View Full Version : Too much info

the gagsy
18-03-2013, 09:26 PM
It seems the more I look through these page the more confused I get, I have my solo2 on it's way and am trying to read how I will be setting it up when it does arrive, apparently it is coming with manufacturer installed image. So what will be the first order of the day to get my N lines running on it? as easy and simple as possible, I have an F5 box now and that was easy to get up and running. Then when, if? I get it working, can I back that system up and do a full restore after I make a mess of everything, like you can on your PC, I have looked at the dummies guide and am wondering where the FTP program comes in, does that need to go on my PC and what one, how do I know which will be the right CCCam and can I totally bugger the thing up if I do anything wrong?

simon 2003
18-03-2013, 10:15 PM
put a new image on it first black hole is decent,,you will need a usb stick to flash,you wont do it any harm whatever you do, in unlikely event goes **** up reflash start again,Dreambox Control Center E2 i find easiest for FTP yea put on your pc,its a way of sending files from your pc to your solo2,fundemental part of this box ,once you have done it once or twice its easy.follow the guides see how you get on

the gagsy
18-03-2013, 10:22 PM
Thanks Simon 2003, what about CCCams i am using N line so which one do I need and again do I ftp that to the box.

18-03-2013, 11:27 PM
use mgcamd for N:

19-03-2013, 08:29 AM
use VuCC (mentioned in the dummies guides) to control the box and to ftp stuff over, or flash fxp , cute-ftp , filezilla or Dcc instead

use cccam 221 or 230 for C lines and mgcamd 138 for N lines , these can usually be installed from the user menu from the image server or by ftp

yes you can back the files or image up but the exact details are dependent on the image used, as is most of the info you require
the backup tools are usually contained in the flash image but the plugin tspanel also has these tools too

its not just one image and easy-peasy like the F5 was so yes it takes some getting used to, and not having the box does not help as it wont make sense until you actually do the steps one at a time

so choose an image you wish to try, then use the onboard menus to download and install cccam and mgcamd (if possible) and use VuCC to transfer or alter files as required

use dreamboxedit or dreamset or VuCC or Dcc to transfer the catseye channel list (or download it from the image server)

one point to bear in mind here is that on these boxes you will have several ways of doing things and multiple tools to do them, not just one method alone

so sometimes its as well to try the different methods or tools to find out which one suits you best.so yes it will take some getting used to, but its worth the effort if you put that effort in. in the meantime try to learn to walk before learning to run and concentrate on getting the box sorted out instead of being fixated on c and n lines

19-03-2013, 11:00 AM
As Echelon has said read the dummies guide. Follow the link below

the gagsy
19-03-2013, 10:02 PM
Thank you Echelon and hda5, excellent answer to my question, I came to that conclusion today, and took my running shoes off. I was trying to take in to much, and understanding little! It is always easier to do things when you have the thing with you and try the steps mentioned. But as it happens I canceled my previous order with **** supplier due to no stock, and decided to buy one from Goldwafer, which if I had arrived at this forum sooner, I would have done anyway, so am happy about that. As his shop is not far from me about 30min. I have asked Lee to put the Blackhole Image on for me and camb's, then I will back image up after studying how the files are set up and sorted and try doing it myself, at least then when I mess things up I can go back to beginning, like I did when learning about Computers, and I will look at this box like I would a Computer which it is to a greater extent. In the meantime more reading its a pity there is not a jargon buster on the site to explain what things are, what is an MGcamb and the differences in them, and what is an oscar, I don't know what the VuCC is yet either, but i'm sure ill get there just like you guys did.

simon 2003
19-03-2013, 10:13 PM
good descision mate Lee does go that extra mile for his customers,,also mate dont get hung up on backing up,i dont ,just have a folder on your PC with all plugins, cams,ect in then if you have to reflash for an image update you can just FTP everything back onto your solo2 in 5mins that way you have a fresh install this is the way i do it others may use backups.
basically different cams are for different types of servers or cards being shared ect

