View Full Version : VU+ SOLO2 Picture Quality

28-02-2013, 11:35 PM
Please I need help about this model.
I received my Solo2 nine days ago.
After update with the newest BH image and making the adjusting settings I am not satisfied with picture quality in SD channels. I compare with my old Topfield TF5500PVR and the pictures on Top are more sharp and nice colors. With the Top by Scart and Solo2 by Scart or HDMI.
The picture quality in my LG-47LM760S by its tuner is also better. Is equal to Top.

Some help about this? Any of you have had same problems?
I was hoping to have a nice box but now I'm a little disappointed. I must resolve this question in few days for stay with it or get back.

PS: Meanwhile I update to the latest driver and the PQ was enhanced. But still a little difference to other tuners. Does it means future drivers will do this box great?

simon 2003
01-03-2013, 12:27 AM
i must admit i dont watch much SD if any ,but if drivers have enhanced the picture quality theres no reason that future drivers wont enhance it even more its still a relatively new receiver thats already come a long way in a short time in my opinion

01-03-2013, 12:45 AM
Jesus, not you again !!!!

Told you before in the other forum and I'll tell you again here.

No one buys an HD box and most definitely not this particular one simply to use its scart output. I'm sorry to say but if you don't have the knowledge nor the will to learn how to set up this box to its full potential, keep your Topfield which is not even an HD receiver.

If you think it gives you a better picture via scart, simply keep it and send the Vu+ back to the dealer but please stop moaning about it's poor picture quality in all the forums I visit which apparently you're the only one complaining about.


01-03-2013, 01:37 AM
Ops, I do not intend to bore you.
Well I don't have chance of compare in loco this box with other recent boxes. I only can to buy by net. So how I did that face to face with my Topfield (only in SD channels of course) and I became worried about. I'm thinking if this is one best buy.
My posts in others forums are to get quick objective informations. Because contrary to what you say I read many posts about the bad picture quality of SOLO2. But I didn't understand if that negative quotations are because bad settings or other thing that not the VU+ quality.
Sorry by my poor english I hope you understand

01-03-2013, 02:21 AM
Just take your time and browse the forums you visit and try to learn a few basic notions how to setup the box properly. This very forum is a good way to start with plenty of usefull information.


01-03-2013, 12:20 PM

Sorry to hear about your experience with the Solo2 and its Picture quality via Scart & HDMI on SD channels, Unlike some i shall try and help in a limited way firstly i believe its down to the Broadcom chipset of the Box itself as every Broadcom based receiver i have owned Including Dreambox have all fallen just a little short in PQ not by margins in any way or form but there is a difference, I own a couple of other different chipset based recievers STi & ALi these both give a marginal improvement on both HD and SD but i must stress Marginal as i say and others have reported Broadcom drivers are updated on a regular basis to imptove not only picture quality but most other functions as well.

The only true way you will notice a marginal difference is to try and set your display panel up the best way you can either try one of the downloadable Plasma/LCD setup or borrow a THX certified DVD or Blu ray with the setup calibration system built into it, you 3rd option would be to get a Calman trained Pro out to your house and have Him/her setup your display correctly for each input device costing Circa £250 but well worth it.


01-03-2013, 12:35 PM
just testing a solo2 running bh 2.01 rev A here and frankly I fail to see what the problem is

it looks absolutely fine to me on SD channels and even better on HD channels over a scart lead
I dont see any difference between this or my spiderbox 7000 on the exact same feed
I also have a duo running BH 179 and the picture quality is fine on that box too.
I dont have a topfield so cannot comment on that box

but I suppose the driver issues (if there are any) will improve over time on any box including the solo2


just testing these features further and have noticed its a bad picture if you set the scart to rgb instead of cvbs or s-video- really bad and greenish

set it to cvbs or you could use s-video , and then check scart and hdmi and its miles better

in other words dont set scart to RGB

normally you would use RGB on scart , but for some reason its bad in this image on this box, no idea about vix

01-03-2013, 01:05 PM
I have db 500 hd and v+duo and just got solo2 of sponsor all connected thru hdmi and I think personly both v+ beat my db for picture quality may be tv could do with setting. Not used scart leads for ages only hdmi leads but gold plated just my opinion thanks

01-03-2013, 01:18 PM
I have db 500 hd and v+duo and just got solo2 of sponsor all connected thru hdmi and I think personly both v+ beat my db for picture quality may be tv could do with setting. Not used scart leads for ages only hdmi leads but gold plated just my opinion thanks

Gold plated just means reduction in Oxidisation compared to standard metal it will not improve picture quality, Probably comes from the sales Blurb people have used since Gold Plated Scart leads

01-03-2013, 10:38 PM
gold plating is due to being a softer more conductive material , this is to ensure a good connection with limited signal loss .

corrosion and looks are secondary .

