View Full Version : ondemand plugin - ViX team only

25-02-2013, 07:50 PM
i wonder why the VIX autobouquetmaker is closed source then ?

strange that as the original authors work was indeed open source and consisted of all py files.

just an observation of another plugin that has been vixified,but easily decompiled and edited if there was enough wanting this as well.

although i do admit its open source on the github.


ABM is not now nor has it ever been closed source, it's all available via the GIT for any one to use.


you can clearly see all of the .py files there if you care to look.

ABM is based on the original autobouquets plugin by LraiZer for which we asked his permission for and gave the same in return to him if he wished to use any of our code, although the finished ABM plugin shares none of the code that the original autobouquets plugin uses as it was too slow for what we wanted.

Andyblac of the ViX team and skaman of Sif team worked together for almost 3 months to create the ABM plugin from the ground up in C++ and python it has no dependencies so should work fine on any Pli or Pli based image, in fact I my self tested it on both a Pli and BP image and it worked just fine on both.

01-03-2013, 10:32 PM
It's a hobby, and helping peeps is what I have done for years, but when it comes to clones I have no time. You pay **** you get **** and I am not interested.

As for your telepathic powers !!!! I would ask for your money back, if they were any good they would have told you to buy a decent box from the sponsor.

Could not have said it better my self, any hoo to the reason i visited the forum today.


Quick preview of how were progressing ( Big thanks to Mcquaim )

This is Alpha code and very very early in development which is why it's not yet on the GIT but I though i'd give you a quick look of things to come.

03-03-2013, 10:07 PM
sorry for the late reply not been on the net today had a really naff day.

any way i see andy pushed the updates to the GIT, as posted above i'm not a coder so sadly cant help there but this is the dependencie needed for the 4OD plugin.

There is also a new updated credits screen, sorry if we missed any one as there really are way to many to mention.

04-03-2013, 06:47 PM
Here is an attempted GEO fix for the latest 4OD plugin, Thanks once again to Mcquaim..

Code loops for a non-UK user 15 times trying to find a playable stream, otherwise it throws an error..

04-03-2013, 07:21 PM
new files added to the OE Alliance github

including itv screens and 4OD Player

trying to edit now and about 50% of the code that needs to be edited is completed.ive got the new plugin version to run on both python 2.6 and 2.7,on both BP and BH,but only by removing the png's(will sort these later)
the biggest problem and one saintomer and i may not be able to overcome alone is to do with the skins.
certain elements appear to be missing from none vix skins and at the mo im totally stuck on this.and the plugin is crashing when trying to display the new itv screens.the jpegs are downloaded to the /tmp file but as i said my skin cannot display them.

anyone wishing to help needs to add two new modules too to get the new version of the plugin to run.
i can supply these if needed as ive already sourced them from the net.

but if you want to get them yourselves you need the simplejson and decimal.py modules.

never been good with skins.but i know many on here are.

its this thats got me stuck at present.

[SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'StreamsThumb'>
warning, skin is missing element thumbnail in <class 'Plugins.Extensions.OnDemand.itvp layer.StreamsThumb'>

need help here guys.


is it down to the skin size in that part of the py script being set to


line 182 in itvplayer.py

im sure i read a post (possibly yours) somewhere saying that other images cannot use these types of size layouts

06-03-2013, 07:47 PM
[OnDemand] Add Search option to rteplayer.py
As the title says, a new menu item has been added to search for
programmes on the RTE Player Website

I have added a new search option to the menu for the RTE Player. I will look into whether this will be possible for the other players as I get to them....

Update can be found on the GIT or added manually via the included file.

https://github.com/oe-alliance/oe-alliance-plugins/commit/a27ba69c2a7b54f6aa79b76b58d461563 01222c1

06-03-2013, 10:46 PM
[OnDemand] Add Search option to threeplayer.py

A new search menu item has been added to the 3 Player to search for programmes on tv3.ie

Ok, last one for today, a search menu item has been added to 3 Player (New zip on post #1).. This will keep us Irish happy for now anyway, next for foreign relations

https://github.com/oe-alliance/oe-alliance-plugins/commit/f8d50fef5f796d82999020693735ac6d8 37d7443

12-03-2013, 06:41 PM
Ok in the next Bh we will have:
1) all the dependencies available for this plugin.
2) Skin system compatible with relative coordinate
3) Picload compatible with thumbnail resize.