19-03-2013, 10:13 PM
Thank you Echelon and hda5, excellent answer to my question, I came to that conclusion today, and took my running shoes off. I was trying to take in to much, and understanding little! It is always easier to do things when you have the thing with you and try the steps mentioned. But as it happens I canceled my previous order with **** supplier due to no stock, and decided to buy one from Goldwafer, which if I had arrived at this forum sooner, I would have done anyway, so am happy about that. As his shop is not far from me about 30min. I have asked Lee to put the Blackhole Image on for me and camb's, then I will back image up after studying how the files are set up and sorted and try doing it myself, at least then when I mess things up I can go back to beginning, like I did when learning about Computers, and I will look at this box like I would a Computer which it is to a greater extent. In the meantime more reading its a pity there is not a jargon buster on the site to explain what things are, what is an MGcamb and the differences in them, and what is an oscar, I don't know what the VuCC is yet either, but i'm sure ill get there just like you guys did.

mgcamd is a cam emulator (emu) , as is cccam and oscam too, they are also emulators in their own right and have their own rules and jargon
they are used to decode channels along with keys or with c or n lines (there are others too but those 3 are the main ones)

there are further explanations and examples in the newbie dreambox forum , the cccam forum and the newcamd forum as well as other related forums

never heard of oscar or mgcamb

VuCC is Vu Control Centre by lee at goldwafers and is a tool he has uploaded to this site in the vu tools forum

a predecessor was Dcc which was and is Dreambox Control Centre which can do some of what VuCC does and will be located in one of the dreambox forums

the gagsy
20-03-2013, 08:32 PM
Ok right got my box, put my HDD in set it up, switch it on and !!! and cannot do anything with remote control ?? Must be broke me thinks? rings our sponsor up as I picked box up off him this afternoon told him my woes, Lee then asked what TV i have, it's an LG? ah he said a few have had problems with those, try turning off the Energy saving mode, weird me thinks, so i switched the LG off and it works fine, I put it on downstairs Pioneer tv and it works fine, so now I have got it working after fiddling with energy saver and it seems to work OK when that is set to minimum. And that's just the start of it all, now to fathom how to put my N line in ? as the saying goes I have not got, a jar of Glue!!! wish me luck folks.

the gagsy
21-03-2013, 09:49 PM
Well that went quite well, I have got the sea lion loaded and working, so now how do I set my epg for my favorite channels or can I download a list as I do with F5? took me a while to fathom out how to delete a recorded program, the epg or channel list does not show a list as does the sly system? is that just a sly thing and why is that is it some spacial software in them boxes, is there no series link stuff or 7 day epg.

21-03-2013, 11:19 PM
Well that went quite well, I have got the sea lion loaded and working, so now how do I set my epg for my favorite channels or can I download a list as I do with F5? took me a while to fathom out how to delete a recorded program, the epg or channel list does not show a list as does the sly system? is that just a sly thing and why is that is it some spacial software in them boxes, is there no series link stuff or 7 day epg.

sly have their own patented system so its not surprising that you dont get the same on other systems

as for getting your epg sorted I produced a guide for doing exactly that using crossepg so clearly you havent read all the dummy guides !!

I use a combination of crossepg and the coolmans epg gui plugin myself (sly maintain their own 24/7 specialised epg)

I dont think there is a series link, unless there is a recording plugin especially for it

21-03-2013, 11:33 PM
Echelon's crossepg guide can be found here.

21-03-2013, 11:36 PM
Echelon's crossepg guide can be found here.

same thread as he was told in post number #6 too

the gagsy
22-03-2013, 12:35 AM
Ah 4 and 4a, I see sorry guys, I am going to book mark that thread. Thanks :-)

the gagsy
22-03-2013, 08:39 PM
Don't know what I have done to box now, I am trying to connect VuCC and all I keep getting is access violation at address 0052B201 in module VUCC.exe. read of address 00000000? it was working fine yesterday, I have rebooted router checked all the ip address restarted network on box, the box has an internet connection as my line is working, anyone got any ideas please.

23-03-2013, 12:06 AM
Sounds like the IP address of your box has changed.

Press Menu -> Setup -> System -> Network
Select Network Browser.

This will give you the receiver's IP address.

Enter this IP address into VuCC.

the gagsy
23-03-2013, 02:44 AM
Well its changed now Ok, I have flashed it, and this really is time for nightmares, it says FTP the cam-filename.tgz to the /tmp folder on Vu+? but its a zip file and I cannot see any tgz file, I suppose I had to do it to learn but I am looking all over the forum and don't seem to be able to find the answer, is it a case of wood for the trees here. never was one for if it aint broke don't fix it theory. he he.

