View Full Version : Please Discuss/Report bugs etc on Catseye Enigma 2 Settings file here

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26-03-2013, 09:13 PM
Please post any problems, issues, suggestions, compliments, complaints, etc here

All complaints will be responded to within 364 working days by our 24 hour unmanned dedicated complaints team:banghead:

Who wants to go first?

26-03-2013, 11:46 PM
Please post any problems, issues, suggestions, compliments, complaints, etc here

All complaints will be responded to within 364 working days by our 24 hour unmanned dedicated complaints team:banghead:

Who wants to go first?

all I can say is I look forward to these updates as much as I did with key changes on seca 1 in the 80s don't know whats gone on but no complaints from me

27-03-2013, 12:20 AM
No complaints to date just me having a bit of joke

But post away if any crop up

27-03-2013, 12:49 AM
Hi catseye m8 :respect-023:

Nothing to complain about really but could you please check why if your settings are loaded with dreambox Edit it reports errors ?? The program will sort it out anyway but dreamset won't. Just a thought ..


29-03-2013, 10:15 PM
trying to edit and had sky Disney movies inserted .. 12382.00MHz, pol.H SR:29500 FEC:3/4 SID:4013 PID:512 get errors pid not found in path....any ideas what im doing wrong.

Dark Cloud
29-03-2013, 11:21 PM
Yeah,..Sky Disney is eluding me. Won't show up in Dream Box Edit, even after a download in the box.

30-03-2013, 10:28 AM
New file will be out today, hopefully with everything working ok

30-03-2013, 09:19 PM
Hi catseye,

Just an observation Sky Disney SD appears to be absent from your Enigma 2 Sky UK Movies Fav's
its in Sky UK HD EPG (TV User Bouquets)
Its only a minor issue,

Just thought you should know


30-03-2013, 09:29 PM
Just for reference as apposed to sky Disney SD
Sky Select SD appears in 3 Favorites

31-03-2013, 12:58 PM
Just for reference as apposed to sky Disney SD
Sky Select SD appears in 3 Favorites

Your spot on m8
It was a error on my part as I have included it in sky epg but not the movies list

I rushed to get them out yesterday in new format but in doing so made a few errors

Its been added ready for next update

31-03-2013, 01:26 PM
Your spot on m8
It was a error on my part as I have included it in sky epg but not the movies list

I rushed to get them out yesterday in new format but in doing so made a few errors

Its been added ready for next update

Many thanks for your new Bouquet packs. I hope you dont mind but i took the liberty of adding them to the OE-Alliance E2 Settings feeds.


31-03-2013, 03:44 PM
Many thanks for your new Bouquet packs. I hope you dont mind but i took the liberty of adding them to the OE-Alliance E2 Settings feeds.


No thats fine -in fact ive just remembered I havent uploaded them anywhere else yet either-so feel free

God it must be my age lol:frown:

31-03-2013, 03:46 PM
Hi catseye m8 :respect-023:

Nothing to complain about really but could you please check why if your settings are loaded with dreambox Edit it reports errors ?? The program will sort it out anyway but dreamset won't. Just a thought ..


Not sure why that happens but if my memory serves me well one helpful guy on here did post a solution -have a search & if you find it feel free to post it here

31-03-2013, 04:46 PM
No worries m8. As I said, dreambox Edit sorts it out anyway.


05-04-2013, 07:02 PM
A question from someone new to E2 (me). Since I am only interested in 42E to 30W I assume I start with the full catseyes list. The question is what is the best/quickest way to reduce the file down to my required range? Do I just delete some bouquets? are there some edits required in bouquets.tv etc? Or what?


05-04-2013, 08:22 PM
A question from someone new to E2 (me). Since I am only interested in 42E to 30W I assume I start with the full catseyes list. The question is what is the best/quickest way to reduce the file down to my required range? Do I just delete some bouquets? are there some edits required in bouquets.tv etc? Or what?


Just use either dreambox edit or dreamset software to open up the file required

Then delete the sats that you dont require

Then either save the amended file or just send to you box

Reboot gui is probably wise & hopefully they should appear on screen just as you wanted them

You will need the 75 east to 45 west version

10-05-2013, 07:31 PM
sorry im a newbie, trying to load this using dreambox edit and keep getting Error sending file "lamedb" to the Dreambox any help would be great thanks

10-05-2013, 08:49 PM
make sure dreambox edit is set up for enigma 2 & not enigma 1

what sat receiver are you using?