02-03-2013, 04:02 AM
just testing a solo2 running bh 2.01 rev A here and frankly I fail to see what the problem is

it looks absolutely fine to me on SD channels and even better on HD channels over a scart lead
I dont see any difference between this or my spiderbox 7000 on the exact same feed
I also have a duo running BH 179 and the picture quality is fine on that box too.
I dont have a topfield so cannot comment on that box

but I suppose the driver issues (if there are any) will improve over time on any box including the solo2


just testing these features further and have noticed its a bad picture if you set the scart to rgb instead of cvbs or s-video- really bad and greenish

set it to cvbs or you could use s-video , and then check scart and hdmi and its miles better

in other words dont set scart to RGB

normally you would use RGB on scart , but for some reason its bad in this image on this box, no idea about vix

If he can connect the VU+ to his telly via HDMI, what's the point of messing about with a scart connection for comparison sake with his other box ?? This is just pure nonsense to me.

02-03-2013, 08:55 AM
If he can connect the VU+ to his telly via HDMI, what's the point of messing about with a scart connection for comparison sake with his other box ?? This is just pure nonsense to me.

yes I understand that, but there may be other members who have bought a HD box and dont have a HD tv, in which case if you had bothered to read the latter part of my reply you will see that there seems to be an issue when setting the box to RGB on scart that gives a poor picture with green tint which isnt present in s-video or in cvbs. so as most people would set this to RGB they would then complain about the issue. if using HDMI this problem isnt apparent no matter which of those settings you use

THE POINT here is that you may be using the box with HDMI to a HDMI tv but may have the scart connected to a second tv, or to a video sender, or to a dvd recorder like me over the last few years scarted from my dm800HD to a sony dvd recorder in order to record a movie and dub to a dvdr and you wouldnt want that bad picture to be on your second tv or recordings

and in case you decided to reply and tell me nobody would connect a HD tv to an SD tv , you are wrong

a HD box obtaining a HD channel can decode it so that it can be watched on an SD tv and the picture quality is usually better than any SD channel. c5HD on 28 east is one such channel, as was PLTV on 10 east when we could watch it and there will be more too. some members do this with a tm5402 or spiderbox and distribute rf over the coaxial aerial network so you wouldnt want it on that option either

I do agree that generally speaking you would watch a HD box using hdmi to a HD tv, but its not always the case and sometimes you would try these comparison tests. this member is entitled to do so although I am not sure about the validity of the tests he has done so far as he hasnt mentioned if he has scart set to RGB or to cvbs, his topfield is probably set to RGB on scart which is always superior to cvbs and always has been, so in actual fact there is no way to compare like with like as I pointed out in my edited reply that you quoted without reading the actual context or the fact that a fault does exist

so lose the bad attitude and start to think about these things properly given your long term membership here, try reading the rules about not dissing other members and think very, VERY carefully before you post these negative comments again as I for one wont tolerate this on here

02-03-2013, 11:08 AM
I'm using my HD box with my SD large Toshiba rear projection TV. I have to use scart - no HDMI.
As echelon says, picture quality on the HD channels is much better than the SD channels (even with the SD TV).
For some reason, I've found the image I use has a bearing upon whether RGB or CVBS is best. Indeed some only work with one or the other.

