View Full Version : Cross epg woes!!!!

25-03-2013, 04:19 PM
I have concluded i am either stupid, totally thick or am missing the point entirely. Probably all three if i'm truthful.
As you saw from my previous post setting up Universes was a horrendous task as the ULTIMO does not behave the way the instructions state.
Now Universes are up and running i am trying to sort out EPG auto update. Being totally thick i am getting nowhere fast.
There are now two EPG/Cross EPG settings panels within the menu. One under the top menu and one under the Settings menu.
Has anyone mastered gettig this setup to update automatically.
Could one of the experts list all settings which have to be made, and where, to do a simple auto update on say SLY?

Further explaination would be welcome on doing this manually if the auto for whatever reason auto does not work?

Please keep in mind i am using a Universes setup so i assume some consideration has to be given to storage location ie HD or USB for epg data?

I have tried trial and error wise practically every setting via these panels and on the odd occasion do get an EPG which promptly disappears next day, and usuall defys getting it back manually.

It's hair tear out time so please tell me that it does really work and HOW?

VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, Invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn
Blackhole v2.0.1 also HTPC with Skystar HD2.

25-03-2013, 10:57 PM
Hi casper2,

Don't know what (Universes) are,
will it be of help to my Uno.

My Uno's EPG setup is, Crossepg
with (Cool tv Guide v6.4.0).
After installing,

To update EPG goto Menu..
..Setup..CrossEPG, then into
Configure, Set Storage Device
to (Plug USB Stick in back of box)
USB Stick.
Goto OpenTv Provider(firther
down same page) click on
(Astra2 on 28.2) Green tick,
then to yellow tab (Download).

Look's better then (S@y EPG).


25-03-2013, 11:02 PM
Hi casper2,

Forgot to say, before you
cofig, go to (If B/Hole)
Blue..Blue Device Manager
Mount the USB Stick
to (Media/USB).


26-03-2013, 12:21 PM
Thanks Bigfoot. Yes i can get OpenTv to work with SLY, but that is only one satellite. I have a multisat motorised system and do use about 10 other sats for various things from sports to films etc. I want my cross epg to allow me to see the EPG from all or at least some of the very regular ones. However as soon as i go beyond one sat it all falls apart and won't auto update. Sometimes i can get a manual update to work but even it is unpredictable with more than one sat.
I have asked this question before about crossepg and multisat and have never recieved an answer from anyone with it working on multisat consistently and predictably. I think most multi sat users revert to just putting the EPG on SLY and forgetting about the others. However i hope there are lots of answers saying i have a multisat EPG working and this is how i do it.

You mentioned Universes. If you look in the recent Blackhole images menu you will see a menu item called teleportation. With this and the help of a memory stick you can effectively create 3 further copies of your Blackhole Image, and can switch to any of those images so that your base image remains in its original form. In any of the other 3 images you can make changes which do not effect the other 3. This is great for trial and test, or personalised family use, ensuring the base image is always pristine. The images all have names, Base Image is Black Hole then Avalon, Chaos & Ghost. I now have Universes working on an Ultimo but getting there was problematic and still has some problems. Main problem in Universes is with the USB stick inserted the Ultimo box will not re-boot while the stick remains connected I have to remove the stick reboot and reinsert the USB stick again at the earliest time in the re-boot cycle. After this the re-boot completes and Universes are still available. I have tried different sticks and a clean install with all updates.

This further complicates my Multisat Cross EPG question. I am running Universes and am not sure where to save my EPG data. Currently my Base image (Black Hole) uses the HDD to save epg data. With Avalon for example which i am using to experiment with i have saved the EPG data on the USB stick. However if i use a second and third image ie Chaos & Ghost where do i save the EPG data. If i choose USB will there be seperate epg.dat files for each image? If i choose the HDD will this overwrite the epg.dat file of the base image. So simply where should i save my epg data for each image to ensure that there is no conflict.