11-05-2013, 11:20 AM
DM800 with dreambox edit, where is the option to change to enigma 2? thx

11-05-2013, 11:43 AM
DM800 with dreambox edit, where is the option to change to enigma 2? thx

dreamboxedit is on v5 now so yours is an extremely old version

try here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?154783-dreamboxEDIT-5-2-0-x/page2

11-05-2013, 12:57 PM
thanks i installed this, files sent ok to dreambox, i then used reload settings on db icon and reset enigma 2 icon but now my db is stuck on starting enigma ii screen with blackhole underneath it, any ideas? Thx

11-05-2013, 05:04 PM
thanks i installed this, files sent ok to dreambox, i then used reload settings on db icon and reset enigma 2 icon but now my db is stuck on starting enigma ii screen with blackhole underneath it, any ideas? Thx

Reflash your dreambox with image of your choice & use the most recent dated file -found in this thread here


Once you have sent the settings to your box reboot & set up sat configuration according to your set up

Let us know how it goes

11-05-2013, 05:06 PM
dreamboxedit is on v5 now so yours is an extremely old version

try here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?154783-dreamboxEDIT-5-2-0-x/page2

Or try Dreamset software you might find it easier to use (to send your file to your box) search on here or google for most recent dated version

11-05-2013, 05:13 PM
Or try Dreamset software you might find it easier to use (to send your file to your box) search on here or google for most recent dated version

here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?152024-Latest-Dreamset/page2

31-05-2013, 09:06 PM
Hey guys. I'm having a problem with the latest settings (31st May 2013) for all satellites. It tells me services not found and to check tuner configuration. Previous settings work fine so not sure what is wrong. Anyone else have the same?

31-05-2013, 09:17 PM
Hey guys. I'm having a problem with the latest settings (31st May 2013) for all satellites. It tells me services not found and to check tuner configuration. Previous settings work fine so not sure what is wrong. Anyone else have the same?

Lets wait for catseye, do not use the file. It is massive.

31-05-2013, 10:16 PM
I have no problem with "Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-45 West 31.05.2013"

Winrar Compressed its 1.02MB
Extracted file size 5.35MB
satellites.xml = 197KB

loaded fine in both DreamboxEdit & dreamset

working fine on My VU+UNO

31-05-2013, 10:16 PM
Hey guys. I'm having a problem with the latest settings (31st May 2013) for all satellites. It tells me services not found and to check tuner configuration. Previous settings work fine so not sure what is wrong. Anyone else have the same?

Reboot box & see if channels appear ok

31-05-2013, 10:46 PM
Same problem. When I view the bouquets they are all dimmed as if they are unavailable. When i load the files from the 17th may, it works perfect.

The satellites.xml i have is 202kb. :s

Ten Below
31-05-2013, 10:51 PM
Hey guys. I'm having a problem with the latest settings (31st May 2013) for all satellites. It tells me services not found and to check tuner configuration. Previous settings work fine so not sure what is wrong. Anyone else have the same?
Same for me on a solo2 running BH with the full motor setting, also on a solo running vix with the 28.2 only settings.

31-05-2013, 10:55 PM
Ahh glad I'm not the only one. I'm on a solo running a motor with vix.

01-06-2013, 09:46 AM
Ive amended the 75 East-45 West file (dated 01.06.2013)

& it is now available to download on here

01-06-2013, 10:11 AM
Ive amended the 75 East-45 West file (dated 01.06.2013)

& it is now available to download on here

That looks much better m8, the file is a third of the size of the one you released yesterday.

01-06-2013, 10:45 AM
Loaded amended E2 Update File released today because i didnt get around to loading yesterdays E2 release on my Dm800SE HD ..But as per usual zero issues all working fine nice update looking forward to E1 update .
keep up the good work @Catseye

01-06-2013, 01:21 PM
Hi guys downloaded latest e/2 there seem to be bugs in tuner config mode not able to change the sat only lnb 1 or lnb 4 also changing from simple to advanced there are problums ,gone back to previous update cheers guys .

01-06-2013, 01:25 PM
yes only after reboot with yesterdays and todays catseye E2 files it shows just only sat1/sat2/sat3/sat4 in Tuner config menu on box all satellites are Gone ,
Seems like a Sat.xml issue but i never had this before ??