But there are other things that require to be changed in the plugin depending from different structure of enigma2 (OE-ALLIANCE is pli based as you know).

So i think it can be useful to setup a repository at github for Black Hole open source plugins and plugins opensource adapted to Black Hole like this.
I can setup and manage the repository but is there here someone that know git and want to cooperate like for example to mantain the bh compatible version of this plugin and others ?

A little off topic i know, but i would just like to applaud shiro and the BH team for the above post on the BH forum. It is really very refreshing to see such a level headed approach from the usual forum shouting matches that spring up around such projects. if this is put into motion as suggested above it will signify a new closer working relationship between the OE-Alliance and the Black Hole team which will benefit every one in the satellite community. it will mean that such plugins can be worked on by multiple teams amicably with a single goal rather than headbutting each other.

so from me i say thank you shiro and the BH team.

13-03-2013, 07:18 PM
A quick request from Mcquaim for a UK based tester.

OK, I'm looking for a UK based user to test a bit of code for me on this HD option..

I have added a new stream quality option of HD so the plan is that if you select a programme that has a HD stream available it should hopefully play it as long as you are in the UK. Unfortunately HD streams don't seem to be available from outside the UK so this is why I can't test this myself..

So, can someone in the UK transfer the two files in this zip over onto the OnDemand folder of your receiver and then reboot. If you could then launch OnDemand, press Menu and change the preferred stream quality to HD and then try and play the latest episode of Top Gear from the Most Popular category (I know this has a HD stream).

Can you report:
1. That the programme plays.
2. That you are getting the HD quality stream.

If you don't know if the stream is HD then change the config option back to High, play Top Gear again and compare the quality of both.

Obviously this goes without saying that this is for the OE-A version not the modified versions yet but this test will benefit all so if any one is interested please reply below.

13-03-2013, 07:56 PM
Quick thanks to those who tested, file seems to be working fine and will be submitted to the GIT in a few minutes.

13-03-2013, 08:23 PM
It's also worth noting that if you have overscan turned off on your TV you should not see the cut off BBC icon in the first place even without this new HD stream option, and your viewable area will be increased meaning a better picture too.

20-03-2013, 09:07 PM
Wanted a few Australian Crash Test Bunnies !!!!.

ok Guys i'm here with begging cap in hand to solicit the help of a few friendly Australian Crash Test bunnies, to test a new addition to the OE-Alliance OnDemand player.

In our continued strive to better the OnDemand plugin for our worldwide user base, our Code Guru's ( Thanks Mac ) have worked up a very early Alpha version based on the XBMC ABC-iView plugin, but for obvious reasons we need help testing it actually works ( we currently only have one Beta tester based down under ).

Please bear in mind that this is very early in the Alpha test stage and it is only for the OE-Alliance OnDemand player ( ViX image ) at present as thats the image Mac builds on, but we really do need help with this.

here is a version I threw together today. I can't test if anything plays due to Geo but the menu's are working anyway.

It kind of throws out the main OnDemand menu if leave all the players visible so perhaps turn some of the others off so iView is on the first screen.

Fire the 3 py files into the main OnDemand folder and put the image into the icons folder and reboot. Let me know how you get on and feel free to modify any way you please if I haven't gotten anything set up correctly.


so if you live in Australia, use the ViX image and have OnDemand installed ( can be downloaded from the image feeds ) can please give this a run out and let us know what if any thing happens.

Much appreciated .

22-03-2013, 09:03 AM
Just like to say thanks to those who participated in this test, the player is working in Australia just fine although it is Geo locked for the rest of us. The code will be in the GIT in due course.

22-03-2013, 01:35 PM
upto date changelog.


OE-Alliance OnDemand ( official and original version )


-[OnDemand] add new plugin.

-[OnDemand] cleanup and fix imports.
-[OnDemand] stop possible BSOD.