23-03-2013, 09:14 AM
ideally you fix the ip so it never changes, by turning off DHCP in networking and selecting an unused ip yourself, saving it and restarting the network


zip and rar are only used as containers for internet transport, the vu doesnt use them at all

and any instructions like you have mentioned will probably have the full details and not what you have written

so unpack any zip or rar files on your pc or laptop using winrar or winzip or 7zip

once unpacked into the correct format you then ftp into the correct directory on the vu or dreambox, providing that the file you downloaded is the correct one for your box and image and version of E2 as well, not just any file that has the name in the title but the CORRECT file for what you are proposing to do, so for BH 2.01 ensure its an E2 OE2 compatible BH file

in this case it should have said something like the following

ftp the tgz into the flash into var/tmp (so ensure you are logged into the root folder of the flash on the vu and then follow the directory structure to the correct folder section. in this instance its the tmp folder that resides in the var folder which resides in the root directory of the flash which is where the O.S. resides (the linux Operating System which is a version of Enigma 2 or E2 for short)

this is just one of several methods employed to add files to the linux boxes, in this case a cam like cccam
another method would be to download from the server itself, or from a 3rd party server like using tspanel
or you can ftp the actual files over into the correct directories and chmod them to 755

I did also mention this in post #5 , paragraph 2 , where I said the following

use cccam 221 or 230 for C lines and mgcamd 138 for N lines , these can usually be installed from the user menu from the image server or by ftp


I have just amended the actual tutorial to give the added example of var/tmp to add more clarity to this actual instruction

the original tutorial was written for the vu duo or similar and was adapted for the other models and so reproduced from the original text to save starting all over again, and some basics have been skipped over due to the disclaimers on knowing the terminology and having some pc skills etc in order to interpret what is being passed on. its not a complete set of instructions for the uninitiated to follow blindly but more of a set of explanatory reminders to act as an aide-memoir to complement the owners existing skills

I also mentioned previously that you will find several methods or tools etc for doing tasks, not just one method or tool, so as its really a pc inside your satellite box running an OS and having many ways of doing things you should look at all possibilities and not just the one tutorial that tells you one method of doing things

its also worth pointing out that all prospective buyers should read the notes when buying which states that certain pc skills are required as its a box for hobbyists, usually with disclaimers on the retailers website

for goldwafers this disclaimer says the following in the actual advert itself

Please Note: This box is offered for sale to competent enthusiasts with knowledge of networking, FTP, and Telnet/SSH.

I would add the caveat that it also includes pc skills like using pc tools like 7zip, dreamboxedit , VuCC and Dcc , Winzip , Winrar , Dreamset , Dreamup , Firefox or I.E. or a similar browser , Filezilla or FireFTP , Adobe Reader , Notepad++ and probably several other tools too

the gagsy
23-03-2013, 10:08 AM
Thank you echelon for clearing that confusion up, that passage was taken direct from the dummies guide and it does not mention the var/temp file just the temp folder on Vu+, I had set the box to a fixed IP and disabled DCHP I then allocated that IP in my router and it still was coming up with the access violation, I tried both Vucc and Dcc to access the box to no avail. So i don't think it had anything to do with IP? And yes I know what a zip file is, but when you unpack it there are two files unzipped and going from my comment above installing them in the root temp as instruction states was not going to work. Yes your quiet correct there is more than one way to skin a Cat, I backed up the Vu, but when I restore the back up the file are all replaced but it refuses to work as before, and one of those files when transferred back causes the access violation, because after it's restored, it does the same so until I find it, and how to stop, it I have to then flash box again to get Vucc to log in?

23-03-2013, 10:16 AM
I had a similar problem using dcc and vcc and accessing my box til the oe2 image came out the only way was to reflash the box to sort it but all seems fine now on my uno

23-03-2013, 10:20 AM
Thank you echelon for clearing that confusion up, that passage was taken direct from the dummies guide and it does not mention the var/temp file just the temp folder on Vu+, I had set the box to a fixed IP and disabled DCHP I then allocated that IP in my router and it still was coming up with the access violation, I tried both Vucc and Dcc to access the box to no avail. So i don't think it had anything to do with IP? And yes I know what a zip file is, but when you unpack it there are two files unzipped and going from my comment above installing them in the root temp as instruction states was not going to work. Yes your quiet correct there is more than one way to skin a Cat, I backed up the Vu, but when I restore the back up the file are all replaced but it refuses to work as before, and one of those files when transferred back causes the access violation, because after it's restored, it does the same so until I find it, and how to stop, it I have to then flash box again to get Vucc to log in?

