb and once plumb,scaffold poles stay plumb.have even reset motor.has to be connection issue,i hope.i really need to get this going using usals.could be i have a malfunctioning lnb (black ultra).lnb brand new.so first time use.as said ,have recut another length of coax to go between motor and lnb.if this then works,i will give myself a good kicking for being to complacent in my rush to get this up and running.thank you skomedal.all taken onboard.

13-01-2013, 10:26 PM
did you install a recent motorised satellite channel list ?

if you did then there is no need to scan anything as they will already be in that channel list

if you didnt install a channel list then you wont be able to receive or check the channels I mentioned

it is worth testing it on 28e on your sly dish

you could even send the motor to 28.2e and look for bbc1 on your technomate to start with
then send it to thor at 0.8w and try for those fta channels

I cannot see the black ultra being faulty, but you never know

13-01-2013, 10:32 PM
no i haven't.would this make any significant difference.got the box from satpaul who i think is a member here.because we had fixed dish at that time,he set it up for 28.2 fixed dish channel list which works well.fixed list is still on box.no change.perhaps i should change you think echelon

13-01-2013, 10:36 PM
there is a motorised chan list on the usb stick he sent with the box.cndf file.should i use this

13-01-2013, 10:37 PM
or the latest maybe from download centre

13-01-2013, 10:39 PM
no i haven't.would this make any significant difference.got the box from satpaul who i think is a member here.because we had fixed dish at that time,he set it up for 28.2 fixed dish channel list which works well.fixed list is still on box.no change.perhaps i should change you think echelon

think I already replied to that in another thread of yours yesterday

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?160034-usb-to-null-modem-lead post #12

clearly if you had a 28.2e channel list on the box , and nothing for thor, you wont have got anything from thor and could not have selected bbc world news or the music channel or that bvt channel either

if you are going to try to line up on thor, clearly you need a channel list including thor

so as I said in your other thread, save your 28.2e list that you have been using (and proves the box is ok) and install a motorised channel list that allows you to access channels on thor, especially those I mentioned

you definitely cannot locate thor without a channel list that includes thor channels, as you wont have had an active transponder and so could never have picked up a signal, hence your problems !

clearly you should try to use the latest list you can (the most recent)

but even the old list he gave you should enable you to setup your system properly, then ask him for an up to date list

13-01-2013, 10:47 PM
i would concentrate on getting a signal on 28.2 first ,,,,it is the strongest sat in your location ,,,,,once you get that sorted you can send the motor to the highest sat on the arc in your case thor ,,,and fine tune to get the max signal,,,,the rest should fall into place after that,,,,,,,,,do you have an inline signal meter as these can be a big help....also always unplug power to your receiver before disconnecting the co ax cable as this can damage the lnb..

13-01-2013, 10:51 PM
bloody hell.i am my own worse enemy.should i use the one from download centre. 30W-42E-TM-540..CNDF.transfer to stick,select usb/data transfer highlight said file/press ok on remote i think.

13-01-2013, 10:59 PM
bloody hell.i am my own worse enemy.should i use the one from download centre. 30W-42E-TM-540..CNDF.transfer to stick,select usb/data transfer highlight said file/press ok on remote i think.

You can always do a factory ( original ) reset

13-01-2013, 11:03 PM
i would concentrate on getting a signal on 28.2 first ,,,,it is the strongest sat in your location ,,,,,once you get that sorted you can send the motor to the highest sat on the arc in your case thor ,,,and fine tune to get the max signal,,,,the rest should fall into place after that,,,,,,,,,do you have an inline signal meter as these can be a big help....also always unplug power to your receiver before disconnecting the co ax cable as this can damage the lnb..
this new dish is about 2 feet away from our fixed sly minidish.as echelon pointed out,i should install motorised chan list as opposed to the sly fixed list.even tho i have fixed list,shouldn't it have picked up something parked on 28.2.i must have had that almost pointing there when looking at our fixed dish,which works well.i do have a cheap signal meter,but i thought box itself would be good enough meter.maybe i am wrong.

