View Full Version : epg for tm6900hd combe 28.2

20-03-2013, 11:22 AM
hi all, is there a epg for the technomate 6900hd combe when we are on 28.2 , as all i can get is whats on next but thats it???? can some one tell whats its all about please. thanks oh i am uisg 704p.

20-03-2013, 02:36 PM
Obviously it can also depend upon which patch he's on - as earlier ones didnt have the latest extended EPG anyway - and in any case I am very disappointed with the effectiveness of this EPG on my TM6900HD Super using patch 752P!
When attempting to record to PVR from EPG the whole system goes bananas - all as already covered in many other posts on the current PVR problems across MOST TM models!
Patch 726 however works PERFECTLY with the PVR - but obviously minus the new extended EPG!! :respect-050:

20-03-2013, 05:52 PM
Patch 726 however works PERFECTLY with the PVR - but obviously minus the new extended EPG!! :respect-050:

I wouldn't say it works perfectly!

21-03-2013, 11:36 AM
i dont have a super, but will try and let you nomanic01???.
oh if i use the 706 it just sends my 6900 hd all over the place!!
just tryed the 704 but no joy here but thanks mate anyway.

21-03-2013, 01:34 PM
I wouldn't say it works perfectly!

Does for me mate!!:respect-055::respect-055:

15-06-2013, 09:32 AM
It’s been about 14 months since i had my 6900 going. Installed new power supply yesterday, glad to have it going again. Ive Loaded latest patch but just reading here what is new extended EPG!! And also does anyone know the frequency to load my epg cheers.

15-06-2013, 10:01 AM
The latest patch containing the latest 'extended' EPG is 752P mate - I usually go on to my local BBC1 channel (think its 10778?) and go into EPG - but you have to wait 2-3mins to allow it to populate properly!
Recording via PVR this way is still not good though and we are currently awaiting a new patch to solve it!
Good luck mate!:respect-050:

16-06-2013, 09:46 AM
Have the epg loading but when i scroll through the box crashes and restarts with no epg. Weird never had that problem before i Installed new power supply.