View Full Version : Stuck on F100 in Glasgow

17-01-2013, 03:02 AM
Hi can any1 help me in Glasgow?
Stuck on F100 on my Spider 9900HD for over a month now and despite having a couple of desktops and
Laptops, I have no serial port! I downloaded the recovery file and bin file but no pc with serial port!
Pls help sm1 as I have lost over a month of CS subscription.
Please leave email or contact details if sm1 can help!
I bought from and got Flight aerials in Glasgow to install almost a year ago n yet they have not Bn to recover or replace my unit!
I am based on south side of Glasgow.


17-01-2013, 10:53 AM
You need a USB to Serial adapter (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/USB-to-Serial-Adapter-Converter-Cable.html).

The sponsor sells them.


17-01-2013, 12:02 PM
or fit a serial port card into a desktop pc

17-01-2013, 09:25 PM
I read in some posts that USB to Serial adapters don't work too well.
I will however try to get a serial port card.

17-01-2013, 10:25 PM
hi, those boxes are tempermental, waiting a month is a long time. why not try this, power box off at back and unplug from wall, take off all the connections, nb check carefully the LNB lead and make sure it is put tohether correctly, ie no wires touching inner braid, put all leads back on and make sure they are secure,, it would be an idea to check your dish as well if you has say a sky box but if not, after all leads done turn on at wall, NB have tv swithed on before you turn on spider using switch at back, then pwoer on with remote gie it a few mins, if f100 stays on then yes you need recovery.

here is a recovery step by step

Download the relevant Recovery tool software for your Spiderbox Model

Unzip the files with Winzip (free download use google)

Find, borrow or acquire a PC preferably with Win XP, it must have a 9 Pin RS232 type com port, don’t waste your money and time on USB adaptors, 90% don’t work.

A Null Modem Cable, No other cable will work, if you need to buy one, make sure the seller knows his cables and gives you the right one.

Switch the Spider box off at the (Rear switch) or the Wall Socket then connect the Null modem cable between the Spiderbox and PC’s com port.

Run the Download.exe program on the PC.

Select the correct or a free com port (look in Device Manager for your com port availability)

Press the connect button.

Press ‘Choose File’ and select the Spider_rs232.bin file

Switch on the Spiderbox (Rear switch) or Wall Socket

You will see progress status on the PC, wait until its finished and the STB will reboot.

NB null modem cable very important. and xp pro is the best as well.

There are no guarantees that the Recovery tool will fix all F100 problems and your Spiderbox may require returning or repairing if possible by someone qualified.

17-01-2013, 10:50 PM
i have 2 spiders on my spare one, every time i switch on it says f100 then continues to normality i.e channel lists,
is this a problem or the norm thanx

18-01-2013, 03:49 PM

18-01-2013, 04:15 PM
i have 2 spiders on my spare one, every time i switch on it says f100 then continues to normality i.e channel lists,
is this a problem or the norm thanx

as has been stated on several occasions, the issue is not that it says "F100"

F100 is the bootloader

the ISSUE is if it sticks on the bootloader F100 and does not boot up (freezing on boot)

all boxes have a bootloader, as does windows , so its not what is displayed for a short period of time (like xp loading on a pc), it when it sticks on it and never goes past it, thats the issue, which would be reported as sticking on the bootup screen, and thats what the issue is here, sticking on bootup with F100 on permanent display and no menus or anything, hence the thread title

Stuck on F100

its called "cause.........and effect"

18-01-2013, 05:43 PM
@williamtell, turn Power saving mode and Auto power saving off in the OSD/Energy saving sub menu then theres no F100 on boot up

18-01-2013, 06:45 PM
this one works (NewLink USB 2.0 to Serial Adapter RS232 9-pin Converter) on f100 fix dearer than others but works have done a few f100 fixes with it,you still need a null modem lead as well

20-01-2013, 03:25 AM
Realised I had serial port on my desktop. Used both com1 and com 3, also tried 3 different null modem cables.
Still no luck!
Maybe it's the recovery file and bin file. Can sm1 please direct me to the correct recovery software n bin file incase it's my software.

Worst come to the worst, where can. Send my spiderbox for repair as installers n supplier of Spidebox are turning a blind eye.
Pls help.


20-01-2013, 12:59 PM
My usb to serial adapter has always worked ok with programmers so the spider shouldn't behave any differantly, both my laptop and desktop work with them.

30-06-2013, 02:38 PM
hi im new to this iv just started with a basic spider box 9900 its come up with f100 so i bought a newlinl usb searial adapter1.1 version with drivers iv done ever thing that as been sed in the instructions but the spider box will not conect iv put it on to com port 2 any help on the mater would be apreshated

30-06-2013, 02:52 PM
simon, did you buy it second hand? and did you start form scratch ie load patches, channel lists and softcams? are you using a motorised dish? and is the box just stopping when rebooted and showing f100? the 9900hd is not that basic it came out after the 9000hd and gives you you tube.

say a bit more and maybe you can get it sorted, if you bought secondhand then could be tricky.

30-06-2013, 02:58 PM
i bought it new its a motrised dish iv loaded every thing from scatch ie patches sost cams etc its been back to allsat twise for fixing f100 it gone three times now i thought id have a go my self im using a samsong lap top

30-06-2013, 03:42 PM
ok the bad news the 9900hd is a dog ie useless and ***** are aware, one fix involves soldering but even that is not guaranteed, is it still under guarantee? ***** have been known to give out a 9000hd in exchange. when it went back second time they should have made an offer.

on a spiderbox forum a jimi hendrix can fix them but that may involve postage and even then may not work.

to use the recovery tool you need to use win xp, a dedicated serial port and the right drivers. using any type of adapter makes it impossible.

30-06-2013, 03:46 PM
i had the same problem with a 9000 hd it was sticking on F100 and would not boot up i tried the recovery and it did not work then i found that the problem was
the power connection going into the back of the box if i wiggled it around it would boot up, it was happening a lot with it
so i replaced it with the spiderbox 6000 from lee at goldwafers

surprised you have had problems with flight aerials they have sorted my dish for me a couple of times, the deaf boy and his mate who works for them seem to know what they are doing

30-06-2013, 04:27 PM
any one else had the same problem

28-07-2013, 11:19 AM
well going to swap it for a spiderbox 6000 iv given up on it what a waste of money 215 down the drain

06-03-2014, 02:13 PM
Hi guys sorry to bump in but is there a link to the tool please I cant seem to find it ?
kind regards

06-03-2014, 02:25 PM
Hi guys sorry to bump in but is there a link to the tool please I cant seem to find it ?
kind regards

its here in spiderbox - files - tools https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?575-Tools , a few sticky threads from the top


06-03-2014, 03:35 PM
thanks echelon