13-01-2013, 11:07 PM
You can always do a factory ( original ) resetthought new motorised chan list would overwrite old fixed list.everything else seems to work fine.motor drives ok.i'm impressed with that.very quiet running even if i cant watch corry lol.

13-01-2013, 11:09 PM
yes it should have picked up bbc1 or itv etc , assuming that lead was ok, but I advised you to install a motorised list yesterday and so todays comments were on the silly assumption by me that you had followed my advice yesterday, clearly not !

anyway, I have just found and uploaded some jan 2012 lists here for you


once installed you can easily connect your cable to the sly lnb and just test 28.2e , then connect to the black ultra and try and pickup bbc1 making sure you have input your usals location once more

once you have that , mark up the motor and dish, then send to 0.8w and look for those thor channels

13-01-2013, 11:20 PM
you are a star echelon and i have bruises from kicking myself for not logging that thread.heads in a spin.but i will get there.gonna get that channel list.thank you so much.

14-01-2013, 12:09 AM
list has been accepted.just had to rescan 28.2 on this temp fixed dish.many thanks echelon.new list works good.

14-01-2013, 12:28 AM
list has been accepted.just had to rescan 28.2 on this temp fixed dish.many thanks echelon.new list works good.

perhaps when you are sorted out and you have a good motorised list you could save it to usb stick, zip it up and upload it on here for us in the tm5000 section ?

I will then merge it with those others I posted in the 6000 section

14-01-2013, 12:36 AM
perhaps when you are sorted out and you have a good motorised list you could save it to usb stick, zip it up and upload it on here for us in the tm5000 section ?

I will then merge it with those others I posted in the 6000 section
whoa.i'm not that good yet.but if and when i am,i will gladly post of course.going by my performance tonight well...............the least said aye.thanks for everything.i'm starting to feel good about the motorised stuff now thanks to all imput from members here not least yer goodself echelon

19-01-2013, 02:04 PM
Its alive.

19-01-2013, 02:11 PM
Thank you echelon.thank you skomedal.thank you voyager.no way this was going to happen without your knowledge.

19-01-2013, 02:43 PM
need to tidy coax as you can see.but its working.56326

19-01-2013, 03:11 PM
i would concentrate on getting a signal on 28.2 first ,,,,it is the strongest sat in your location ,,,,,once you get that sorted you can send the motor to the highest sat on the arc in your case thor ,,,and fine tune to get the max signal,,,,the rest should fall into place after that,,,,,,,,,do you have an inline signal meter as these can be a big help....also always unplug power to your receiver before disconnecting the co ax cable as this can damage the lnb..

used this in the end.saved my legs i can tell you56327

19-01-2013, 04:31 PM
glad to see youve got your setup up and running,,,,,,time to start scanning the skies.........................goo d luck

19-01-2013, 04:49 PM
thanks voyager.the weird thing about this is level reading 97% and quality saying 8%-9% in motorised setup on sats.could the inline meter have something to do with this.started at 1w ann picked up bbc news fine.kept recalibrating meter until screaming.locked up and tried 28.2.signal there 86% when pressing info on channel.weird.

simon 2003
19-01-2013, 04:56 PM
well done mate similar style house to mine except slate tiles instead of your pebble dash so nothing decent to fix too ,i imagine you could have knocked big chunks out of those walls if you attempted to drill into it.did that a few times working for sly,i had to fill up with mastic and stick a few stones into it and scarper:o11:

19-01-2013, 05:08 PM
yes.beleive it or not the pebble dash only sits on a layer about 1/4" thick.behind that are insulation sheets 4" thick.then blockwork.you need long screws/bolts to reach blockwork,but tightening would easily pull the exterior skin in,hence scaffold pole.poles,i should say.two joined together.