02-03-2013, 12:25 PM
yes I understand that, but there may be other members who have bought a HD box and dont have a HD tv, in which case if you had bothered to read the latter part of my reply you will see that there seems to be an issue when setting the box to RGB on scart that gives a poor picture with green tint which isnt present in s-video or in cvbs. so as most people would set this to RGB they would then complain about the issue. if using HDMI this problem isnt apparent no matter which of those settings you use

THE POINT here is that you may be using the box with HDMI to a HDMI tv but may have the scart connected to a second tv, or to a video sender, or to a dvd recorder like me over the last few years scarted from my dm800HD to a sony dvd recorder in order to record a movie and dub to a dvdr and you wouldnt want that bad picture to be on your second tv or recordings

and in case you decided to reply and tell me nobody would connect a HD tv to an SD tv , you are wrong

a HD box obtaining a HD channel can decode it so that it can be watched on an SD tv and the picture quality is usually better than any SD channel. c5HD on 28 east is one such channel, as was PLTV on 10 east when we could watch it and there will be more too. some members do this with a tm5402 or spiderbox and distribute rf over the coaxial aerial network so you wouldnt want it on that option either

I do agree that generally speaking you would watch a HD box using hdmi to a HD tv, but its not always the case and sometimes you would try these comparison tests. this member is entitled to do so although I am not sure about the validity of the tests he has done so far as he hasnt mentioned if he has scart set to RGB or to cvbs, his topfield is probably set to RGB on scart which is always superior to cvbs and always has been, so in actual fact there is no way to compare like with like as I pointed out in my edited reply that you quoted without reading the actual context or the fact that a fault does exist

so lose the bad attitude and start to think about these things properly given your long term membership here, try reading the rules about not dissing other members and think very, VERY carefully before you post these negative comments again as I for one wont tolerate this on here

Ok. I got the message. However, it really annoys me to see his posts all over the forums I'm also a member bashing this fantastic box being it for either poor picture quality, slow channel searching, not capable of tuning specific channels or whatever and that's why I got a bit carried away here.

If I have the patience to look for an old scart lead I'm sure I must have here somewhere lying around, I might give it a go and report my findings.


02-03-2013, 06:31 PM
Hi All,

(Where is cpistola)

I had an RGB problem with the
Humax HD2000.
The RGB picture was unstable
on the Sony LCD, waving dark
bands rolling from top to bottom.

The fix was to change
the (Colour System) from Pal
to Secam.
On the Sony the Colour system
is grayed out (Menu-setting- Setup) in
terrestrial freeview, to enable
Colour system you have to turn on
your STB, then the TV will
detect the Secam signal.
The (Colour System will then light UP
giving you access to change from
Pal to Secam.
Once changed the RGB was as
clear as a Bell.

@cpistola, Have you uploaded the latest
Software update (Simplink) it detects any
HDMI connected box, or any
other update, if yes, your Picture settings
will have by default been reset to (Standard).
I find (Vivid + User) the best Picture setting.
Its just (Vivid) until to change any of the
Vivid settings, the if becomes (Vivid + User).

Goto, Menu..Support..Picture test.. in the
LG 47ML760 LCD.
Test the Picture Quality and if your dissatisfied
with it you will find an LG phone number
on that page to make a complaint.

PS, thing is, can't find a Colour System on
my LG 55LM760T.

Cpistola, what does the (S)
stand for in your LG name (Satellite ?).


02-03-2013, 11:42 PM

Out of curiosity I decided to connect the box to my Samsung LE46C750 via scart and to be quite honest the picture is pretty acceptable but obviously miles away from HDMI.

I couldn't see any green tint or any other issues whatsoever and I promise you I don't need a visit to specsavers at all ;)


See for yourselves.



03-03-2013, 12:48 AM
Not doubting your point about the non existent green tint on the picture but those screen shots look very much like screen grabs from the webif, to get a correct shot for the benefit of the OP you would have to take one via a camera and show some of the TV screen/logo in the photo.

03-03-2013, 12:48 AM
Hi, thanks to all. I was a little absent.

Well, finally here is one competent explication about poor (even marginal) PQ of Solo2 and perhaps other VU : How said digicon :
"...Unlike some i shall try and help in a limited way firstly i believe its down to the Broadcom chipset of the Box itself as every Broadcom based receiver i have owned Including Dreambox have all fallen just a little short in PQ not by margins in any way or form but there is a difference, I own a couple of other different chipset based recievers STi & ALi these both give a marginal improvement on both HD and SD but i must stress Marginal as i say and others have reported Broadcom drivers are updated on a regular basis to imptove not only picture quality but most other functions as well"
I read also in other place that differences Broadcom versus STi chipsets. Of course Broadcom will have another functionalities

As I said I only have possibility of compare with my Topfield (only SD, Top. is not HD) and the LG TV tuner (SD and HD).
In fact all my preoccupation is if I'm buying a very good box. And usually I buy such a device for use a long time.
I must decide to next monday (14 days). Stay or not.
If I knew that Duo2 come with better PQ,(and arrive next one or two months) I would go to Duo2.

