View Full Version : freezing / glitching

19-01-2013, 11:31 AM
picture does slight glitch every 10-20 secs. It doesnt last any length of time just very annoying. Never used to do it. I have fibre optic shouldnt be my connection and my line is good. Been happening for few weeks now i thought it might stop but not looking like it.
Any suggestions pls guys

19-01-2013, 12:13 PM
Its either your Server or your own setup, And one other thing could be your Latency/Ping even on fibre if your ping is crap then it wont matter if you have 10mb or 100mb someone on adsl with a better ping will beat it, Virmin are known in major parts of the country to throttle users at peak times.

19-01-2013, 12:43 PM
Ping is good on VM even when throttled.

Might be at your end mate but your in a different area and all are not the same, i have seen someone on 50mb and have a ping at peak time of 270ms and someone on 20mb with a ping of 105ms.

As i said you can only speak for yourself which does not mean others are not affected.

19-01-2013, 12:45 PM
these issues were already dealt with in this other thread https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?160001-Bad-glitching and as I said in there, its not the spiderbox that causes these issues, so its nothing to do with the spiderbox and so nothing to do with any spiderbox forum, and these boxes and others work fine on the standard minimum broadband which is 2 meg as the traffic is negligible

its cause and effect, you see the effect, but tracking down the cause is much more difficult

19-01-2013, 12:52 PM
Never rule anything out i say including the hardware but as you rightly stated its a process of elimination and nothing more

19-01-2013, 01:08 PM
Never rule anything out i say including the hardware but as you rightly stated its a process of elimination and nothing more

very true, but I still have family and friends with these boxes and have converted some sv combos too and you dont hear of these problems being attributed to the boxes, so with thousands of users I think we would know if the hardware or patches were suspect

as I said, its cause and effect, and the effect does not tell you the cause, so the only way of testing this is a process of elimination by swapping out each aspect

ie:- swap out the box for another box , swap out the router , swap out the broadband , swap out the s*rver , change the distribution emu

all this talk about 10 meg or 100 meg broadband is also rubbish, it works fine on 2 meg bb and the higher speeds make no differences, the ping rate may well do but the advertised speeds wont, so anyone thinking it should be better on high speed bb should think again

anyone who serves out a freesat card using oscam knows what I am talking about, and can easily test this theory which I can and do and have done so for several years

so if c5HD works ok from my dm800 to half a dozen or more spiderboxes or other boxes, and my current ecm time on c5HD over broadband is a lot less than 100ms and stable, then its a valid continuous test and one I have employed for several years on those 2 boxes

at no time has the OP mentioned any ecm times#

the problem here is that due to forum rules this topic cannot be discussed in depth, but those "in the know" know my meaning, and in 999 cases out of a thousand , it aint the box, and the effect has nothing to do with the box either

19-01-2013, 02:58 PM
Ecm at min is 403ms
Im with tt
Pingtest 0% packet loss, 22ms ping, jitter 1ms

19-01-2013, 03:02 PM
Ecm at min is 403ms
Im with tt
Pingtest 0% packet loss, 22ms ping, jitter 1ms

so p*** poor ecm then !

suggest you check c5HD , and if thats the same try a line from somewhere else, even if its only a c5HD test from a freesat card, and aim for something less than 200ms

19-01-2013, 03:10 PM
5hd is 202ms so ur saying its line then

19-01-2013, 03:15 PM
5hd is 202ms so ur saying its line then

no, I am saying its the s*rver , they are probably sharing to you from somebody else so you get twice the hops so twice the lag , 200ms is reasonable so maybe they have their own card giving you that and somebody elses giving you the 400ms ecm, which is typical of many of these scammers. I have assumed that these channels are on 28e only as other sats or broadcasters give different ecm timings, so take my examples as being only from 28 east

you have no idea where they get what they send to you, but the lags are damning evidence, so as I originally posted, you see the effect, but tracking down the cause is a harder nut to crack, but 999 times out of a thousand its the server

its like you buy a burger from tesco, you complain to tesco if its bad or incorrect, they complain to the wholesaler who traces it back to horsemeat from an irish abattoir via a meat processing plant

you had no idea all the hops it makes from horse to abattoir to meat processor to wholesaler to transport to your local tesco
all you know is you have a problem with your product and blame tesco