-[onDemand] Update OnDemand/src/plugin.py Varies bug fixes
-[onDemand] Update OnDemand/src/plugin.py whoops
-onDemand] Update OnDemand/src/bbciplayer.py BBC Varies bug fixes

-[onDemand] A complete rewrite of the threeplayer.py plugin
-A total rewrite of the threeplayer.py file to bring it in line with the format of the other onDemand plugins. New method to parse the html using lxml so a new dependancy for this to be installed also.
-The plugin still needs work for the findPlayUrl function, this is very slow but I could not figure out a quicker way to get this to run.
-[onDemand] threeplayer.py tidyup
-Some of the code vs the Git became out of line so tidyup. Also, existing import "from . import _" caused Import Error so removed.
-[OnDemand] fix translation code. this import IS required.
-[onDemand] Fix Tabing issues
-Tidy up the code as I had lots of tabbing issues. Also, only call findPlayUrl for the Section "Straight off the Telly" as we can determine the mp4 url for the other sections by using the icon url.
-[onDemand] Add Icons
-[onDemand] Remove thumbs.db
-[onDemand] Added judge's update for plugin.py
-[onDemand] Fix threeplayer.py skipping shows
-When pulling the media data I was looking for div's that had and id = "gridshow" instead of an id containing "gridshow". This resulted in every 5th show getting dropped (Good spot Sean)
-Also, putting in some of Seans code to remove the call to BeautifulSoup in the function findPlayUrl so this should help speed up getting the stream going.
-[OnDemand] cleanup and fixed line endings (now LF (Linux) instead of CRLF (windows)).

-[OnDemand] Update rteolayer to use lxml
-A good few changes to rteplayer.py
-Mainly use lxml to retrieve the feeds
-Update to categories to also show a thumbnail
-Change location for default icon if show images is false
-A small change to threeplayer.py
-Change location of the default icon if show images is false
-A general tidyup on tabs in rteplayer.py and default.py also
-[OnDemand] fix build.

-[OnDemand] About Text Fix
-The format of the about text was all out of line
-[onDemand] Remove duplicate screens & code
-Moved set-up show images to main screen
-Removed duplicate about screens as it's handled in main screen
-[OnDemand] Use same screen as other ondemand players.

-[OnDemand] itvplayer.py - Use TUNLR for Non-UK IP
-A quick update to check for an error returned from urllib2 when retrieving the stream url.
-If an "InvalidGeoRegion" error is thrown then launch again using the TUNLR IP.

-[OnDemand] itvplayer Extra Debug Output
-When a HTTPError is thrown but it is not a Geo error need to print the output of the exception.

-[onDemand] Updated with Markus's Icons
-Still needs 3player icon & large icons for default players.

-[OnDemand] threeplayer.py fix Straight Stream
-The html that was being returned for the Striahgt off the Telly streams had changed so I needed to change the findPlayUrl function to retrieve the mp4 url.
-Changed it slightly also so that it should future proof it a bit if it changes again in the future.
-Also added a few MessageBox popup's to display an error if this happens in future.

-[OnDemand] threeplayer.py fix crash
-Need to indent findPlayUrl to include it within the StreamThumb class
-[OnDemand] threeplayer.py Fix Crash
-When moving findPlayUrl within the StreamsThumb class I didn't include the self text when calling the function.

-[OnDemand] threeplayer.py - Better Error Handling
-Make better use of error handling from findPlayUrl

-[OnDemand] add common library module, recode menu to use new common code that can be shared across plugin's
-[OnDemand] add 4OD, and cleanup, and use new commons library.
-[OnDemand] OUG Fixes and Default Image
-Tidy up the data parsing for the RTL streams and also fix the navigating issues.
-Pass the defaultImg to the commonModules for each player
-[OnDemand] OUG - Thumbnail Retrievel Fix
-OUG handles humbnails slightly differently than the other plugins. Needed to make a slight adjustment in CommonModules.py when constructing the thumbnail name.

-[OnDemand] Attempt GEO fix for 4OD
-It was higlighted that that the streams returned from 4Od beginning with rtmpe://ll worked and the rtmpe://ak ones didn't.
-I have added a fudge to loop for MaxTimes for Non-UK users to try and obtain an rtmpe://ll stream. If not then an error message is thrown

-[OnDemand] Add Search option to rteplayer.py
-As the title says, a new menu item has been added to search for programmes on the RTE Player Website
-[OnDemand] Add Search option to threeplayer.py
-A new search menu item has been added to the 3 Player to search for programmes on tv3.ie

-[OnDemand] Updates and Bug Fixes
- Add a new Search Menu Option
- Handle parsing Dates more efficiently
- Fix invalid link for Sports Category (Thanks Mickd)
- Move Search menu item to top of list
- Handle parsing Dates more efficiently
- Move Search menu item to top of list
-[OnDemand] Add a Search Menu Option to fourOD.py
-A search option has now been added to the 4OD plugin. One small issue is that the search source is from channel4.com and some of the results are not available on ps3.channel4.com. I output an error message when this occurs.
-[OnDemand] Add Search menu option for itvplayer.py
-Add a search option for itvplayer.py

-[OnDemand] Fix Stream Data containing &amp;
-Update for all players to handle the &amp; character.
-[OnDemand] Fix some data parsing Issues
-Issues with dates and also data not being a string.