Bbigfoot :
I live in Portugal and the LG models are **LM***S . It has a Sat tuner, perhaps the S is of Sat. But the sat software is poor.
Yes I have the settings optimized.

You think Solo2 is fasting in scanning channels? Well, perhaps my unit is faulty but in true I verified this negative point in some reviews.
Beleave I have not nothing against VU . Yes meanwhile I learned tunning specific channels.
I only asked for help to know about quality or not of this box.

03-03-2013, 01:14 AM
Not doubting your point about the non existent green tint on the picture but those screen shots look very much like screen grabs from the webif, to get a correct shot for the benefit of the OP you would have to take one via a camera and show some of the TV screen/logo in the photo.

Sure but you've got to take my word for it. I can always take a picture of my screen but I'm not exactly making things up here ...

03-03-2013, 01:26 AM
Hi, thanks to all. I was a little absent.

Well, finally here is one competent explication about poor (even marginal) PQ of Solo2 and perhaps other VU : How said digicon :
"...Unlike some i shall try and help in a limited way firstly i believe its down to the Broadcom chipset of the Box itself as every Broadcom based receiver i have owned Including Dreambox have all fallen just a little short in PQ not by margins in any way or form but there is a difference, I own a couple of other different chipset based recievers STi & ALi these both give a marginal improvement on both HD and SD but i must stress Marginal as i say and others have reported Broadcom drivers are updated on a regular basis to imptove not only picture quality but most other functions as well"
I read also in other place that differences Broadcom versus STi chipsets. Of course Broadcom will have another functionalities

As I said I only have possibility of compare with my Topfield (only SD, Top. is not HD) and the LG TV tuner (SD and HD).
In fact all my preoccupation is if I'm buying a very good box. And usually I buy such a device for use a long time.
I must decide to next monday (14 days). Stay or not.
If I knew that Duo2 come with better PQ,(and arrive next one or two months) I would go to Duo2.

Bbigfoot :
I live in Portugal and the LG models are **LM***S . It has a Sat tuner, perhaps the S is of Sat. But the sat software is poor.
Yes I have the settings optimized.

You think Solo2 is fasting in scanning channels? Well, perhaps my unit is faulty but in true I verified this negative point in some reviews.
Beleave I have not nothing against VU . Yes meanwhile I learned tunning specific channels.
I only asked for help to know about quality or not of this box.

Fair enough but if I were you I would forget automatic scanning altogheder. Download cat's eye settings available here and then edit it with the satellites you receive with either Dreamset or Dreambox Edit and send it to the box.

03-03-2013, 03:22 AM
I have a vu+solo2 and a dm800hd connected to a Pioneer KRPA500 plasma via scart and hdmi. Sometimes I forget im watching via scart as the video is really good on SD and better on HD via the scart. Perhaps the tv technology is a factor. I personally avoid lcd and led displays.

03-03-2013, 09:31 AM
I think we seem to be proving that the picture quality issue may vary according to the image used, the settings being used on the box and tv , method of wired connection to the tv, and the makes and models of the tv themselves

everybody has their own opinions, including me

all I know is I tried it on one tv only and got and still get the results I posted, now that green tint could be a factor of the tv so I would have to check it on a different tv to be sure of my findings.

BUT I still maintain I dont see a PQ issue , especially when connected by HDMI and not by scart, yet the OP may disagree and has the right to do so

all I will say is that I for one wont be getting rid of this solo 2

and the catseyes list is exceptional at doing what it does, can be downloaded from the BH website straight into the box, or can be downloaded on this forum and sent to the box using either vucc, or dreamset, or dreamboxedit. because of that I havent scanned at all on my dm800 , or my duo , or my solo2 and have no intention of doing so either

frankly I dont understand the obsession with scanning for channels and never have. if a channel is missing I use manual transponder scanning to add it and then move it into position in the favs, which is rare if using the catseye lists so all credit to him

03-03-2013, 12:03 PM
I have a vu+solo2 and a dm800hd connected to a Pioneer KRPA500 plasma via scart and hdmi. Sometimes I forget im watching via scart as the video is really good on SD and better on HD via the scart. Perhaps the tv technology is a factor. I personally avoid lcd and led displays.