Loaded in MAY 17TH E2 Settings and this works okay but had to reset Tuner Config and sat position numbers to work with my V-box which was a nightmare .


01-06-2013, 01:32 PM
Sorry guys thanks and respect for the hard work done by all RESPECT GUYS THANKYOU.

01-06-2013, 01:33 PM
I've edited the original file using the latest Dreamset version deleting all satellites I don't need as I normally do but I'm sorry to say that with both yesterday's and today's amended file my Solo2 with BH 2.0.3 image loses its tuners configuration and doesn't allow me to allocate most satellites to them. Most lists stay greyed out after sending the file to the box even after a system's full reboot. Back to the 17th May settings file here ....

01-06-2013, 03:12 PM

Ive fixed the file & just checked it on my vu box -It is working fine

I can only apologise for the amount of errors in last few weeks on my part:banghead:

Its at times like these that I feel like packing it all in doing these updates

Let me know if anyone has any issues


Sonic -can you add the correct file to BH server -Thanks

01-06-2013, 04:03 PM

Ive fixed the file & just checked it on my vu box -It is working fine

I can only apologise for the amount of errors in last few weeks on my part:banghead:

Its at times like these that I feel like packing it all in doing these updates

Let me know if anyone has any issues


Sonic -can you add the correct file to BH server -Thanks

Not to worry m8. This things happen and we all appreciate your efforts. No one is complaining and at the end of the day you always manage to sort things out. Keep up the good work !!


01-06-2013, 05:27 PM

Ive fixed the file & just checked it on my vu box -It is working fine

I can only apologise for the amount of errors in last few weeks on my part:banghead:

Its at times like these that I feel like packing it all in doing these updates

Let me know if anyone has any issues


Sonic -can you add the correct file to BH server -ThanksWHAT ??
Dont you Dare even say that ...it's not even funny .

Its no big deal to load in an older list this isnt like a major problem not for me and im sure not for anyone else either for that matter !!
So what if an update file goes a bit pear shaped its just not the end of the world everyone understands and accepts that life isnt meant to be perfect all the time
i mean for past few years ive never even seen an issue with any settings just untill today but stlll no big deal .

The only good thing to look forward to these days is your settings and updates and i can see and apreciate all the hard work thats involved because nobody else in all honesty can even come close to your high standards you have set with your updates and that is fact !!

you dont seem to realize just how important your work really is ?
so lets not hear anymore of this talk of giving up .. W.B.A never gave up even at the last game they achieved the impossible and scored 5 past ManU !!!

so i'll still be using your updates E1 And E2 good or different it matters not i always back up everything so it doesnt bother me if things dont work out
even to reset my sat postions was really only a 3-4 min job i should really not have been complaining .

please continue with your updates Catseye there is nobody here that wants to see you stop of that i am certain 100% .


07-06-2013, 11:56 PM
Hi Catseye

Would it be possible please to include Telstar 11N at 37.5 West in the next update. There is one broadcaster on the Europe beam Dove Vision 11064 V 2000 3/4 but it tends to disappear at times. Thanks for all your good work.


09-06-2013, 12:04 PM
Hi Catseye

Would it be possible please to include Telstar 11N at 37.5 West in the next update. There is one broadcaster on the Europe beam Dove Vision 11064 V 2000 3/4 but it tends to disappear at times. Thanks for all your good work.


They have been added to next release

09-06-2013, 01:27 PM
Just to let you know im still using your latest E1 settings list and there is no problems with it whatsoever , i only have just one E2 box which is my Dm800SE HD
all my other boxes are E1 Dm600s which now are running fine with your latest E1 update settings file with no problems whatsoever ,
many thnxs for updating Enigma1 list all is perfectly Good with it .

cheers .

09-06-2013, 02:38 PM
Just to let you know im still using your latest E1 settings list and there is no problems with it whatsoever , i only have just one E2 box which is my Dm800SE HD
all my other boxes are E1 Dm600s which now are running fine with your latest E1 update settings file with no problems whatsoever ,
many thnxs for updating Enigma1 list all is perfectly Good with it .

cheers .


Thanks Barney for you feedback

14-06-2013, 07:35 PM
Hi guys just tried catseye settings 14/6/13 problums with tuner config gone back to earlier settings thanks guys .

14-06-2013, 07:41 PM
Hi guys just tried catseye settings 14/6/13 problums with tuner config gone back to earlier settings thanks guys .
What problems ?
The post is useless without any info bud.

