View Full Version : blackhole / new skin reboot loop

22-03-2013, 10:08 PM
Hi all,

I have a vu+uno clone (which has an inbuilt mod chip ) running black hole ver 1.66 with no problems up until now. I decided to try a new skin. Now after loading skin and an automatic reboot I am getting a continual re-boot loop. Starting GUI ........ (timer on screen) ........ loads a green page which apologises for a software error.

I noticed that with a usb flash pen plugged into front it creates lots of crash logs on the usb flash pen.

I have tried to reboot the uno with the black hole software but it will not boot from the flash pen - only seems to want to write to it!

The flash pen is formatted fat 32 (in Windows XP) and the black hole software is on the pen in VUPLUS / UNO and contains 4 files

It doesn't seem to matter what i try to do - re-set-power off - pen in - pen out etc it just keeps looping.

Any theories / or answers or better still solutions would be most appreciated. Thanks for reading - Kloky

23-03-2013, 12:31 AM
try reloading the sw you had the problem is you bought a clone if that don't work try going to wre you bought the clown then ask them for help
should of got one from the sponcer then you wouldn't have the problem with a clown box

23-03-2013, 11:49 AM
Thanks for your really helpfull reply!

23-03-2013, 11:56 AM
Clone or not, you do NOT need to reload the firmware!!!

FTP in and delete the offending skin's folder from usr/share/enigma2/. This will stop the rebooting and bring back the box to default. Use DCC to do this or Windows Explorer.

It is quite common for an incompatible skin to cause this issue and as you have read is easily fixed.

15-05-2013, 11:16 PM
i am looking for Army Oval HD skin for Blackhole.. can u find it