View Full Version : cccam

17-02-2013, 01:15 PM

I'm struggling to install cccam 2.30 on my new Solo2 with the latest BH 2.0 image. I've ftp'd the cam tgz file into the tmp folder and installed the bh package in the adons menu but although it says pack sucessfully instaled, the cam is not showned in the box even after restarting. What am I missing here ???


simon 2003
17-02-2013, 02:40 PM
this one works mate just tested and installed myself in solo2 and am running it now

17-02-2013, 03:18 PM
that's exactly the same one I used. On the addons menu it keeps showing as available for installation after confirming it has been sucessfully installed. Go figure ..

simon 2003
17-02-2013, 03:42 PM
go into addons and uninstall panel delete it reboot and start again mate and remove manually from your temp folder too ,use the one i posted as yours might be named the same but be differrent if you see what i mean as the one i posted im using now so defo works, ,just for your sanity's sake your putting the whole file in temp right your not unpacking it first or anything like that ? so just put the whole folder (do not unpack/unrar) in temp goto manual install then press blue button and you should see it

17-02-2013, 03:55 PM
there's nothing to delete in the uninstall panel which only proves it hasn't been istalled in the first place. And yes I ftp'd the file as it is. Guess I'll reflash again. Bummer !!

EDIT: SORTED. Downloaded the file again and it has finally worked. The one a was using before probably got corrupted in the meantime.

Many thanks Simon :-)

17-02-2013, 04:21 PM
just put his file like it is in the temp folder and install it from add ons. Dont unpack the file

17-02-2013, 05:32 PM
just put his file like it is in the temp folder and install it from add ons. Dont unpack the file

It's sorted m8. Cheers

17-02-2013, 05:56 PM
Hi Kota,

Upload (TSPanel) latest (6.8).
CCcam 2.2.1 and 2.3.0 in cam
section of TSpanel.

My Uno would not install TSpanel
when I IPK'd it with (VUCC) Ver 0.5.
TSPanel was in the (tmp) section
of the Uno for all VUCC said
(Could not install STPanel,,It already
Exists in B/Hole 2.0.0).

So had to manually install
with (Telnet ) in VUCC, with
command line.

One glitch I have found with
B/Hole 2.0.0. is with the
(HDMI CIC) Plugin.
When I Enable HDMI it only
holds until I switch of the Uno
at the socket.
When I boot up the Uno from
cold have to Enable HDMI then
Save again.
Then when I switch the Uno Off
and go back to Freeview, then
switch the Uno On the HDMI
will detect the TV and switch
to (HDMI 1) automatically.


17-02-2013, 07:28 PM
@ BbIGFOOT do the image online updates of today

17-02-2013, 08:30 PM
Hi A,

Not looked as yet, will
check for update.
Not sure if there is a
update warning light.
Like the Vix image has.
The Vix flashes a green
warning light in the
Info bar to alert you
of a Software Update.

HDMI CEC Plugin Glitch, Cancelled.
HDMI CEC working O.K.
Pressed Exit on remote after
enabling HDMI CEC.
Should has pressed (Red) to close.
Uno now Auto detects LG 55" LCD
when you start from cold, or
start from standby.


17-02-2013, 08:41 PM
No indication when a new update exists and not a priority yet.

17-02-2013, 09:32 PM
Hi A,

Just checked, Menu..Setup..
..Software Management..
..Software Update.

Downloaded Update.
39 packages.

Blackhole Info.
B/Hole 2.0.0.


18-02-2013, 10:01 AM
Addons: Online image update

29-05-2013, 09:43 PM
I am also having problems with CCcam. I have installed BH on my Vu+ Solo, loaded a channal list for 45E to 30W all with help for you guys. Now I need even more help. I have installed CCcam 2.3.0 and the latest Hypercam using VuCC. Both cams have installed and show as active when selected. However when started nothing clears. What am I doing wrong or are there steps I have missed. I have just had a look in the etc file and the CCam cfg is dated 02/03/2013. Do I need to update?

29-05-2013, 10:16 PM
Have you got a working sea lion on your cccam.cfg ?? Just wondering ...

29-05-2013, 10:36 PM
Oh dear!! As I am sure you can tell I am totally out of by depth. Put it down to my age! How can I tell if I have a working sea lion?

29-05-2013, 10:44 PM
Oh dear!! As I am sure you can tell I am totally out of by depth. Put it down to my age!

How can I tell if I have a working sea lion?

you would have "obtained" one from a suitable "source"

if you havent got a working one from somebody, then that is why nothing clears

obviously you will know if you have "obtained" one , or not

once you have obtained one, ftp into var/etc and copy and paste it into cccam.cfg, save , and restart cccam or restart e2. alternatively, add it using notepad to a copy of the cfg file on your pc or laptop, save the file using the name cccam.cfg same as it was before, ftp into the var/etc folder and transfer and overwrite the existing one in there

30-05-2013, 10:35 AM
Thick or what! I realised 20 minutes later what Kota was saying. THanks echelon for spelling out.

30-05-2013, 11:55 AM
Thick or what! I realised 20 minutes later what Kota was saying. THanks echelon for spelling out.

it was never my intention to leave you in the dark and really thought you would get it :001_302: but to get back on topic have you sorted it or are you in the process of doing so ???


30-05-2013, 01:27 PM
Thanks Kota totally my fault. Thick does not come into it! Is there a good place to go and see the sealions by any chance that are free of sharks

30-05-2013, 02:39 PM
Thanks Kota totally my fault. Thick does not come into it! Is there a good place to go and see the sealions by any chance that are free of sharks

I am afraid that any answers to that question would break our forum rules

thread closed