View Full Version : how do i install enigma2 on my azbox premium

21-01-2013, 11:16 PM
how do i install enigma2 on my azbox premium been reading but no clear answers up to now tryed doing it with my update address as www.openrsi.org give me 3 options 19.03.12 + 22.03.12 + 16.05.12 all just say downloading 100 percent done then failed to update at the moment am running 0.9.5402 please help i feel old

21-01-2013, 11:39 PM
download azup 2.2.7 from site, download latest e2 zip, extract patch.e2 file - then run azup stick in the IP of your box (reboot it with network cable in holding down > button as u switch on so it goes into rescue mode and shows the IP on the LCD) then click INSTALL E2, browse for your file, select itwait about 5 mins for it to install, BOSH , JOB DONE!

21-01-2013, 11:45 PM
Cheers manikm 4 quick reply ill give it a go tomorrow

21-01-2013, 11:58 PM
do i need to install a kernil not that i now what a kernil is and if so how

22-01-2013, 12:05 AM
yes u can leave that ticked if your choosing one of the latest builds.

22-01-2013, 12:21 AM
where it says install E2/Kernel with a go button do i press it ive got devices = dom fs = ext3 advanced options = format extended partition + copy Kernel is this right

23-01-2013, 03:33 PM
u cant go wrong really

23-01-2013, 09:37 PM
u cant go wrong really

Tell that to those whose boxes no longer boot.:smash:

23-01-2013, 10:12 PM
my box stuck in booting mode holding vol+ key when powering on would'nt put it in recovery mode so in the end i downloaded jazup 2.6 use the patch file to get it in recovery mode got to 49% and stopped locked up end of azbox

23-01-2013, 10:16 PM
my box stuck in booting mode holding vol+ key when powering on would'nt put it in recovery mode so in the end i downloaded jazup 2.6 use the patch file to get it in recovery mode got to 49% and stopped locked up end of azbox

I think JTAG only solution now. I have tried the serial solution.

My box failed after it crashed while booting using Azup.

E2 seems to have recently killed a lot of boxes.

I have not got round to making a JTAG parallel adapter.

24-01-2013, 06:54 PM
sorry for not responding quicker my mate is going to try that. As for me it was a perfect excuse to get myself a dreambox which is now on order dm800sehd so soon i will most probably need help setting that up thanks for your help and advice

Paul 48
25-01-2013, 11:12 PM
My own Premium went into a boot loop while using the update in the software.
I then tried using the Azup 227 with a copy of the latest software available,i had used this Azup 227 lots of times before with no prev problems.
I couldnt get the Azbox to connect to the Azup227,so i uninstalled the Azup227,rebooted my laptop and re installed Azup227.
Then followed the usuall procedure Press vol + and power up the azbox from the power switch in the back.
Ureka the azbox conected up fine reloaded an earlier software and azbox rebooted.

I guess just one of those things