as I said, the dummies guide is more an aide-memoir rather than something to be blindly followed and members have to interpret what is being imparted to some degree. I also have said I have now amended those dummy guides to give var/tmp as an added example to stop the confusion and I dont mind adding more info into those guides where its necessary

it was also copied and pasted from an earlier duo guide before oe2.0 even existed

the dummies guide also says this at the bottom too

This is enough to get you started, the fun starts learning the rest.

I also said that the container (zip or rar) may not contain the tar.gz or an ipk in the first place, meaning you would need to find the correct zip file for your box and image or if you ftp the files manually you ftp into the correct folders, chmod any new folders to 777 and any files to 755 as required (which an ipk or tgz installer does for you) so your transferred files will be on the default read only of chmod 600

this requires the owner learning how to ftp into the correct folders AND chmod the files as well, so I suspect you havent chmodded them seeing as you have not mentioned it at all despite me hinting at it

so if the zip file you have contains the files within folders in their raw format, it requires you to search the vu for the correct folders, ftp the files into them and chmod as well, and this is all on the proviso that the files are compatible with your chosen image, in this case an E2 image with oe2.0 and python 2.7

so for BH images you generally need oe2.0 compatible BH files, not just any old files, and other members have recently posted BH cccam installer files for the very purpose of addressing these issues which happens quite a lot with many BH compatible files on here, mainly as ipk files


looking at the first link in the dummies guide the files are all tgz format and I cannot see any in zip or rar format !
therefore I am at a loss as to how or why you unpacked them at all seeing as they are in the correct tgz format already
but I have now added a second link for the new OE2 ipk cccam files as well as the older oe1.6 files

the gagsy
23-03-2013, 11:41 AM
Thanks echelon for amending original Dummies guide that makes it clear, I have never used linux or these sat boxes before, my purpose in getting this solo2 is to learn how to set them up, I could merely sit and use my F5 box or switch on my Sly box for that matter, everything regarding these boxes seems convoluted in it's explanation to configuration, and you do need to go rooting in all posts and piece together the setups and explanations, but you only gain experience through the process of learning, coupled with trial and error also asking questions on help forums such as these and helpful people like yourself will pass on the know how, what is a daft/simple question to one is a difficult question to the newly initiated.

the gagsy
23-03-2013, 12:24 PM
Now were getting there attachments with pictures, soon be a proper Dummies guide, for Dummies that are trying to get things working in basic mode.

23-03-2013, 02:06 PM
hi gagsy

I can understand your frustation with the issues you're going through setting up this box properly. I've been there myself but thankfully managed to sort it out with the help of this and other forums. I'm sure you will be able to do it also sooner or later.

One thing I would recommend is to reflash the box once again with yesterday's BH 2.0.2 and start from scratch. Don't do any tuner configuration for the moment and don't install any channel lists yet. Set everything else to your liking and see if your ip problem is sorted using the default options. If so, go to your router page and reserve that ip to your Vu+ if it let's you so it won't change ever again.

In case everything is OK, upload your channel list using dreamset Edit (latest version) and finally do your tuner configuration. This is the way I did it and never had any issues whatsoever with VUCC, dcc or any ftp program for the matter.

Now regarding installing cccam, simply send the CCcam230_E2_bh.tgz you will find here in the fórum to your var/volatile/tmp folder using the ftp program of your choice. DON'T unzip the file. Send the tgz file as it is. Once you've done this go to addons/manually install BH packages menu and you will find cccam there ready for installation. Once finished go to blue panel and choose cccam as your default one. That's it.


