View Full Version : help needed please dm 800se

01-03-2013, 04:45 PM
dm 800 se locking up

problem with dm 800se( clone), the box continually lock up and i have to reboot. sometimes lock whilst scanning for channels, sometimes whilst changing channels. will not work for more than 5 mins without locking up.
have tried numerous images. and power supply
any help please.

01-03-2013, 05:00 PM
Its not overheating is it?
I know its more common on the DM800HD then the SE version,but maybe the fan is kaput?

01-03-2013, 08:15 PM
no, not overheating. the fan is working ok and the fault occurs from switch on, even if been left over night

01-03-2013, 08:25 PM
Are you running your image from flash, usb or an internal Hard Disk?

Flash - maybe you are running our of resources
USB - may be worth trying a faster stick

Have you checked the sleep time setting for your HDD. It could be, as it was for me, that when watching for a while I would decide to zap only for the box to become non responsive while it waited for the HDD to come back on line. I just ended up setting it to never go into sleep more as I ran my image from it anyway. That fixed it for me.

Others could be dodgy network connectivity & signal lock anomalies. These too can cause the box to simply freeze but in these cases the GIU may come back after a while (>2mins).

Also, as a long shot, maybe worth setting up a swap file to see if that makes any difference.

02-03-2013, 09:59 PM
thanks for reply,
i am running the image from the flash. i have added no plug ins.
i have no hdd.
i am not at the moment connected to network

13-03-2013, 12:42 PM
Which channel listing are you using.?
'Scanning for channels'.???
Are you trying to use the DM's scan function to pull in channels.?
You're wasting your time if you are.
You need to upload a channel listing from the likes of Hannibal.

20-03-2013, 12:06 PM
Have you tried the Nemesis image?

I have found this to be very stable for the DM800se clone, with the "extra" url its very easy to update and as sonic states, Hannibal channel lists can be downloaded directly to the box.