View Full Version : Techsat Transparent BH 2 edit

08-03-2013, 01:30 PM
Techsat Transparent BH 2 edit

Only Black Hole 2.x.x

This skin has been edited, the default skin of the image created by BH Army.
(the author has not responded to the requests made ​​to the edit!)

08-03-2013, 01:40 PM
Techsat Transparent BH 2 edit

Only Black Hole 2.x.x

This skin has been edited, the default skin of the image created by BH Army.
(the author has not responded to the requests made ​​to the edit!)

Remember that these skins have a copywrite on and technically you are breaking the law.

08-03-2013, 01:46 PM
Remember that these skins have a copywrite on and technically you are breaking the law.

Explain to me better, I found on the net.

08-03-2013, 02:18 PM

Plenty of info if you use google.

08-03-2013, 03:09 PM
Explain to me better, I found on the net.

explain or not explain, isnt the issue, because if the above is true it breaks the COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL part of the rules here


anything that breaks the rules of this forum doesnt need any explanation

08-03-2013, 04:24 PM

Plenty of info if you use google.

by wiki:

Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time. Generally, it is "the right to copy", but also gives the copyright holder the right to be credited for the work

I opened the xml file


skin author: Army
edit TechSatTeam
onlY black hole version: 2.0.1

then what's the problem since the credits are attributed to the author??

08-03-2013, 04:31 PM
explain or not explain, isnt the issue, because if the above is true it breaks the COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL part of the rules here


anything that breaks the rules of this forum doesnt need any explanation
curious how it takes so much about these things and then we discuss cardsharing or softcam, here there are the rights?

only for example

08-03-2013, 04:34 PM

Excuse my ignorance, I just do***ented:


The law on copyright improperly known as "copyright" protects from plagiarism different categories of creative works, particularly works of literature, music, film, drawings, photographs and computer programs. What protects itself is not the idea itself to provide a certain service or to achieve a certain work but the way in which it is expressed, its embodiment tangible.
The rights holder

Owner of the rights in the intellectual is usually the creator, that the author or co-author, but in the case of work carried out in fulfillment of a contract of employment or on commission, the author is the owner of the only moral rights while property rights belong to the employer. The moral right to be recognized as the author of the work is inalienable, inalienable and imprescriptible. The rights of exploitation are, however, transferable and under Article. 25 the, last for the life of the author and for seventy years after his death.
The purchase of the right

The copyright is acquired originally by the mere fact of creation of the work without the need for any type of administrative performance, whether the deposit or registration as is the case in the field of patents and trademarks. However deposit work with the competent authorities undoubtedly has the advantage of providing reliable evidence of paternity author and creation date of a particular job. The weld SIAE is essential in some cases to be able to exercise their rights.
Author's exclusive rights

An author buys his work on the exclusive right of reproduction, execution, dissemination, distribution, lease, loan, processing and transformation, which can possibly give, in whole or in part, to others by being rewarded for it. In Italy it can perform different types of deposit of the work according to the nature of the same. In principle stands the deposit of unpublished work that is carried out before the publication of the SIAE section unpublished works and that of works published instead takes place at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. SIAE is also the Public Register of the software.

Legislation: Law 22.04.1941 n. 633 Berne Convention

08-03-2013, 05:07 PM
under the laws of publishing it is up to the publisher to ensure what they publish has the permission of the owner and to ensure what they publish has the agreement of the copyright owner and that it is true

in other words its not up to the person who who challenges the publisher to make a case, its up to the publisher to prove their case for publishing

so if somebody objects to something published on the net its up to the publisher to justify what they published, not the challenger

and in our rules it clearly states the following about challenging staff members etc

11) please remember that all posts and ip,s are logged just in case of legal action by the people who may have objected to your post , so if you do not want recriminations , then do not cause problems for yourselves in the first place !

12) if you have made a post or a thread and can no longer find it or access it , it is likely that you broke the rules and the post or thread has been removed

13) and DO NOT send any pm,s to a MOD or ADMIN etc asking for keys or files or any keys/files sites because a refusal often offends
Use of the Private Message system to Admin/Mods should be limited to what can not be posted openly AND must be IMPORTANT !.
This would typically be about private matters or board matters only.

15) and remember the decisions of a MOD or ADMIN are final and not open for debate !!!!!!!!!!!!

the rule on copyright says this:-

Copyrighted Material
All board users agree not to post any material that is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner(s) of said copyright, trademark or other proprietary right.

so if lucas wishes to post these files he found on the net , and is challenged due to copyright, it is his job, and his alone to prove the author and copyright owner has given their permission. it is not staff members jobs to prove it, or otherwise. we do not have to do so, so dont expect it, there is plenty of info on the net about people who publish stuff on twitter or facebook being brought to account, as the mc*lpine case clearly demonstrates

so do not bring other aspects into this as it wont be tolerated

when caught speeding, there is no legal defence in saying that 99 other speeders went past whilst you were being booked, or that someone was driving without a seatbelt on, so you should be let off because you havent read the highway code. ignorance is no defence in uk law

stick to the point, which is that the original author has not given their express permission to allow those changes to be made to their original work and the message in post 1 makes it blindingly obvious that he ignored the request and so maintains copyright on his own work

ps:- the rules here also clearly state that technical discussions on cs are allowed so that linked cs thread is within the rules