19-01-2013, 03:30 PM
If press the Info button twice you will get a display on the screen - it gives ECM time AND Hops - my hop is 0 so not going via a 2nd or 3rd server before getting to me

19-01-2013, 03:34 PM
If press the Info button twice you will get a display on the screen - it gives ECM time AND Hops - my hop is 0 so not going via a 2nd or 3rd server before getting to me

dont treat that as gospel, these details can be faked by the scammers

19-01-2013, 03:44 PM
Doesnt give me any hops but can assure u with a good server but i take ur points on board

19-01-2013, 05:59 PM
spiderbox is known to have issues with certain versions of C**am.... if you are certain that the provider is fine and your broadband is ok aswell then try the line in another box. you cant be getting hop 0 as you would need to have a card in your box. ive also run tests with a 9000hd and dm500s run side by side and the spiderbox was constantly glitching/disconnecting but the dm500s was fine. the spiderbox fanboys will blame everything other than the box although there are many people who use them sucessfully without issue,regards mdt

19-01-2013, 06:34 PM
I totally agree that if a s*rver is running cccam then the spiderbox can and does have issues with it, in my case with cccam I used to double up the lines so there was always at least one valid line running so it seamlessly swapped over, and I wrote that as a solution on this forum too. one alternative offered was to alter "keep alive" to allow a longer time for the reconnection before the line was "dropped", and the same applies in oscam but you get far less problems when being served by oscam and not cccam

its also a fact that the hops can be irrelevant, and I have just tested this theory as mine is showing hops = 0 with no card in the spiderbox (I removed it this morning when testing this theory) so even though its at hop 1 from my dm800 its showing as hop 0 , and if I change to a different channel I still get hops = 0, so clearly oscam has these facilities to "block" the hops real value, and I did mention this earlier. it may be different if the s*rver was using cccam but you can definitely fake shares and hops in oscam, so it doesnt surprise me in the least that john.dat has his hops = 0 when clearly he hasnt got a local card in his box, all it means is that his share is being faked or blocked too

its testing stuff like this where you realise what is happening, and these changes can be seen in the oscam web interface where you can also tell the "source"

but as I definitely said earlier, these issues sail close to the wind here and too much has been said already (in the interests of clarity). there is no doubt that you can get glitches on the spiderbox when being fed by cccam, which is one of many reasons that true hobbyists will choose oscam, and we also know that newcamd works better on the spiderbox too , BUT as we know , pay s*rvers have profit in mind and may not have the necessary expertise to overcome the issues unique to the spiderbox, in some cases we know they actually ban certain boxes including the spiderbox for these reasons. BUT there is nothing you can do with the actual spiderbox as any "issues" are inherent so unless you change to a dmm or vu or similar it may just carry on until the s*rver starts to accomodate these boxes and work out what is better to allow them to work properly despite any cccam "issues"

either way, an ecm of over 400ms is cr*p ! that is a definite fact (my c5HD is currently 79ms)

19-01-2013, 09:28 PM
spiderbox is known to have issues with certain versions of C**am.... if you are certain that the provider is fine and your broadband is ok aswell then try the line in another box. you cant be getting hop 0 as you would need to have a card in your box. ive also run tests with a 9000hd and dm500s run side by side and the spiderbox was constantly glitching/disconnecting but the dm500s was fine. the spiderbox fanboys will blame everything other than the box although there are many people who use them sucessfully without issue,regards mdt

bla bla bla always in all forums..from day you had personal sue with some forums..

IF Ecm is over 400-500 is in big risk of freezing on instability of net data or cowboys Server ( do not mater with box you use )This cowboys selling. to many people over load their servers and they mislleding their clients is always box fault,

Can you tell me what Spiderbox has to to with High ECM range ! is this not Server in Issue from server that feed the box !

19-01-2013, 09:46 PM
I have cccam and newcamd, provider has it setup to suit spiderbox with recommendation from compass. Its always been good just recently having issues so thought id ask

21-01-2013, 12:21 PM
Hi just to update you, provider did a reboot on his equipment and im now back to average 200ecm so all good

21-01-2013, 12:48 PM
Hi just to update you, provider did a reboot on his equipment and im now back to average 200ecm so all good

which is what you were told all along ;)

glad its sorted, but it was never a spiderbox issue, it was a s*rver issue

therefore thread closed