14-06-2013, 10:23 PM
Hi guys just tried catseye settings 14/6/13 problums with tuner config gone back to earlier settings thanks guys .

Fred can you post what image box you are using

Plus what happens when youve sent file to box

Ive tried/tested on vu duo here prior to release & all is working fine

ANyone else got any issues please let me know

15-06-2013, 12:30 AM
Hi there catseye :respect-064:

Still haven't uploaded your latest settings because I've been updating your previous one almost on a daily basis.

The only thing I would say is maybe you should delete Satellite BG on 23šE since they're no more. All channels are gone now but most HD ones are still on CS&Sky Link. Some former ones both HD and SD started on Media Broadcast which I've added as a new bouquet. I'll send you my updated file in case you want to use it on your next one.


15-06-2013, 10:09 AM
Hi there catseye :respect-064:

Still haven't uploaded your latest settings because I've been updating your previous one almost on a daily basis.

The only thing I would say is maybe you should delete Satellite BG on 23šE since they're no more. All channels are gone now but most HD ones are still on CS&Sky Link. Some former ones both HD and SD started on Media Broadcast which I've added as a new bouquet. I'll send you my updated file in case you want to use it on your next one.


Thanks for your input
I must have forgotten to remove the other Sat BG channels

15-06-2013, 03:42 PM
If you download a new satellite xml file (do a google)
& unrar & add to etc/enigma2

It should work ok

15-06-2013, 05:01 PM
Hi guys the problem I have is load latest catseye into dreamset ,then send over to d/b800 I then reboot after completion is done ,it is coming back with tuner is not configerd ,I then go into menu it will only give me 2 opions to change from advance or simple ,also only have a choice of lnb 31 or lnb 16 also all chls are blanked out ,I am using Nemesis 2.6 OE 1.6.

15-06-2013, 05:23 PM
Hi guys the problem I have is load latest catseye into dreamset ,then send over to d/b800 I then reboot after completion is done ,it is coming back with tuner is not configerd ,I then go into menu it will only give me 2 opions to change from advance or simple ,also only have a choice of lnb 31 or lnb 16 also all chls are blanked out ,I am using Nemesis 2.6 OE 1.6.

Try installing new sat xml file as per the attached


& FTP/install in etc/enigma using DCC or similar

Let us know how it goes

16-06-2013, 11:10 AM
Hi guys all working now thank you all very much :respect-applause-00

16-06-2013, 04:19 PM
Hi Catseye, this is my first time contacting you on here, I downloaded your settings list a couple of weeks ago and used Dreambox edit to install file everything went ok no problem, done the same just now and updated enigma 2 Satellites: 75 East - 45 West the problem I have now is the same as Satfred saying no tuner configuration, as your reply to satfred Thread 53 do I do the same and download satellites.xml and install this.
Thanks for all your settings lists.

16-06-2013, 04:34 PM
Hi Catseye, this is my first time contacting you on here, I downloaded your settings list a couple of weeks ago and used Dreambox edit to install file everything went ok no problem, done the same just now and updated enigma 2 Satellites: 75 East - 45 West the problem I have now is the same as Satfred saying no tuner configuration, as your reply to satfred Thread 53 do I do the same and download satellites.xml and install this.
Thanks for all your settings lists.

Yes m8 do exactly same as Fred & all should be fine

16-06-2013, 04:50 PM
Thanks Catseye will give it a go and let you know:)

17-06-2013, 10:21 PM
I was having the same issue with the latest release, channels greyed out and pop up saying to check tuner config. I've replaced the satellite.xml with the one linked to earlier, but still no luck.

What I've done is put the satellites.xml file from the latest Vhannibal release into the Catseye release and everything works fine once transferred to my Solo2. Hopefully this might help anyone still having issues.

Great work by the way Catseye, your settings are by far my favourite.

18-06-2013, 12:04 AM
I have same type of problem, file loads but bouquet is empty

18-06-2013, 11:39 AM
I have same type of problem, file loads but bouquet is empty

JUst follow instructions in post 53 & all will be fine

19-06-2013, 10:20 PM
Try installing new sat xml file as per the attached


& FTP/install in etc/enigma using DCC or similar

Let us know how it goes

Hi bud.

