View Full Version : solo2 BH2.00 green screen

simon 2003
16-02-2013, 09:35 PM
** we can use this thread for general issues now with solo2 BH 2.0,,fine by me **

im getting green screen when exiting sys info using the exit button anyone else ,,any chance someone can test ?

16-02-2013, 10:05 PM
what exactly do u mean m8 ?

16-02-2013, 10:09 PM
update the image
Main Menu -> Addons -> Online Black Hole image update

16-02-2013, 10:09 PM

theres a rev A fix for that.

just do an online update.


16-02-2013, 10:10 PM
Black Hole Vu+ Uno v.2.0.0 rev. A

Update Black Hole 2.0.0 to rev. A

This update will fix the bug of green screen on system info exit.

Please upgrade Black Hole image.
Main Menu -> Addons -> Online Black Hole image update

simon 2003
16-02-2013, 10:11 PM
when i go into sys info (HDD mem info ect)using blue button then yellow when i press exit to leave it green screens on me,illreinstall image

ive just reinstalled BH 2.00 and downloaded my channels bouquets ect with dreambox edit nothing else and its doing it again,,blue, yellow exit =green screen

**SOLVED** thanks,,,weird i did that this afternoon nothing downloaded ,nice feature though

17-02-2013, 09:01 AM
if the time is wrong TIME ZONE I mean here is the fix

Replace folder /usr/share/zoneinfo with THE ZIP


17-02-2013, 04:22 PM
More online updates today so do them

17-02-2013, 04:26 PM
Done all the updates but when i select weather forecast it crashes otherwise perfect

simon 2003
17-02-2013, 04:34 PM
More online updates today so do them

yea another 38 for me
just tested weather and no crashes

17-02-2013, 04:56 PM
I think this online update is a great feature. Pli have had it often on their images

22-02-2013, 11:49 PM
getting GSOD crashes in media player 5 for bh2, cant find a mediaplayer that works properly either

anyone got a working one that doesnt crash ?

bh 2.01 (the latest image) installed on new solo 2

cant get mgcamd to work either, cccam 221 and 230 and oscam all work fine
(I have never got mgcamd to work on any box using any image however)

Dark Cloud
23-02-2013, 09:40 AM
mmmmm,... all these little niggles, I don't think I have the confidence/nuts to update from 1.7.9.

23-02-2013, 11:08 AM
getting GSOD crashes in media player 5 for bh2, cant find a mediaplayer that works properly either

anyone got a working one that doesnt crash ?

bh 2.01 (the latest image) installed on new solo 2

cant get mgcamd to work either, cccam 221 and 230 and oscam all work fine
(I have never got mgcamd to work on any box using any image however)

What makes it crash Ech ? I have no crashes and no other reports of it on Vu+ board.

Also a new update is online for the image today.

23-02-2013, 11:08 AM
mmmmm,... all these little niggles, I don't think I have the confidence/nuts to update from 1.7.9.
Do it m8, and if you manage to break something let me know.

23-02-2013, 11:41 AM
What makes it crash Ech ? I have no crashes and no other reports of it on Vu+ board.

Also a new update is online for the image today.

just reinstalled it and tried it again , I can browse folders and see the avi files in the actual folder, but unable to select any

previous versions all cause GSODS , like media player extended for instance, or plain old mediaplayer

so at the moment I cannot play an avi or mkv as I cannot select any

simon 2003
23-02-2013, 11:50 AM
yea the update feature alone is worth the update

23-02-2013, 12:04 PM
just reinstalled it and tried it again , I can browse folders and see the avi files in the actual folder, but unable to select any

previous versions all cause GSODS , like media player extended for instance, or plain old mediaplayer

so at the moment I cannot play an avi or mkv as I cannot select any

Something is a miss at your end Ech, I can watch mkv and avi no problem with the build in media player or EMC.

23-02-2013, 12:07 PM
Something is a miss at your end Ech, I can watch mkv and avi no problem with the build in media player or EMC.

could be the bh 2 skin I am using

here is todays crashlog, I can see some complaints in it about skins or missing colours etc

in any case, I did the online update first , reinstalled mediaplayer, tried it and got this crashlog when trying the coloured buttons and unable to access any films from the folders, mentions a typo ?

23-02-2013, 12:13 PM
could be the bh 2 skin I am using

here is todays crashlog, I can see some complaints in it about skins or missing colours etc

in any case, I did the online update first , reinstalled mediaplayer, tried it and got this crashlog when trying the coloured buttons and unable to access any films from the folders, mentions a typo ?

Just tried with the skin you are using and that's fine but you are using mediaplayer delux which is old, that could be your issue.
Remove it and try ehc

23-02-2013, 12:34 PM
Just tried with the skin you are using and that's fine but you are using mediaplayer delux which is old, that could be your issue.
Remove it and try ehc

thought I had deleted that one , so back in the default skin and deleted any mediaplayers in extensions

rebooted and reinstalled homeys media player 5 from the bh downloads server

still cannot select films and still getting GSOD when checking any coloured button options in that menu

still seeing typos etc in the log too

it also gives me a tiny picture onscreen (PIG) unless I hard reboot

new crashlog attached

23-02-2013, 12:36 PM
Don't use homeys media player 5 and tell me if you still have a problem, I have never used that player and it could be your problem, if it is I will get it removed from the server.