I too am a fan of plasma technology but these days and with the proper calibration, most modern LCD/LED can perform extremely well with amazing black levels not to mention the fact that screen burning is absent and you also reduce your electricity bill by quite a margin but having said that I can almost guarantee TV technology is not the issue here.


03-03-2013, 12:45 PM
I too am a fan of plasma technology but these days and with the proper calibration, most modern LCD/LED can perform extremely well with amazing black levels not to mention the fact that screen burning is absent and you also reduce your electricity bill by quite a margin but having said that I can almost guarantee TV technology is not the issue here.


Screen burn on plasma' went out with the dark ages its due to user fault ie leaving on dynamic mode that screen burn happened, as for LED/LCD technology catching up with Plasma they are still leaps and bounds away. Personally in the last 2 years i have had and returned all the major manufacturers screens mainly LCD/LED as the Blacks could not hold a candle to Plasma and lets not get into the sports how crap LED/LCD is jeez terrible for refresh rates.

If the OP is viewing via Scart on a Plasma display then this should give adequate results compared to LCD/LED technology

03-03-2013, 01:11 PM
Screen burn on plasma' went out with the dark ages its due to user fault ie leaving on dynamic mode that screen burn happened, as for LED/LCD technology catching up with Plasma they are still leaps and bounds away. Personally in the last 2 years i have had and returned all the major manufacturers screens mainly LCD/LED as the Blacks could not hold a candle to Plasma and lets not get into the sports how crap LED/LCD is jeez terrible for refresh rates.

If the OP is viewing via Scart on a Plasma display then this should give adequate results compared to LCD/LED technology

I don't intend to start an off topic between the two technologies. I'm not talking subjectively here and I'm definitely not biased like you. End of story.


03-03-2013, 01:44 PM
I don't intend to start an off topic between the two technologies. I'm not talking subjectively here and I'm definitely not biased like you. End of story.


No need to start an off topic conversation about the 2 technology's its a fact, go to any A/V forum that deals with the said technology's and you will find all the answers there why Plasma is better than LCD/LED, last year i tested the five main branded manufacturers LCD/LED and not one came close to Plasma and if viewing in SD Plasma is way ahead again which the OP is doing via his Solo2

03-03-2013, 02:03 PM
Sure m8. Whatever takes your fancy :sifone:

There is no doubt in my mind that plasma is better. I had more tellys in my life than I care to remeber, beleive you me. I'm also a member of most AV forums around I use simply for guidance. Period. The only reason I replied to your post was the fact you said this particular problem could be caused by the tv set technology which I think, in my humble opinion, has got nothing to do with it. 'Nough said ??

03-03-2013, 02:33 PM
My original post was to ask the OP to have a go at a basic calibration of his display to see if this would enhance the picture quality a little compared to what he was viewing at present, not sure if its Plasma/LCD/LED but a basic setup could improve certain elements especially when viewing the Solo2 via a scart setup.

My own personal view is and to reiterate my view only comparing the picture quality of the Solo2 and my DrHD Grand Triple both via HDMI Via an AV amp into the same HDMI input which has been calibrated the DrHD does give a marginal better picture on HD and SD its almost crisper in some effect, I can only put this down to the Broadcom chipset and how the drivers are implemented in the receiver this also goes for my previous owned machines Solo,Uno,Ultimo,Dreambox which are all broadcom based.

To be perfectly honest the only slight difference in picture for me means very little when you compare what broadcom based linux Enigma2 receivers can achieve compared to Closed source receivers such as the Technomates,Spiderbox etc... there really is no contest in that matter and with the driver updates that have come more frequent in the last couple of months for the Solo2 including enhancements for the Picture quality ( a good Sign VU are Listening ) it can only go from strengh to strengh. I have noticed a drastic improvement in picture quality from the very first driver set up to the recent driver implementation .