Did the trick nicely.
Thanks alot for the file

20-06-2013, 11:30 PM
Hello Catseyes. Echelon replied to a problem I had and suggested I read comments on this thread. I am a complete novice on current satellite issues. I purchased a Vu+ Solo box and with a lot of help from this forum, and in particular Echelon, got my box up and running. I thought a good idea to update my channel list so I downloaded Catseye E2 for 28.2E - 13.0 E and 7W. I uploaded using VuCC. When I came to use my receiver all I got was "Service Unavailable. Check Tuner Configuration" Whatever I tried I could not receive a signal. Rightly or wrongly I did a factory reset and tried to start from scratch. I have tried to follow Dummies Guide but for the life of me I cannot get the tuner to config. I an using an old tuner to move my motorised dish which has a quad LNB fitted. The dish is set at 19.2E at the moment.

In Reception Setting:-

Config ...Advanced,
Satellite...All Satellites (1-4options),
With this setup I get the Service Unavailable message.

I changed the dish from a motorised one to my fixed 28.2E fixture. I then tried to config the tuner to this.

Reception Settings:

Config... Simple,
Mode ...Single,
Satellite..Nothing Connected (cannot change!).

I have uploaded the Channel List again and can see the list for 28.2E - 13.0E

Having read comments on thread I tried replacing the satellite xml (10) zip file you posted for Satfred but this has not helped. Any suggestions?

21-06-2013, 10:24 AM
Hello Catseyes. Echelon replied to a problem I had and suggested I read comments on this thread. I am a complete novice on current satellite issues. I purchased a Vu+ Solo box and with a lot of help from this forum, and in particular Echelon, got my box up and running. I thought a good idea to update my channel list so I downloaded Catseye E2 for 28.2E - 13.0 E and 7W. I uploaded using VuCC. When I came to use my receiver all I got was "Service Unavailable. Check Tuner Configuration" Whatever I tried I could not receive a signal. Rightly or wrongly I did a factory reset and tried to start from scratch. I have tried to follow Dummies Guide but for the life of me I cannot get the tuner to config. I an using an old tuner to move my motorised dish which has a quad LNB fitted. The dish is set at 19.2E at the moment.

In Reception Setting:-

Config ...Advanced,
Satellite...All Satellites (1-4options),
With this setup I get the Service Unavailable message.

I changed the dish from a motorised one to my fixed 28.2E fixture. I then tried to config the tuner to this.

Reception Settings:

Config... Simple,
Mode ...Single,
Satellite..Nothing Connected (cannot change!).

I have uploaded the Channel List again and can see the list for 28.2E - 13.0E

Having read comments on thread I tried replacing the satellite xml (10) zip file you posted for Satfred but this has not helped. Any suggestions?


All you need to do is
1.download the xml file
2.unzip/unrar file
3.open up files on your box using Dreambox Control Centre or similar software
4.Then locate current xml file in system which is located in etc/enigma
Add/ftp your new xml file
5.You should get message of overwrite file -yes
6.Then exit & reboot box
7. Your sat config options should be back for you to set according to your needs

21-06-2013, 09:38 PM
Hi catseye. That is just what I did but it did not work for me. I followed the points you suggest and used VuCC to upload the xml file.

21-06-2013, 10:03 PM
Hi catseye. That is just what I did but it did not work for me. I followed the points you suggest and used VuCC to upload the xml file.

What happens are the channels greyed out ?

Can you resend the file you want to the box again?

22-06-2013, 11:43 AM
Maybe it's a bug or just the way Vu+ receivers work but every time I install a new image from scratch I do have tuner issues if I upload any channel settings. The workaround I found on my Solo2 is to never configure your tuners first unless you're going to perform an automatic scan. Leave them as NOT CONFIGURED and carry on setting up the box. When finished then upload your channel lists using any of the options available and ONLY then configure your tuners with whichever lnb arrangement you've got. Try it and let us know if it worked.

22-06-2013, 12:26 PM
Wouldnt work for me, so I opened Catseye's settings list, deleted the.xml file, tranferred the new .xml file to list, closed list and THEN uploaded to box, all working perfect now!!.....Oh thanx Catseye for the best settings list on't web : )

22-06-2013, 03:47 PM
Thanks guys for your comments. In answer to catseye, the Channel/provider/new list is not greyed out. However the list reads channel/providers/new. I does not name the satellite as it use to do. So instead of say Astra 19.2E I get "Provider". If I select channel list then the channels are greyed out. The root appears to be that the receiver cannot find the name of any satellite. Yes Kota when I first set up the receiver I did an auto scan on each satellite. It took an age but with not a little help from this forum I got up and running. My problem now is i cannot even start to set the box. As soon as I start the set procedure I get the message "service unavailable check tuner config". Hi to you goffy7167. Just tried your idea but without luck.