23-02-2013, 12:39 PM
Don't use homeys media player 5 and tell me if you still have a problem, I have never used that player and it could be your problem, if it is I will get it removed from the server.

ok, so which one shall I use ? thats the only one I could find and I have always used mediaplayer as it allows access to my nas , laptop and the internal hdd too



installed emc v3.6.7 beta and set it up and tried the video button , the files played but got another GSOD (attached) , using default skin and up to date bh 2.01

23-02-2013, 03:01 PM
I am not at home but will take a look later.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

24-02-2013, 12:01 PM
on a new solo2, for BH 2.01, I still get crashes using the EMC and the movie button, cant find a working mediaplayer to access films on my nas and cant get mgcamd to work either but I have never, ever managed to get mgcamd working on any box never mind the solo2!)

so I am reluctant to update my duo from BH 1.79 as yet until I am happy any "niggles" have been ironed out

24-02-2013, 02:31 PM
The media player problem is at your end ech, I have no issues at all watching from my nas, USB or HDD in the Ultimo

As for Mgcamd, install the one in the BH emu section and then use this telnet command.

ln -s /lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8 /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.7

24-02-2013, 04:17 PM
The media player problem is at your end ech, I have no issues at all watching from my nas, USB or HDD in the Ultimo

As for Mgcamd, install the one in the BH emu section and then use this telnet command.

ln -s /lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8 /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.7

cant see that

on previous images the program called mediaplayer was included, or could be downloaded from the server or tspanel and shows in the plugins

its not included in this bh2.01a and you told me not to use any old ones or that one from the server either
so the result is I have no mediaplayer program installed at all so cannot see why you have mediaplayer on the ultimo

I have the actual program mediaplayer working ok on my duo using bh 1.79 and its available from the plugins using the green button so I am only trying to replicate it on the solo2

tried that telnet command but mgcamd still didnt work on the solo2 , and I cannot get it to work on the duo either (didnt use the telnet command on the duo)

so as far as mgcamd goes, some of you may think its easy but I have always struggled with it, and still do and probably always will, no matter which box I try it on. I just dont get it - period

I have cccam and oscam working on both boxes, so it has to be an mgcamd configuration issue

I think I will have to erase bh2 and use bh 1.79 on the solo2 as it does most of what I require including having the program mediaplayer installed,I can live without mgcamd as I dont use it for anything yet but there are some things I do want it to do

24-02-2013, 04:33 PM
Mediaplayer is in the image as a default press menu then you will see media player just over half way down.

24-02-2013, 04:37 PM
Mediaplayer is in the image as a default press menu then you will see media player just over half way down.

not there m8

it is there in bh1.79 on my duo, not in bh2.01 rev a on this solo2

that was why I tried to add it and got that one from the server , the one that crashed

this whole mediaplayer saga started because I didnt have it so tried to add it

24-02-2013, 05:16 PM
not there m8

it is there in bh1.79 on my duo, not in bh2.01 rev a on this solo2

that was why I tried to add it and got that one from the server , the one that crashed

this whole mediaplayer saga started because I didnt have it so tried to add it
Somehow your image has become corrupt, the only option you have is to reflash

24-02-2013, 08:22 PM
On solo2 I have media player with Image 2.01, in the menu panel

24-02-2013, 08:32 PM
On solo2 I have media player with Image 2.01, in the menu panel

can you ftp your mediaplayer folder to your lappy, and zip it up for me please ?


24-02-2013, 08:57 PM

do you want mediaplayer2 to test ?

its the one i currently use.


24-02-2013, 09:00 PM
Here you go.

24-02-2013, 09:24 PM
Here you go.

ok , thanks , thats fixed it

in the old mediaplayer in plugins you could choose a setting that said to show on main menu

this new one is only in the main menu and NOT in plugins, hence my confusion

now the correct files are in there its working as it should

so thats one problem and confusion solved

thanks again

26-02-2013, 11:51 PM
I have never, ever managed to get mgcamd working on any box never mind the solo2!)

Just out of curiosity i Flashed my VUUNO with the latest BH image 2.01 and did the online update then manual installed

MGcamd 1.38 from here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?142280-VuPlus-Community-Black-Hole-Image-EMU-S&p=832746&viewfull=1#post832746

downloaded hacksat keys plugin from TSpanel and run it to get the current keys

started MGcamd 1.38
went to Nova Sport on Bulsat 39E
didn't clear until i changed the MGcam,cfg with this one then restarted MGcamd1.38 and Nova Sport cleared straight away.

I continued to add my plugins to BH image & even was satisfied with Cool TV Guide
but noticed the flash was 97% full and was unsure how to free up some flash as i hadn't added playstream yet,
so i made a full backup that i can return too later when i have more time and knowledge.