View Full Version : using AAF with windows7 64bit home premium

12-02-2013, 07:54 PM
Hyperterminal is not included in Windows 7 home premium but is required for the serial connection , "teraterm" works a treat and is open source ,remember to run AAF as administrater

14-02-2013, 12:14 AM
Hi Paulipm.

You right, I cheated and copied the XP files over to W7 to get it to work, didn't even think of a third party app.

Did you manage to get your system working (fingers crossed).


If anyone's interested:

Open any XP System and copy the following 4 files from;

1-C:\Program Files\Windows NT\HYPERTRM.EXE

Then open Windows 7, create a folder name of "HyperTerminal" under program files then paste the above 4 files.

Create a short-cut from the HYPERTRM.EXE to say the desktop, and your away (run as administrator).

Just tried TeraTeam's stuff, just use that much easier (Thanks Paulipm), even works with windows 3.1 (and I can remember that).

14-02-2013, 05:49 PM
Hello Fatboy7
My xp desktop packed up so didn't have any access to xp files so I had to sort out hyperterminal on my win7 desktop,I am still fighting with TdTmaxibootloader on my S4000(its the latest version by the way)

15-02-2013, 12:47 AM
I'll gather the files and attach them for those in the future (over the weekend).

Paulipm - Where are you up to mate, (I know it cross topic, but genuine help).

If its totally bricked, I do have a JTAG lead I made, may be of some use, but must admit been in a similar place, and managed to recover it.