22-06-2013, 04:26 PM
I'll say yet once more. Start from scratch. Install the image again and DO NOT do any automatic scan. Leave all tuners in not configured status and setup your box following the wizard. Don't install any default lists. When finished go to Setup>System>Customize, enable set up mode to Expert and set Enable Multiple Bouquets to Yes. Then edit Catseye's settings with the new satellite xlm file as he explained. Upload the list and reboot. Finally configure your tuners according to your lnb's setup and I'm sure all will be OK.

22-06-2013, 06:13 PM
Hi catseye.. Just want to say thanks for the amazing settings!!

Just one question, is bbc interactive include as I can't find it


22-06-2013, 08:00 PM
Hi catseye.. Just want to say thanks for the amazing settings!!

Just one question, is bbc interactive include as I can't find it

Thanksyes normally are but unfortunatley BBC's Lack of money/funds have meant there is now only BBC Red Button HD which at the moment i cannott seem to find
on 28e see here : https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?162099-BBC-Red-Button-HD-%28testing%29&highlight=BBC+RED+BUTTON

but on 24.5w BBC Red button is ok via Biss ,
hope that helps ,


23-06-2013, 03:17 PM
Anyone having any issues with todays release files??

23-06-2013, 03:38 PM
all fine for me buddy.

although i do use my own settings as a base and just import your updates.

but no problems as far as i can tell.


23-06-2013, 03:41 PM
all fine for me buddy.

although i do use my own settings as a base and just import your updates.

but no problems as far as i can tell.


Cheers Ian
What box & image are you using at present m8?

23-06-2013, 03:45 PM
Hi Mate

Just installed the settings but am getting all channels greyed out & "Check tuner Config".

Had to revert back to a backup, any ideas?

23-06-2013, 03:54 PM
Hi Mate

Just installed the settings but am getting all channels greyed out & "Check tuner Config".

Had to revert back to a backup, any ideas?

I would try adding the new xml file as per the post earlier

Can you say what box & image you are using at present please

23-06-2013, 03:57 PM
I just tried that but i get the same issue, vu uno vti 5.1.0

23-06-2013, 04:15 PM
I just tried that but i get the same issue, vu uno vti 5.1.0

try opening up file with dreambox edit or dreamset & saving it with new name & then sending it to box

23-06-2013, 04:17 PM
once the file is on the box do i then rename back to satellites.xml?

23-06-2013, 04:25 PM
once the file is on the box do i then rename back to satellites.xml?

no the xml file should be ok so should not need to touch that

23-06-2013, 04:28 PM
just to be clear do you want me to open satellites.xml with dreamset and then save the file as satellites.xml and then send to the box??

23-06-2013, 04:41 PM
open up the lamedb file, save it with another name & send to your box using either dreamset or dreambox edit

If you want to you can add a new sat xml file to your box

The current one can be located in etc/enigma 2 to see if this solves the problem

23-06-2013, 04:47 PM
if you've put the satellites.xml file in etc/enigma and the channels are still greyed out and you have been into setup, service searching, tuner configuration, then try placing the satellites.xml file into etc/tuxbox reboot. then go to setup, service searching, tuner configuration,

23-06-2013, 04:59 PM
I managed to get it working by copying the satellites.xml from my backup which contained your settings but dated march this year, i then replaced the latest satellites.xml with the file from backup & sent to the box. This has resolved the issue but i cant understand why this would happen as i have always used your settings.

Also do i run the risk of not being able to view certain channels because i am using an old .xml file with new settings??


23-06-2013, 05:17 PM
I managed to get it working by copying the satellites.xml from my backup which contained your settings but dated march this year, i then replaced the latest satellites.xml with the file from backup & sent to the box. This has resolved the issue but i cant understand why this would happen as i have always used your settings.

Also do i run the risk of not being able to view certain channels because i am using an old .xml file with new settings??


Add the xml file posted in post 53 here


That way you should be able to view all channels m8

23-06-2013, 05:21 PM
Add the xml file posted in post 53 here


That way you should be able to view all channels m8

I did try that earlier and got the same result.. i will try it again now

23-06-2013, 05:42 PM
That sorted it guys.. i did try this earlier however i just ftp'd the file directly to the box and it did not work.
This time i copied the xml file into the latest settings and then sent them to the box via dreamedit and all is well.