23-03-2013, 02:54 PM
Now were getting there attachments with pictures, soon be a proper Dummies guide, for Dummies that are trying to get things working in basic mode.

no problem

if you wish to produce your own dummies guide with pictures for a certain image (like black hole) then feel free to do so as we have always encouraged such feedback

the current dummies guide was not produced by a "dummy" but by a competent person with a lot of latent knowledge and so it goes without saying that he may have missed out some of the basics that you havent learned yet. it was also written about 3 years ago and has been adapted ever since

on the other hand he did link to a thread that only contained tgz files (an old thread that has been outdated due to the bh os changing and evolving) and he clearly stated to ftp that tgz file to the tmp folder , at no time did he mention that you should unpack it, yet you clearly unpacked it and led me to believe it was a zip or rar file you had downloaded, when in fact it appears to be a tgz file, so you seem to have unpacked a file that you were never told to unpack so you did not follow the instructions that the author had written

therefore I have clarified what he said, amended it slightly to show the exact path

I also linked a new thread containing cccam ipk files for your bh 2.01 image, an image that has only recently come out and has already been superceded by 2.02 yesterday ;)

part of the reason its convoluted is that each instruction or tutorial was written on a certain date and applied to the os and files at that date or around that date

but each image is different and even the bh images have now changed from the ones produced last year like BH 1.79 when I bought my duo (which were oe1.6 not the newer oe2.0)

but a lot of the info is as relevant now as it was 3 years ago when the duo tutorial was first published

the gagsy
23-03-2013, 08:17 PM
A straight answer Kota cheers mate, thats all I am asking.

the gagsy
23-03-2013, 11:05 PM
The thing that gets me, I train model helicopter pilots how to fly them, and if I was so vague they would linch me.

the gagsy
11-05-2013, 02:31 PM
Well just over two months down the line and I am now getting the hang of things, and Wow this box is a real bundle of tricks, running Black Hole 2.0.2 revE after much swoping and changing I have decided I prefer that image best. The Solo2 is in my opinion faultless in it's function and performance they make a sly box seem like junk, Thanks Goldwafers :-) the choice of movies, TV channels and plugins seem to be endless. One thing that has given me some issues is the remote not working with my TV, not that the remote does not work as it does on my other TV very well, It does work sometimes and then stops with the TV i have it on and can be a real pain at times, the workaround I found for this issue was to download an app for my android phone called dreamdroid, it's free and works brilliantly with the Solo2 although originally for dreamboxes it works with any Enigma2 enabled box I would think, It also has EPG and timer settings along with other stuff, I would recommend giving it a go.
I am now waiting for Duo2 to be released and will be getting one as a main Sat Box in living room now that I understand how they work and simplified the controls so all the family can use them, Cool TV guide makes life so much easier, and the missus now know's how to run timer settings for her soaps. onward and upward more to learn....

11-05-2013, 02:52 PM
you can also use the free vu utility app on an android phone as well, and you can zap the channels or stream them if you wish

there are details about the vu app in our android section in the sticky threads if you care to look

glad you are getting there

the gagsy
11-05-2013, 03:19 PM
Yes echelon I have that as well very good app, and thanks. But the dreamdroid app actually gives you a fully functional remote on your phone via Lan, rather than zapping a channel, and that's what I needed more, as at times my remote just does not work even in menu section, I have to make the screen go black by putting it to an unused service on TV, Wonder if VU will ever sort this issue? I know it is not there fault but would be nice if they did.

11-05-2013, 04:04 PM
gagsy, now that your are OK with box and its all fresh plus you went through all the pitfalls could you do a dummies guide based on your box please? and you could indicate the pitfalls that should be avoided.


the gagsy
15-05-2013, 11:09 AM
How to set up your new Vu+Duo/Solo2 I will not go into setting up a motorised system like other tutorials as I have not set mine up yet, more fun to come yet?
I have had my sat box for around 3 months so no expert, like some on here, who I might add thanks too for their invaluable help and input, which they give to all us learner sat drivers.
Ok, you got your new shiny Vu+Solo2 and you want to watch some TV but you don’t know where to start !. I had my image pre-installed but soon had it broken due to me messing with it, that’s what you got it for right?

This information is what I found to be the most helpful as I started out, it aims to show you what you need to do, to setup your new receiver from scratch to the point where you can at least watch FTA/FTV ( Free to Air and Free to View ) channels via Sly UK otherwise known as 28.2 East. And although I now have BH image on my box. I did start learning, using the VIX image if you use the other tutorials and read the information given in the forums you should not be in a position “of not having something to watch” unless you break it and that is hard unless you start trying to flash the firmware of the box itself (DON’T GO THERE)
Areas covered will be as follows.
Flashing the Image
Using the setup wizard to setup network etc.
Loading a Bouquet or Channel list.
Setting up a EPG or Electronic Programme Guide
Setting up a Softcam to use with a SLY UK FTV or Free To View card.