I think the OP should persevere for the moment and await further developments in the drivers to see if picture quality improves still further, In the meantime there are steps he could do with his display to improve quality which have been outlined in this very thread.


03-03-2013, 02:50 PM
You are right. My mistake. I somehow confused shift's post with yours. Sorry.


03-03-2013, 08:22 PM
You are right. My mistake. I somehow confused shift's post with yours. Sorry.


Im confused as well. What did I do?

04-03-2013, 12:05 AM
No worries m8. I just mixed things up quoting him on something you posted.

04-03-2013, 12:18 PM
My original post was to ask the OP to have a go at a basic calibration of his display to see if this would enhance the picture quality a little compared to what he was viewing at present, not sure if its Plasma/LCD/LED but a basic setup could improve certain elements especially when viewing the Solo2 via a scart setup.

My own personal view is and to reiterate my view only comparing the picture quality of the Solo2 and my DrHD Grand Triple both via HDMI Via an AV amp into the same HDMI input which has been calibrated the DrHD does give a marginal better picture on HD and SD its almost crisper in some effect, I can only put this down to the Broadcom chipset and how the drivers are implemented in the receiver this also goes for my previous owned machines Solo,Uno,Ultimo,Dreambox which are all broadcom based.

To be perfectly honest the only slight difference in picture for me means very little when you compare what broadcom based linux Enigma2 receivers can achieve compared to Closed source receivers such as the Technomates,Spiderbox etc... there really is no contest in that matter and with the driver updates that have come more frequent in the last couple of months for the Solo2 including enhancements for the Picture quality ( a good Sign VU are Listening ) it can only go from strengh to strengh. I have noticed a drastic improvement in picture quality from the very first driver set up to the recent driver implementation .

I think the OP should persevere for the moment and await further developments in the drivers to see if picture quality improves still further, In the meantime there are steps he could do with his display to improve quality which have been outlined in this very thread.

Thanks for your explanation.
I have a LED (LG 47LM760S) and I made all the possible calibrations on it.
How I said the difference in picture from Solo2 and my Topfield or LG (own tuner), become smaller after the driver updates.
So I agree if VU+ enhanced PQ with driver until now, is expectable future developments can improve more.
I notice that the diferences are about crisp sharp and some artifacts

I'm using the new BH image. I think the PQ don't depend of the image used, do you agree?

Another two questions:
1- Are there any form of to have more than one favorite list?
2- Some of you are using the Solo2 with interface (Vbox for example) to 36volt rotative antenna? Do it well?
I didn't implement yet with my Solo2.

04-03-2013, 01:35 PM
I have not seen this box yet but thinking of getting one when I get back in a couple of weeks time.
Does the solo2 use any different kind of video system to other boxes? I am thinking that a PC could use a video card or have onboard video and wondering if the video is handled only by the processor? (Just a thought, may be bollocks)

04-03-2013, 01:43 PM
use catseye lists and you have various favourites you can use or alter quite easily (same as on a dreambox or duo too)

or use the auto-bouquets maker plugin if scanning for yourself

04-03-2013, 02:23 PM
Thanks for your explanation.
I have a LED (LG 47LM760S) and I made all the possible calibrations on it.
How I said the difference in picture from Solo2 and my Topfield or LG (own tuner), become smaller after the driver updates.
So I agree if VU+ enhanced PQ with driver until now, is expectable future developments can improve more.
I notice that the diferences are about crisp sharp and some artifacts

I'm using the new BH image. I think the PQ don't depend of the image used, do you agree?

Another two questions:
1- Are there any form of to have more than one favorite list?
2- Some of you are using the Solo2 with interface (Vbox for example) to 36volt rotative antenna? Do it well?
I didn't implement yet with my Solo2.

I use a Gbox3000 36v positioner with mine and it works flawlessly

05-03-2013, 01:26 AM
use catseye lists and you have various favourites you can use or alter quite easily (same as on a dreambox or duo too)

or use the auto-bouquets maker plugin if scanning for yourself

I use a Gbox3000 36v positioner with mine and it works flawlessly

Many thanks

05-03-2013, 11:37 AM
@ echelon

I have tried to trace the auto-bouquets maker plugin on my vu solo bh 2.0.1 but cannot find anywhere. Can you please help. I always prefer to scan all my sats/channels mainly due to my location as a lot of channels in lists do not match my position.

