View Full Version : Corrupt skin removal help please

13-01-2013, 11:06 PM
Please, Please, Please could some one help this idiot out.
I thought I would try to add a different skin to the azbox premium running E2

I had a green screen when installed and now the box won't turn on just IP address

Is there a step by step guide someone could give me to remove the skin using maz manager are suggest any other program to use. Which would be possible to download a different skin to use instead(with instructions please) I really do need a different skin as I find it hard to read yellow and white together so I was looking for colour that don't clash
I do know you have to do it through telnet but I don't have a clue how to.

Don't know if this helps but on my display on stb I only got ip address

Please go easy on me as I,m a newbie

I hope not to install E2 from scratch again are is this going to be my best option

14-01-2013, 10:00 AM
The skin is in folder /usr/share/enigma2/.
Delete the skinfolder and restart the box.

But if you get only IP-address in VFD display of box, you are in rescuemode. In rescuemode you can flash the box.

14-01-2013, 12:14 PM
Thanks but I still have a problem I understand ssr/share/engigma2/ but I dont have the enigma2 folder

enigma2 -> /ENIGMA/usr/share/enigma2 this is what I have but the icon on the side is same as short cut with arrow (is this correct are not) also was hoping not no reflash as I will lose the Cline I have installed.

Any more info would be great
Cheers jarramag

14-01-2013, 01:01 PM
Thanks you very much for advice I turned off box at the back and turned back on and got the green screen again. So I open up maz and the folder was there so I now can watch tv again. However is there a known reason why this always happens when I try to change the skin. I need different colors like I said in first post as I can hardly read the skin I have. PLi-HD I have tried default skin and Back_to_black-HD with both times put my box in rescue mode

Thanks again

14-01-2013, 01:46 PM
Not all skins are universal which is why machines gsod & OpenPLi is one of the fussiest images when it comes to them. Pli compatible skins should be available for you to download via the images Pli specific downloads url installed in the image. You can also install TS Panel where you will be able find skins specifically modded for Pli also.

Within the enigma2 folder are listed the skin folders. Each folder will have a name relevant to the skin. DO NOT mess with the DEFAULT folders or files. Most FTP pragrams will not let you delete from folder level which is a pain as Skins have many sub folders.

TIP: I usualy have smb running so delete offending skins via explorer.

The quickest way to get out of the gsod loop would be, as already suggested here, to delete or just rename the offending skin folder. Use MAZ or whatever, to connect and navigate to the enigma2 folder. Once there rename the offending folder to something you'll remember like DELETEME. Then restart. Problem soved. You can always delete later. If the 'enigma2' folder is a link clicking on it will take you to the real location.

I have an AZBox ME and my skins are located:


this is the same on my DM800SE.

I would expect it to be the same on your HD

Increasing font sizes or changing colours can be achieved by editting the skin.xml file in the specific skin's root folder but you may also need or want to edit some of the skins images to suit also. Not a project for the inexperienced & quite time consuming.

A great skin for Pli is HD Glass 16 downloadable via TS Panel.

Hope some of this makes sense to you & helps you along a little in your quest.

14-01-2013, 02:15 PM
mate i have premium, and i tend to leave it alone, its too fragile to try things like skins.

just install the image, install your softcam, install your channel list, instal cross epg and setup, install your PICONS, and leave alone.

you will find this works and the box is very stable.

15-01-2013, 12:47 PM
Thanks very much for advice I think I will stick to ManikM advice for the minute till I get a bit more knowledge

Cheers jaaramag

15-01-2013, 12:59 PM
Thanks very much for advice I think I will stick to ManikM advice for the minute till I get a bit more knowledge.

I best go read up on PICONS as I do not a clue what there are

Cheers jaaramag

15-01-2013, 01:04 PM
Try and use the THANKS button that's what it's for.

Picons are small images that show up next to a channel on your OSD when surfing channels. These can be downloaded and stored for each channel. They just add a nice cosmetic touch when the infor bar appears.

Also downloadable via TS Panel or PLi addons. Can also be added manually using FTP/smb but simplest is the former method.


PS Trial & error is not to be feared in the quest for knowledge else on ends up being a ludite. :)