Before we go any further I am going to assume you have a HDD you wish to use it with the receiver if not you can skip this step and return to it later.
If your using a new freshly unboxed HDD you can go ahead and install that into the receiver now, However if you are using a used HDD make sure it is formatted to FAT32 and all previous partitions removed. OK so now the HDD is installed and the receiver has been closed back up we can start connecting the various leads and cables. (The HDD sits on top of the cradle and the cradle then attaches to the body of the receiver internally.)

Flashing the Image.
The receiver will come with a standard factory produced image (The firmware or operating system for the receiver ) unless you have asked the retailer you purchased it from to load a specific image first, like I did, For our purposes I will assume this is the case and will be flashing the latest Backup copy ViX image you have downloaded .
Before we get that far however you will need a few things.
A. A USB stick formatted FAT32
B. The ViX image ( Current public version is ViX-xxxxx solo2_usb.zip )

1. Power the receiver down by the power switch at the rear on the rear of the receiver.
2. unpack the image file and place the folder which will be ( vuplus and it's contents (Solo2)..) onto the root of the USB stick. ( for this I use winrar . )
3. place the USB stick into front USB port on the receiver then power the receiver on by the power switch at the rear of the receiver.

IMPORTANT WARNING Never remove the USB stick from the box while flashing without first seeing the VFD prompt to do so and only then after powering the receiver down first. Failure to do so could lead to a very expensive hardware failure, more commonly known as a "Door Stop".

You should now see a message, it will ask to read image, press white power button on front of your set and it will read USB, On the VFD display of your Vu+ solo2 it will show the progress of the USB stick being read, Ubiffs ect, once this part is complete you will see a message telling you to remove the stick and it will automatically reboot take out the USB stick, although if you forget don't panic, if you leave it in, as it will just continue to load the image if you have not touched power button.

Setup Wizard.
The First setup screen you see should be the Video input selection screen. Here you are asked to select the input port for your Tv as below.
HDMI, Scart, YPbPr, along with the ability to select your language via the red button, the default language loaded being English.
For example I select the HDMI PORT, I am then asked to select the video mode from several choices.
720p, 1080i, 1080p, 576p, 480p, 576i, 480i.
I am selecting 1080p but this can be changed later if needed. Once selected you are then greeted with a language selection screen.
You will now be presented with the restore wizard. This can be used to restore settings backups made from a previous installation using the ViX backup manager, as this is a new setup I am selecting the Exit restore wizard option.
Again you will now be presented with another wizard that will allow you to set up some more of the basic features of your receiver.
You can exit from this or follow the wizard if you wish. I am following the wizard.

The next screen asks me to setup tuner A , by pressing left or right on the remote.
As I am using a fixed Sly UK dish for this setup, I will choose as follows.
Configuration mode (tuner A). Simple Mode Single Satellite 28.2E Eurobird 1..Astra 1N/2A/2B/2D Send DiSEqC No.
As I am using both feeds from the same source (a quad LNB I will set both tuners up with the exact same settings so tuner B will be equal to tuner A).
Now we are asked if we want to perform a automatic or manual scan, for this part I will select no as I will be loading a bouquet pack later. You will grow old waiting for it to scan. And I also select no to parental controls.

Setting the internet connection.
The next part of the wizard asks me if I want to set up the internet connection I select yes ( my Solo2 is connected to my broadband router via an AP router using WiFi and cat 5 cable from it to my Box )
Use interface Yes USE DHCP if yes! the box will scan your router and assign a ip address automatically, or if you select NO (I suggest no) you can set up a fixed ip address manually, if no select a number for your ip of say or something higher (you can go up to 255)
That's, that the box is almost setup.

Now to setup a few things before we go any further. The first screen you will see once out of the setup wizard is the channel list, however as it has no channel list or bouquet loaded yet this will be blank, but we can come to that later. You may notice that the menu or OSD ( On Screen Display ) on your TV screen does not quite fit, it may be stretched or off to one side, don't worry this is easy to correct as so.
First exit out of the channel list screen by pressing exit on the remote. You should see the Vu loading screen.
To set the OSD go to> menu > setup > OSD > OSD SETUP
Here you can use the up / down buttons to select each option and the left / right buttons to adjust the setting themselves. Once you are happy that your OSD picture is setup press green to save these settings.