05-03-2013, 11:47 AM
I am afraid that some plugins etc are not available to the public until the authors release them, or are not available to standard members

if those who publish it havent put the plugin in the public domain then that is their prerogative in which case you will have to wait until they do

my answer is still valid, but maybe I have said something that isnt "out there" yet , you do realise that these plugins get beta tested beforehand ?

they have to be adapted to run on vix , bh , bp and vti , and also in oe16 and oe2 as well


there is one listed in tspanel in the sat4f*n addons server , no idea if its compatible with your image though as I have never used it

13-03-2013, 02:18 AM
use catseye lists and you have various favourites you can use or alter quite easily (same as on a dreambox or duo too)

or use the auto-bouquets maker plugin if scanning for yourself
Today I update the channels list with catseye by VUCC but I don't see any kind of to have favorite lists. I'm newbie, maybe be it. Don't find any auto-bouquet also.
I have BH 2.0 with upgrade.

I would like to have only the free channels on list. For this do I have to make a scan with only the free ch. or there are other form?
Thanks by some help.

Also I don't see how to have the channels with numbers. Ex 1 - BBC HD; 2 - ITV; etc

13-03-2013, 09:07 AM
you should be on bh 2.01 with upgrade , not 2.0 (check this in menu - system info - about)

for channel lists (bouquets = favourites) , press the down button, then press the blue button (Favourites) so the bouquets pop onscreen

go to the very top one sly uk HD epg and select it and you will see the channels in the order that catseye used like bbc1 west midlands at ch1, bbc2 north on ch2

you can use the menu whilst its onscreen to reorder them

or you can use a windows pc channel editor like dreamboxedit or dreamset on your pc or laptop to do this and then load it back into the solo2 box (you were told this by kota in post #20 too)

this has been the same method for several years on any linux box, not just the solo2 and not just blackhole (on my dreambox the bouquet buttons also bring it up too)

if you read MY previous posts I did say to vamas in posts #37 and #38 that sometimes these plugins are in development, but I also noticed the autobouquet plugin was on a tspanel site too but I have no idea if its for oe16 or oe2 and this image is oe2

so if or when an oe2 one is released you will be able to use it, but in the meantime its no good complaining about it if its still in beta stage
what I dont understand is why you press the thanks button on posts but dont bother reading the contents

15-03-2013, 01:44 AM
you should be on bh 2.01 with upgrade , not 2.0 (check this in menu - system info - about)

for channel lists (bouquets = favourites) , press the down button, then press the blue button (Favourites) so the bouquets pop onscreen

go to the very top one sly uk HD epg and select it and you will see the channels in the order that catseye used like bbc1 west midlands at ch1, bbc2 north on ch2

you can use the menu whilst its onscreen to reorder them

or you can use a windows pc channel editor like dreamboxedit or dreamset on your pc or laptop to do this and then load it back into the solo2 box (you were told this by kota in post #20 too)

this has been the same method for several years on any linux box, not just the solo2 and not just blackhole (on my dreambox the bouquet buttons also bring it up too)

if you read MY previous posts I did say to vamas in posts #37 and #38 that sometimes these plugins are in development, but I also noticed the autobouquet plugin was on a tspanel site too but I have no idea if its for oe16 or oe2 and this image is oe2

so if or when an oe2 one is released you will be able to use it, but in the meantime its no good complaining about it if its still in beta stage
what I dont understand is why you press the thanks button on posts but dont bother reading the contents

Ok, I'm using BH 2.01 and catseye. Now I see that bouquets are = favourits. Thanks.

I would like to have that favourits lists (HD, enterteinm, sport, etc) only with free channels. But how you said I can edit with that editors. I only experimented a little and didn't see how it do that job. I must see with more time.
I saw in linuxxxx-forum another bh image: "Black Hole 2.0.1 UK Ready VU+Solo2 Backup". Don't know if it's a bh2.01 upgrade.

