View Full Version : Baud Rate Setting for Spiderbox 9900HD Recovery Software

chris B
03-02-2013, 11:18 AM
Hi guys,

I have tried to recover a Spider 9900HD this morning following Bob's software tools.

But when the software has finished, I am stuck on the message

'Please wait - sending a programme to the flash drive' (or similar wording?).....

I left this for about 10 mins, but no change, so I assumed that it was not working, and the spider is still showig the F100 message on screen.

Can anybody tell me how long this software should take to complete after 100% downloaded (i.e. sending to flash player period)?

I also noticed that Bob has suggested to set the Baud rate to 115200, but my usb/rs232 device operates at a rate of 9600......

When I try to change the settings from this to 115200 and 'save', it still defaults back to the 9600?

I guess this usb device cannot handle a higher speed setting and this may be the reason that the software appears to be unsuccesfull?

I have purchased a decent connector, (as per Sat Paul's previous post) and he has been ok with his.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated?



03-02-2013, 11:49 AM
Get a old laptop off ++ay with a serial port I use a Dell D600 works fine, usb/rs232 devices most don't work,

chris B
03-02-2013, 12:03 PM

How long should it take to complete when you get the message

Please wait...Writing a software to the flash??


03-02-2013, 12:38 PM
never used the tool so cannot comment on the time taken

but ideally you should be using a proper pc with a built-in 9 pin com port running xp, not a usb adapter

you can easily change the standard com port on the xp pc (tower or desktop or even an old laptop) to 115200 from the default 9600

using 9600 just makes it take about 12 times longer due to the much lower speed setting

my advice is use the proper tool for the job, a proper pc with proper com port

chris B
03-02-2013, 01:27 PM
Thanks Eche,

I managed to change the baud rate to 115200, but still no joy.

I will take your advice and get access to a pc with the correct port.