Loading a Bouquet or channel List.
To load a bouquet or channel list to your receiver you need a few things.
1. The IP address of the receiver menu > setup > system > network > Device setup > Adapter settings (write down the ip address in this case I have with my box)
2. A bouquet pack or channel list, I am using the latest Rat's ( enigma 2 )pack.
Download a pre-configured channel list example Rat's enigma2 from here in Enigma 2 settings.
3. A bouquet editor. I am using DreamboxEdit download from Dreambox tools section on here.
4. a copy of winrar (or use 7zip and it's free ) before we go any further install DreamboxEdit ( DBE ) to your computer.
As I said I am using the Rats bouquet, to set this up correctly you need to make some changes to DBE before you download the bouquet pack to the programme.
Launch DBE press tools > options > advanced. make sure the heading allow duplicate entries in
(user ) bouquets is selected then restart the program.
Now we need to setup a profile for your receiver in DBE tools > options > profiles.
First press the new profile button and you will see a new profile appear in the left hand column. Click on this to open it out.
Enter the ip address you noted down earlier keeping the default ports for HTTP and FTP as they already are ( 80 and 21 )
Under the heading username on dreambox enter the name root and for the password type password or leave blank.
You can also enter a name for this profile I just use solo2, then press the save button. Make sure you have it set as enigma 2 under the filepaths heading by pressing the enigma2 settings button.
Take the bouquet file you downloaded and uncompressing it using winrar to some place where you can easily remember, I create a folder on my desktop for this purpose called CH List’s, and if I try any other channel list’s I create another folder within it.
Press file folder in toolbar of DB edit open and navigate to the location you decompressed the bouquet to. Then press OK to load the files.
Now in the bottom left hand corner select the profile you just created then press file > fast FTP upload. You may need to reboot the box after this step so the settings take hold. You can alter the channel lists to suit your preference at a later date, I suggest you look at some tutorials for DB edit.
In the new version of VIX you can use ABM (autobouqetmaker) that will create the bouquet automatically for you, you can do this buy going to Menu>setup>service searching > autobouqetmaker, you set this up in much the same way as EPG choose your download time and how often you want it set. Make sure you choose your region and make sure it is freeview and sly is selected (you can also choose slyire)
Setting up an EPG or electronic program guide.

First of all I would recommend you use a dedicated USB stick for this process, I use a Kingston 4GB stick for this purpose as it is very small and easily hidden away behind the receiver. Format your USB stick to FAT32 from your computer. Place the USB stick in to any of the USB ports on the receiver. Then reboot the receiver.
When the receiver has booted up, navigate to the mount manager. Blue button> ViX> mount manager. Your USB stick should be shown as Mount: /media/usb if it is not press the green button then highlight the stick, and change the mount via the left and right buttons. Then press the green to save.
Exit from this screen using the back button and navigate to menu> setup> system> EPG.

You now have several options to setup your EPG using either CrossEPG or Rytek or both depending on your setup.

To setup CrossEPG as your EPG press settings.
Change the EPG location to /media/usb using the left and right buttons, then press green to save.
Scroll down to CrossEPG then press ok, now scroll down to scheduled download and change this option to once a day then select your preferred scheduled download time, best pick a time when you won’t be using the box. (I use 04:15)
You can leave the other options at their default values, press red to go back.
Now scroll to OpenTV providers and press ok. Highlight and select The Sly UK options, so you see a green tick next to them, then press the yellow button to download the epg. You will be taken to a radio page where the epg will download. This step will take a few minutes to complete.
You can select to use both 28.2 and 28.4 east in the settings but this consumes a lot of memory and is not needed, I only select the one that corresponds with my Bouquet pack. so for example if your bouquet points to 28.2 east select this option, The same goes for a bouquet that references 28.4 east.

To setup Rytek as your EPG
Select XMLTV-importer (Rytek) then as above set your preferred download time and set the daily automatic import option to enable. you can keep all other options at their defaults.
Now press blue and tick all the Sly UK options once done press green to save. You can now press manual to download this EPG again as with CrossEPG. This will take a few minutes, but once done you should have a fully working EPG setup.
Also note that if you use Rytek as your EPG provider you must have an active internet connection to the receiver as it needs to connect to the internet to download the EPG data. If however you use CrossEPG you do not need an active internet connection, as it uses the same source as Sly UK for its EPG.