15-03-2013, 05:56 AM
IT WONT be an upgrade just some bodys back up of the image

15-03-2013, 06:05 PM
Have had the VU+Solo2 for four days and read as much as I could on this site and would like to say thanks to everyone for the tips,comments and observations about this great little box. Looking at this thread both echelon and kota's comments have put me on the right track for channel editing with the dreamboxedit and dreamset programs.
Just something I noticed about P.Q was the adjustment option where you can select HDMI and 50/60Hz and 1080p along with lots of other variations. My system was set to default ( as you would expect ) and P.Q was a bit soft, after adjustment for my Pio 5090 with HDMI there was a big difference. Obviously I'm a newby to this stb, just reporting my findings.
Off to try one of the two channel editors now.
Thanks again for the great support, as you guys must see the same thing being asked time and again but still keep up with the advice.

15-03-2013, 08:53 PM
Or for more settings re p.q try menu, setup, system, video enhancement settings, it has all the local adjustments you could want.
I have contrast 128 256, sats 128 256, hue 128 256, brightness120 256, I set sharpness right up to max at 26 26, split off, sharpness 50 256, auto flesh 1 4, dynamic contrast 8 256, digi contour removal 1 5. These arejust my personal settings which suit my setup. Each setup will be unique to you, but there is load of adjustment to go at..

15-03-2013, 09:18 PM
I'm sure you'll find this box absolutely brilliant the more you play with it and take advantage of all the possibilities it offers. As for settings, which one did you end up with ?? 1080p 50Hz is what I'm using for european HD channels and I'm quite happy with it.

Also something I found since changing from an original dm500HD is that the Vu+ is much more happy using dreambox edit than dreamset for channel editing or even assigning picons. Use the E2 of the former and you won't regret it.


15-03-2013, 09:57 PM
Hi kota,

Is it 1080p/50hz or 1080p/60hz.
In the latest B/hole (2.0.1) image
I think its 1080p/60hz.
Have you tried the 4 freeview
HD channels, 80% of Film
showing in 1080p.

@cpistola, When you said you
setup your LG 47LM750p
Picture setting did you setup
all three settings.
(1)Freeview Picture settings.
(2) Satellite Picture setting.
(3) 3D Picture settings.
A tip for 3D setting, set
Backlight to 100%, brighter
picture when using 3D glasses.


15-03-2013, 10:41 PM

Maybe I wasn't too clear. I'm also using the latest BH image and it gives me 1080p multi, 50hz and 60hz options. I'm using the first and let the box decide on whichever channel or mkv's I' watching. Normally I get 1080p 50hz on my TV info on all HD channels and 1080p 60hz on 1080p mkv's. To be quite honest, I think there's no HD channels broadcasting in 1080p. I reckon it's the box internal scaler that does it showing 1080p on the telly instead of 1080i like I used to get on the dreambox, but I could be wrong ...


15-03-2013, 11:03 PM
Hi kota, I ended up with 1080p 60hz, but my tv has a prety good upscale engine. Just wanted to make a post re my findings. Thanks for the advice for editing, will try that. Need to edit my downloaded catseye file, and I dont seem to have any 13e entry, and cannot set that sat. Im sure its a minor problem which I can sort soon.

16-03-2013, 05:47 PM
Hi kota,

Never tried Tv Info, I just
look at B/H Info bar to
check its (1920 x 1080).
Will check Tv Info next time.

Never heard of a 1080p
signal being transmitted
from any Satellite as yet.
Found a couple of 720p
signals on 19e.

You will tell strait away
if it a 1080p signal, the
4 freeview channels
that from time to time
use 1080p are Awesome,
no need to check, its that
sharper a Picture.
Sometimes just watch crap
because the Picture quality
is that Good.


16-03-2013, 06:21 PM
Personally i dont see the point of choosing 1080p as there are only a few test transmissions that broadcast in progressive everything else i have seen are all interlaced so your just adding another scaling job for the box to do with very little effect, the current test Transmission on 10° east of the Ultra High Definition channel which is broken into 4 parts due to the bandwidth is actually in 1080p

18-03-2013, 02:30 PM
Being new to this box I just chose these settings as they were the highest available and my system can handle them. If this is not correct please advise. I am very happy with my P.Q on my Pio screen which is fed by and switched by a Yamaha DSP Z1 AV amp.