-[OnDemand] add option to hide from 'MainMenu, PluginBrowser & Extensions', clean up py code.
-[OnDemand] add license to plugin.
-[OnDemand] tweak main menu, also tweak the list.
-[OnDemand] tweak RTE image.
-[onDemand] fix build
-[OnDemand] fix About screen keymap.
-[OnDemand] All Players - Pass Back Duration
-Passing back duration fiels (if it exists) from each player to commonModules
-Also some code tidyup
-[OnDemand] Fix findPlayUrl stream Error
-Another good spot by mickD.
-TV3 have changed the netConnectionUrl for the Straight Off the Telly section. They are now rtmpe url's instead of rtmp url's.

-[OnDemand] fix EndOfFile exit.
-[OnDemand] tweak config menu.
-[OnDemand] more cleanup and streamline code.
-[OnDemand] be less verbose.
-[OnDemand] add Title to EpisodeList screen.
-[OnDemand] add duration to screen.
-[OnDemand] fix Search.
-[OnDemand] list tweak.
-[OnDemand] New Config option for Preferred Quality
-Removed the need to select stream quality for BBC & ITV players. Instead a new config option has been added to set your preferred quality and the player will try best to match that qulaity.
-[OnDemand] Update required for plugin.py Missed adding the ConfigSelection type
-[OnDemand] Preferred Quality Changes For BBC iPlayer and ITV Player if we have already found the preferred quality setting then break and stop looking further. Faster to play the stream potentially.
-[OnDemand] Update required for plugin.py Missed adding the ConfigSelection type
-[OnDemand] Preferred Quality Changes
-For BBC iPlayer and ITV Player if we have already found the preferred quality setting then break and stop looking further. Faster to play the stream potentially.
-[FanControl] remove unused module.

-[OnDemand] fix typo's.
-[OnDemand] use 'Regular' font for Title in the embedded screen as other skins may not have 'Boldit'.
-[OnDemand] Add a HD Option for BBC iPlayer
-New config option to play the HD streams from the BBC iPlayer.
-Currently this will only work for UK users, limelight doesn't seem to send data for HD streams.
-[OnDemand] Add BBC HD Streams for Non-UK A big thanks to Rogerthis for this info!! We can now play HD streams from outside the UK also
-[OnDemand] Add ABC iView Player
-New player for our Oz users, Currently only available to users in Oz I'm afraid.
-[OnDemand] Update Credits
-I forgot to add credits to Andy Botting for his great work on the XBMC ABC iView Add-on.
-[OnDemand] Update to ABC iView
-I left a debug piece of code for exception handling in the plugin by accident. This would have prevented any categories from returning.

22-03-2013, 09:42 PM
OnDemand can now be added to the new 2.0.2 BH images with the following Telnet command .

init 4 && opkg update && opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-ondemand && init 3

please note i'm not sure if this is the very latest version with ABC iview included as i have not tested it yet.

01-04-2013, 08:24 PM
-[OnDemand] BBC iPlayer Play Stream Update
-Currently if we don't find the preferred stream quality or lower an error message is thrown and nothing is played even if a playable stream is found.
-We are now going to play the available stream now anyway even if it doesn't match the preferred quality setting but a message will be displayed to notify you that this has happened.

-[OnDemand] add fallback for images that do not have 'SCOPE_ACTIVE_SKIN'.

02-04-2013, 07:04 AM
well this is progress and deffo a step in the right direction.
does this mean the plugin writers are finally listening to the voices of the many i wonder ?

and all it took were two simple except instructions too lol.

this now means that line 186 and the importing from tools.directories commands in the CommonModules.py can now remain untouched in the Devixified version.

anything that means less work is cool by me.


