View Full Version : Dummies Guide help on section 4.a and 5 - Newbie VU+Solo 2

24-02-2013, 05:49 PM

Step 5. Install Cam, Dummies Guide to setting up VU+ Solo 2, Blackhole latest image.

Just to clarify, after downloading file to Windows 7 PC, file is showing as Winrar archive Oscam 7188+CCam 213_E2_BH.

Do I extract to new location on Hard drive which will show two folders called etc and usr ?

or do I leave it as an archive (not extracted).

The VU+ Solo is showing on my network and I can see and access the VU internal 1 TB Hard drive and Configuration folders.

Do I copy Winrar archive file as it is (not extracted) or the extracted etc and usr folders to the tmp folder located within Configuration folder on VU+ Solo 2, followed by the Green, Yellow button method from VU remote.

Also on step 4.a Upload Channel List, does the VuCC require extracting after download to PC and where do I copy it to VU+Solo 2, is it the tmp folder or somewhere else ?

Is the Catseye E2 channel list alphabetical or does it show channels numbered the same as Sly ?

24-02-2013, 05:57 PM
Do not extract, ftp the complete file to tmp and carry out manual install via green button > yellow button

24-02-2013, 06:00 PM
you need to check the file suffix, and if its a tgz file it is ftp to tmp and then installed using green for plugins and yellow for addons manager, and choose manually install BH packages

if its an ipk do the same but choose manually install IPK packages

if its a rar or zip it needs unpacking first, same applies to a channel list like catseyes list, or anything else as zip and rar are container files

any channel list is installed to a vu or dreambox from your pc by using either of the following tools


so vucc is extracted and the folder resides on the pc and you double click the exe file or add a shortcut to your desktop
the other files are similar, but it depends if you use the installer file or the stand alone file

sky channel lists are bespoke and apply to your postcode, so everyones is different depending on area
so a northwest list is different to a midlands or london or scotland or wales or northern ireland list

his lists are set to his area postcode, mine is therefore different as I am in the north west

the point is one channel list cannot be produced to suit everybody, so you adapt it yourself
a channel list is sorted according to how YOU sort it

24-02-2013, 09:50 PM
How do I adapt the channel list, do I do it via Blackhole or on my PC ?

24-02-2013, 09:52 PM
How do I adapt the channel list, do I do it via Blackhole or on my PC ?

either method will do this (its called channel editing)

so you can use a channel editor like dreamboxedit or dreamset on your pc , OR you can do it using your remote control using the image on your box, be it BH or VIX or whatever

its always been this way since the early dreambox days and has nothing to do with the solo2 as its non-specific and applies to any linux box