View Full Version : Please help a beginner

16-01-2013, 11:29 AM
Hi guys,

I hope some one can help a newbie with this. I used the dummies guide on this forum to good effect to set up my box. I have two problems:

1) I have set my box up as follows:
Box: Vu+ Solo2
Img: Black hole 1.7.9.- 3
Cccam 2.3.0
Internet - 25 MB D/L & 5 MB U/L
Sat; Astra 28.2

I keep getting 10 sec freezing every 5 to 15 mins from the test line I am using however I know some one using this same server and all is fine for them on lot slower internet connection.
I was thinking maybe the version of cccam I am using is the issue. Could someone please advise on best img and/or cccam set up for the Vu+ Solo2.

2) Also can I, and if so is there a TUT any where to, set up my box to stream over the internet for when I am away from home.

Thanks very much for any help ye can give.


16-01-2013, 11:37 AM
1) chances are its the s*rver, but I would use cccam 214 or 221 myself, and either blackhole or vix for the image

I also dont see it being an internet problem unless you were a heavy downloader, internet requirements dont amount to much anyway

2) no idea on streaming externally from your location to a remote location, maybe somebody else knows

16-01-2013, 11:45 AM
You should also check your latency/Ping figures as this also can have a massive affect on performance, I have seen some on Virmin with 50mb down and still have a ping of about 110ms, Its worth a check

16-01-2013, 11:50 AM
On pingtest.net my laptop on wifi had:

ping of 17ms
jitter of 3ms (what ever jitter is)

Is this ok levels?


16-01-2013, 12:22 PM
On pingtest.net my laptop on wifi had:

ping of 17ms
jitter of 3ms (what ever jitter is)

Is this ok levels?


That sounds fine have you tested it with that ping if you still have the same problem then see echelon's No.1 comment on previous post

16-01-2013, 01:26 PM
yes I did and it is still there. In replacing the cccam file do I simple install over the one there of do I have to uininstall it first, and if so how?

Thanks all for yer replies so far


16-01-2013, 01:55 PM
Replacing the version of CCcam will not make any difference to freezing, I suspect you are using a payserver so you can't expect a great service.

How many hops away is the card you are trying to view ?

16-01-2013, 02:09 PM
Hi sonic1,

yea am using a payserver, I have no access to any other type. Anyway have sucessfully changed the cccam anyway so might as well give it try.

Thanks v much for reply


16-01-2013, 02:41 PM
With the cccam advised above the TV has been freeze free for an hour plus. Thanks guys fingers crossed it will stay that way. :)