Thanks again for all your superb work and efforts :-)

23-06-2013, 05:47 PM
Glad its ok for you now

23-06-2013, 07:00 PM
catseye loaded your latest Settings File 75 East-45 West 23.06.13

Working fine on my VU + Uno VIX3.0 (683)
loaded with DreamboxEdit

23-06-2013, 07:42 PM
Thanks kota for your help. I have followed your instructions but I still cannot config the tuner. I have had several goes now and can not make any progress at all. I cannot see any information in the channel listings eg satellite name after uploading catseye. Pressing the green button has no effect (blank screen). I have noted also there is no longer a default satellite list available during installation. I have a nasty feeling that I have a bigger problem than first thought.

23-06-2013, 08:54 PM
Thanks kota for your help. I have followed your instructions but I still cannot config the tuner. I have had several goes now and can not make any progress at all. I cannot see any information in the channel listings eg satellite name after uploading catseye. Pressing the green button has no effect (blank screen). I have noted also there is no longer a default satellite list available during installation. I have a nasty feeling that I have a bigger problem than first thought.

Rabbit u can sort this

1.Install image of your choice
2.send settings to box
3. add new xml file as per previous instructions
4.reboot box
5.Then set up sat configuration
6.exit menus
7.press blue button on remote control then left/right keys up/down to locate a FTA channel to check
8.all should be working ok

23-06-2013, 11:52 PM
Hi catseye. Thanks for the advice. I am using Blackhole 2.0.3 Your points 1-4 fine. (Dish is at Astra 19E). Config is the problem. I select Service Searching and press OK. Select Tuner Config. Press OK. Select Tuner A press OK. Set Config Mode to Advanced.
Config Mode;- Advanced
Satellite 1 (options 2, 3, 4)
LNB 33 (options 34, 35, 36)

I should be getting Advanced, Astra 19E, LNB,1. I just cannot progress from this point. If I exit the menus and press the blue button there is a blank screen
That aside I have also tried to follow the wizard. Step 3 covers Installing Default Satellite List. When I first tried to this on first time installation it worked fine When i tried to install the default satellites today they are not there! I am just wondering if I have a bug in the system or a missing file. Clutching at straws I am afraid. So to date I have tried following the Vu+ solo manual, Dummies Guide and help from yourself, kota and other so keen to help. I really feel I am letting you all down Thanks so much.

Just another point. If I select the Satfinder option. I get a green screen with a message "we are really sorry. Your STB encountered a software problem...... "

24-06-2013, 01:40 AM
rabbit m8 your image is buggered. Do us all a favour. Reinstall the BH image once and for all and start all over again with the advice you've been given here. No point of sorting something which is already doomed.

24-06-2013, 11:02 AM
Thanks kota. How do I uninstall Blackhole? I have already tried to reinstall by overwriting it but that did not work.

24-06-2013, 12:09 PM
Things seem to be ok now. I used the image files already on my pen drive to reinstall blackhole and as I said it did not work. I have deleted those files and reinstalled blackhole on the pen drive. The image has now reinstalled onto the Solo and the problem solved. Thanks Koda.

26-06-2013, 03:55 AM
I got the 'no service' problem with the last few satellite.xml's. It seems the box is deeming the file illegal because of the "&" character. If you change this to a "/" or a "+", the xml then works fine. So, for instance:

"28.2E Eutelsat 28A & Astra 1N/2A/2F" to "28.2E Eutelsat 28A/Astra 1N/2A/2F" or "28.2E Eutelsat 28A + Astra 1N/2A/2F".
I swapped every "&" in the latest satellite.xml from the 23.06.13 and all is fine. Here is the file:

26-06-2013, 02:45 PM
Very nice job Silsila i guess you must be right on i added and replaced the sat.xml with Catseyes latest bouquet file ... and then loaded it on my DM800SE HD via Dreamset tool and now all sats are showing with correct names and no Errors found whatsoever ,
not sure how you discovered this fault in the Sat.xml file but it sure works very well like you say .
thnxs Silsila :respect-054:

26-06-2013, 10:11 PM
hi has this xml been put into the last updated channel list Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-45 West 23.06.13. list or can some one please do this
I got the 'no service' problem with the last few satellite.xml's. It seems the box is deeming the file illegal because of the "&" character. If you change this to a "/" or a "+", the xml then works fine. So, for instance:

