View Full Version : VU+ Solo 2 Streaming problems

13-01-2013, 08:49 PM
Hi just set-up my Solo 2 with blackhole got most thing working network, hdd, cams etc but I can't stream to my network PC. I had a Dreambox DM600 before had no problems streaming with the web interface, I start OpenWebif I can zap, take a screengrab turn box off etc but can't stream. I expected to click on a TV icon or similar for a window to popup with the TV stream in it I have also copied the web IP address into VLC network stil no joy also tried DreamDroid on my phone I can see channel list but no streaming. Thanks all.

13-01-2013, 10:56 PM
Under plugins on your Solo2 there should be one listed called something like "Web I/F Config" which allows you configure web interface feature to allow media streaming etc. I bet it's not been activated. Quite common on openPli based images.

If it's not there then get it via the addons download.

14-01-2013, 10:44 PM
Hi I have the plugin WebIf installed with the blackhole image has all the settings set eg http port 80 , streaming port 8001, I have just managed to get a stream out of the solo2 by clicking on the small TV icon in the channel list then is asks to save a .m3u file save it then click on that it opens VLC player and streams one channel at a time can't zap to a different channel have do do the same thing over again to watch a different channel. I have no Web TV icon on the OpenWebif page to click on, on my old dreambox the webif had a icon called web-x-tv that made a window open with up and down channel zappers and a bouquet selector is this the same for everyone? Thanks

11-03-2014, 12:47 AM
Got the same issue myself....newbie im afraid when it comes to this stuff