View Full Version : PLTV 10e down?

16-01-2013, 05:35 PM
Not working for me, can't see anything on internet about it being down. Cccam running fine with other broadcasts.

16-01-2013, 05:37 PM
Not working for me, can't see anything on internet about it being down. Cccam running fine with other broadcasts.

its down mate

16-01-2013, 07:57 PM
Quickest key change yet. Does not bode well for the future methinks. Party may soon be over so enjoy while we can or if we can again.

Nothing in this game lasts forever except our hunger.

16-01-2013, 08:47 PM
personally i hope they change the keys daily

16-01-2013, 08:50 PM
Yea as long as they dont do it during a game. 15 min before would be nice.


16-01-2013, 09:12 PM
PLTV HD down ..Tring going down tonight ..Things certainly have really gone pear shape today : )
lets hope a new key is found soon enuff but im not holding my breath on it but will be very happy if its possible to see PLTV HD again as pic quality on it was very good probably best quality pic on satellite even .


16-01-2013, 09:12 PM
or 15 minutes after............... lol

17-01-2013, 10:42 AM
personally i hope they change the keys daily

Yea as long as they dont do it during a game. 15 min before would be nice.

Why? don't you guys like football?
or have you got things "sorted"?

17-01-2013, 12:06 PM
Why? don't you guys like football?
or have you got things "sorted"?
It's obvious. When the keys are spread all over the net the provider usually changes them. So they need to be passed around 'quietly'. The guys here love football as do I but I don't need the keys these days. A few years ago the keys would last weeks on PLTV but too many people in on the act now and the golden goose has gone.

18-01-2013, 07:38 PM
Just to let everyone Know the new key is out if you know where to look, i think an encryption change could be on the cards shortly

18-01-2013, 07:57 PM
i dont know but yes i see PLTV HD biss key is now being spammed everywhere on the net again ...i agree with manic01 and digicon when key is widely available then for sure big changes are more or less guarenteed to happen for the worse .
it will be sad to loose this channel but i think there is no doubt now we certainly will be loosing it sooner than later ,


18-01-2013, 08:16 PM
If it keeps getting psoted it will for sure.
Why is it not kept between trusted members?

It would also make the leechers and lurkers have to look else where for the keys which they find so readily available here.

18-01-2013, 09:51 PM
If not posted here it is always posted everywhere else anyway. King Canute is not going to command the sea back on this one either.

Surely mature members here do not seriously think that PLTV aren't aware of what is going on and will act in their own good time whether, if it were at all possible, a select few kept the keys to themselves or not. "Let's keep it in our gang and screw the rest". The the select few could then take it a step further and sell VIP/White/Cebero v1.0 Cards with keys embedded into PIC firmware for those less fortunate to buy. When the profit starts to drop off release a V1.1 and rake it all in again. Sound familiar? :)

I will say one thing however, that keys/files & other goodies should not be available to non registered members & special goodies only available to trusted members who contribute actively to the forum either via tech support, news, updates etc or via financial donations.

18-01-2013, 09:53 PM
donki i would like to buy one of those cards.

18-01-2013, 10:27 PM
I will say one thing however, that keys/files & other goodies should not be available to non registered members & special goodies only available to trusted members who contribute actively to the forum either via tech support, news, updates etc or via financial donations.

Well said, total agreement from me:cheers2:


18-01-2013, 10:37 PM
" I will say one thing however, that keys/files & other goodies should not be available to non registered members & special goodies only available to trusted members who contribute actively to the forum either via tech support, news, updates etc or via financial donations. "

I also totally agree with donki's statement, and if enough of the trusted members were to show there approval to this statement then just maybe something could done to move the key files/goodies could be moved to a more secure/less open section of the forum, just my opinion for what it is worth.

18-01-2013, 10:48 PM
back on now

thread closed