To sumarise :-
1) Has anyone got multisat cross epg autodate working with more than 2 sats and what settings are you using to do this?
2) With Universes where should the four sets of EPG data be saved to ensure no conflict between them?
3) When using Universes does auto update only work for the Image selected at that time or will all four autoupdate if they are setup for auto update? This is an important question if multiple family members are using their own image so they have personalised settings.
4) To Ultimo users with Universes setup. Are you able to clean re-boot without removing the USB stick? I am trying to ascertain if i have a faulty Ultimo or am doing something wrong or if this is normal behaviour for the Ultimo.

Sorry for the above Novel but i do hope to get some good feedback.
Many thanks in advance.

VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, Invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn
Blackhole v2.0.1 also HTPC with Skystar HD2.

27-03-2013, 10:13 PM
Hi casper2,

First, Above post (OOOFF).
second (Not used this yet).

Cross EPG setup for 28.2e
19.2e 13e 9e 4.8e 0.8e.

Goto CrossEPG setup.
update rytec provider
(takes a couple of seconds)
the go to XMLTV provider
that's where rytec ones are stored
Tick Rytec Norway, Benelux,
Sweden for 0.8 and 4.8
Rytec Germany/Austria & Swiss
for 19e
Rytec Italy for 13e.
Unsure on 9e.

For 28e use open TV as normal.

It's multi EPG by provider
not by Satellite.


09-04-2013, 09:09 PM
Thanks Bigfoot. I use open tv for 28e but if i add more than two XMLTV providers then the auto update stops fumctioning correctly.
I personally think there is a fault/bug/error in using multiple providers in auto update. I say this because it works perfectly if i do it manually, so it is not a lack of Flash or ram memory.
There may also be subtle differences between the different recievers and i doubt that the developers test on every possible reciever.
For example - I am now setup with universes but my reciever cannot be re-booted without first removing the USB stick and reiserting it again during boot. That i think is an Ultimo issue which has never been tested by the developers.
I would love to know what reciever build is used for testing by the developers ie'the Gold Standard', then we could all change to that and everything would work.

I can but dream!!!

I would love to hear some responses about the questions i raised on epg data storage when using Universes.

VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, Invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn
Blackhole v2.0.1 also HTPC with Skystar HD2.

09-04-2013, 09:43 PM
Thanks Bigfoot. I use open tv for 28e but if i add more than two XMLTV providers then the auto update stops fumctioning correctly.
I personally think there is a fault/bug/error in using multiple providers in auto update. I say this because it works perfectly if i do it manually, so it is not a lack of Flash or ram memory.
There may also be subtle differences between the different recievers and i doubt that the developers test on every possible reciever.
For example - I am now setup with universes but my reciever cannot be re-booted without first removing the USB stick and reiserting it again during boot. That i think is an Ultimo issue which has never been tested by the developers.
I would love to know what reciever build is used for testing by the developers ie'the Gold Standard', then we could all change to that and everything would work.

I can but dream!!!

I would love to hear some responses about the questions i raised on epg data storage when using Universes.

VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, Invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn
Blackhole v2.0.1 also HTPC with Skystar HD2.
The developers of the box make a box that works with open source firmware.
crossepg is a plugin so nothing to do with Vu+ or Dmm or any other E2 box manufacturer.

It was developed by SIF Team so if you really want to get it sorted pop over to the SIF team board and let em know.

16-05-2013, 11:36 AM
Sorry haven't been around for a while. Thanks Sonic1 for that info. When i made the comment about testers and developers i meant testing and developing Blackhole, not the manufacturers testing.
I have done a fair bit of testing with my Ultimo over the last month and CrossEPG auto update will work consistently with 2 data sources. Depending on what is chosen it may work with 3. However i have found that adding any more data sources stops auto update. Update with 4 or more sources can be done successfully manually and fully populated so there is enough space for storage but the auto control breaks down after 2/3.
I'll have a go with SIF Team and feedback if i get anything new.

Just a quick question. Is there a recognised home board for the BH Team?

VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, Invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn
Blackhole v2.0.1 also HTPC with Skystar HD2.