23-04-2013, 09:40 PM
excellent progress guys

01-05-2013, 06:56 PM
-[OnDemand] update GUI for main menu.

- [OnDemand] Fix OpenUitzending gemist (thanks Aux99).

- [OnDemand] fourOD Feeds Update- The feeds for fourOD have changed to need to update the plugin to use
- new menu item tag.

22-07-2013, 05:39 PM
-[OnDemand] bbciplayer.py
-updated swfurl links for bbciplayer. ( Thanks to Digidude for the fix.)

-[OnDemand] Update tunlr DNS server settings ( Thanks mickd for the heads up )

you can either wait for the next build ( after 703 or 704 ) or FTP the CommonModules.py file into /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/OnDemand/ ( delete any CommonModules.py / CommonModules.pyo files already in there ) then perform a GUI reboot for the fix to take hold.

Please remember to delete the CommonModules.py once the receiver has rebooted and it has generated the new CommonModules.pyo file

25-07-2013, 11:09 AM
After struggling for 2 days with a BH 2.0.4 and not managing BBCiPlayer to work, I have decided to install ViX image, just to get OnDemand. But could someone please walk me through the steps? Which ipk file should I load for ViX? Is there an updated version of OnDemand plugin with BBCiPlayer fix embedded? What are "dependencies"? See, I'm very much confused :frown:

25-07-2013, 03:30 PM
Fist of all update your vix image via menu to make sure that you are on the latest then download ondemand from plugins sections, finally read the post before yours by Pheonix.

Try it you will be surprised how easy it is.


25-07-2013, 05:43 PM
Fist of all update your vix image via menu to make sure that you are on the latest then download ondemand from plugins sections, finally read the post before yours by Pheonix.

Try it you will be surprised how easy it is.


At last!... I'm a happy man. :party: Thank you mate.

I installed the latest ViX image, downloaded OnDemand from Plugins section, and voila!... BBCiPlayer and ITVPlayer are working, which is enough for me at the moment.

I haven't done what Pheonix said in his latest post (FTP the CommonModules.py). What will it change?

25-07-2013, 09:16 PM
At last!... I'm a happy man. :party: Thank you mate.

I installed the latest ViX image, downloaded OnDemand from Plugins section, and voila!... BBCiPlayer and ITVPlayer are working, which is enough for me at the moment.

I haven't done what Pheonix said in his latest post (FTP the CommonModules.py). What will it change?

not much it's mainly for those out side of the UK so they can access the normally GEO locked BBCiplayer and ITV player.

25-07-2013, 11:39 PM
not much it's mainly for those out side of the UK so they can access the normally GEO locked BBCiplayer and ITV player.

Well, I live outside the UK, and I can get BBCiPlayer and ITVPlayer without changing CommonModules.py. I guess I just have to be happy about it and stop mingling.

15-08-2013, 11:23 AM
-[Translations] NL Update, Thanks Rob.

-[Translations] ET-Update, thanks Rimas.

-[OnDemand] Remove 4OD and OUG
-4OD can't currently be fixed and OUG is not currently being maintained so they are being removed until a time that a fix has been made for either.

02-10-2013, 02:29 PM
- [OnDemand] iRadio
- Adding a new Internet Radio plugin to OnDemand
- Radio Sources from:
- SHOUTcast
- Tunein

many thanks to mcquaim ( MAC ) for all his hard work and bringing this update.


26-04-2014, 11:15 PM
[OnDemand] Add 4OD back in
4OD is back!

All credit to XBMC's Mossy again, top work!! The feeds don't provide as
much programme data as previously but it's enough to live with!

https://github.com/oe-alliance/oe-alliance-plugins/commit/c6420c8449505288d390211fede872493 f49f6f6

27-04-2014, 09:55 AM

Thats very good news indeed.

Just got it running perfectly in OpenPli
im watchng a do***entary about Alien Encounters from it as I type this.

I downloaded all the needed files from the OE-A git and added the code to my original py files and I can confirm its working perfectly using OpenPli

It may work straight out of the box so to speak,although I didnt test that method,because past exprience has taught me that it usually doesnt.But when reading the new code,I cannot see anything that stands out,that will cause any GSOD's when using Pli

So well done ViX for adding the XBMC code for use in other Enigma2 images and not just solely for the ViX image.


EDIT: It appears to be only the old content though,so it doesnt look like XBMC have cracked the DRM issue.