Setting up a Softcam.
In this part I am going to show you how to setup CCcam to work with a Sly UK FTV or Free To View card. I cannot however show you how to setup a softcam for anything to do with Card Sharing, as not allowed in this forum, If this is what you are looking for have a good read on here as it’s there in one form or an another or search on other forums.
Before we go any further you will need a few things.
( you can place the card in the receiver now using any of the card reader slots but making sure the chip is face down )
1. The softcam you intend to use I use CCcam (downloaded).
2. Your FTP program, For the purpose of this tutorial I am using FileZilla as it is a free program. (VuCC it is built in)
3. A Sly UK FTV card, a deactivated White sky card will work here.
4. A copy of Notepad++ (I now use this for better results )
First you will need to download the Softcam a copy’s of which can be found on forum.
I myself used enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.2.1_1.0-r0_mipsel.ipk but any version will work.
I use VuCC to access my setup which can be found here in tools section,
Open Vucc add your ip address and click connect, then click on FTP, once connected to your receiver. The boxes on the left of the program are your PC files those on the right are the internal file structure of your Receiver. Navigate to the /TMP/ folder on your receiver which is in root directory, and drag the softcam file (must be in .ipk format, just use winrar to unpack it to folder on desktop) to this location. Just left click hold and drag to the right hand sidein TMP folder window, once done you can exit from Filezilla. ( Although you will need to use it once more before you are done ).

(or alternatively if its an ipk file just place it/them, on a formatted pen drive and plug it into the USB port of VU+ box later images of VIX will detect it and ask if you would like to install it, if you use this method just press OK on remote.)

On your receiver navigate to the ipk installer. This can be found like so. Blue button> ViX> install local extension. If your file transfer via filezilla went correctly you will see the file listed here. Highlight this file and press the green button to install the file, you should see a confirmation box just follow the directions selecting yes to reboot once complete.

While the receiver is rebooting, launch notepad++ or just notepad up to you, make a new file by clicking on File> New. You do not need to enter any thing into this file for use with a FTV card but the file is needed by the cam. If for anything else again use Google it’s your fiend in need.
With this new file open again click on file, but this time select the save as option and you will see another box popup.
In this new box select the location you wish to save this file too, using the icons on the left hand side of notepad++ then under the File name heading enter the file name as CCcam.cfg Making sure it is this exact spelling as it is case sensitive then under the heading Save as type select the following All types (*.*) and press the save button. Once again open your FTP program and login as above but this time navigate to /ETC in root directory of the receiver files and copy the file you just created there, again just drag it across, exiting the program once done.
Now we can activate the Cam via the blue button. Blue button> softcam manager. press green to start the cam and blue to enable auto start.
That's pretty much it. You should now be setup to use your Sly UK FTV card Via CCcam.

Alternatively, you can just download a UK back up Image from the forum, there are a few on this forum and other forums (Ten Below is a great one) everything is already set up for you, for alternate use, and using the same methods as above navigate to /ECT in root directory highlight CCcam.cfg file right click and open as read/edit, in notepad, paste your information into it and then select save, close notepad, hit yes when pop up appears, and leave FTP programme clicking yes on exit, Reboot your box. This was the route I went down at first, make sure you perform a complete back up once set up how you like you system. You can mess with the box once you're confident you won’t be left without any TV and your full backup is on USB stick or saved to a file on your PC for later use. There are no pitfalls to it, just a learning process above all don’t “PANIC” if everything has gone pear-shaped and beyond recovery, or understanding, Just re-flash your box with backed up image chill out and start over when you think you understand the bit that failed. I hope the above is helpful? Even though I have limited knowledge myself and am still learning all the time. :001_302:

15-05-2013, 02:06 PM
in a word BRILLIANT, i have printed this off for future use and no doubt has saved me a lot of mishaps.

very much appreciated.


15-05-2013, 02:45 PM
copied and pasted into the dummies guide and thanks go to "the gaggsy" for taking the time to publish this guide

its a shame many others dont take the trouble to do something similar as all the feedback and experiences help in these matters