"28.2E Eutelsat 28A & Astra 1N/2A/2F" to "28.2E Eutelsat 28A/Astra 1N/2A/2F" or "28.2E Eutelsat 28A + Astra 1N/2A/2F".
I swapped every "&" in the latest satellite.xml from the 23.06.13 and all is fine. Here is the file:

26-06-2013, 11:32 PM
hi has this xml been put into the last updated channel list Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-45 West 23.06.13. list or can some one please do this

Just overwrite the satellite.xml with the one I posted, then do what Barney said and use Dreamset or DreamBoxEdit to resend the list to your box.

27-06-2013, 12:58 AM
@Silsila ..just a quick question would this sat.xml of yours work also with E1 Settings aswell or is it only purely for E2 boxes ?
i had to ask because its bugging me not knowing the answer .
cheers .

27-06-2013, 01:27 AM
@Silsila ..just a quick question would this sat.xml of yours work also with E1 Settings aswell or is it only purely for E2 boxes ?
i had to ask because its bugging me not knowing the answer .
cheers .

No, as there are some entries E1 doesn't understand. Here is one for E1:

27-06-2013, 05:49 PM
I got the 'no service' problem with the last few satellite.xml's. It seems the box is deeming the file illegal because of the "&" character. If you change this to a "/" or a "+", the xml then works fine. So, for instance:

"28.2E Eutelsat 28A & Astra 1N/2A/2F" to "28.2E Eutelsat 28A/Astra 1N/2A/2F" or "28.2E Eutelsat 28A + Astra 1N/2A/2F".
I swapped every "&" in the latest satellite.xml from the 23.06.13 and all is fine. Here is the file:

Yes Very Big Thanks to Silsila for spotting this one:respect-040::respect-040:

It is appreciated by me :respect-048:-A new file will be out on Friday

28-06-2013, 12:25 AM
hopefully you can do E1 Update possibly this weekend aswell ?
look forward to it and big thnxs to Silsila aswell .
cheers .

28-06-2013, 06:46 PM
Hi Catseye have just installed E2 file 75east - 45 West and all is working perfect on Dreambox 70720HD including xml.

Thanks again for your channels lists, and also thanks goes out to Silsila & to stevejo for disposing of that bug.


29-06-2013, 05:57 PM
Hi Catseye,

Bug Free Motor settings.
Moved from 13 to 19e on
10 year old motor in 1 second.

Thanks, BF.

30-06-2013, 08:43 PM
yeah props to catseye! his lists make the sat scene so much easier - id be lost without them!!!


01-07-2013, 07:02 AM
A big thanks to all the guys that make this place tick cheers good health to all !.

07-07-2013, 09:24 PM
I am using the AzBox Premium and DreamBoxEdit with the latest 75E 45W E2 list. I get a Warning message when I upload the file from the receiver to DBEdit. And I get an error message when I FTP the list to the box. This does not appear to cause any problems using the receiver but I am just wondering if I can get it fixed. There is no problem with the connection despite the message saying otherwise. These errors also happen with previous lists. I have tried all the different file paths on DBEdit after reading that this was the cause/solution to the problem for other people but this has no effect for me.

Start and end of each log only shown below.

Info 2013-07-02 20:16:31 DreamBoxEdit started
Info 2013-07-02 20:16:33 There is no newer version of DreamBoxEdit available online
Info 2013-07-02 20:16:56 Directory L:\Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-45 West 28.06.2013 selected
Info 2013-07-02 20:17:01 Files loaded
Info 2013-07-02 20:26:49 Connecting to 192.168.2.xxx.
Info 2013-07-02 20:26:49 Connected.
Info 2013-07-02 20:26:49 Dreambox response: Login successful.
Info 2013-07-02 20:26:49 ** Getting directory list /etc/enigma2/* **
Info 2013-07-02 20:26:49 Starting FTP transfer
Info 2013-07-02 20:26:49 Switching to ASCII mode.
Info 2013-07-02 20:26:49 Transfer complete
Info 2013-07-02 20:26:49 Here comes the directory listing.
Info 2013-07-02 20:26:49 ** Sending file "/etc/enigma2/lamedb" **

Info 2013-07-07 20:44:14 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /etc/tuxbox/terrestrial.xml (24343 bytes).
Info 2013-07-07 20:44:14 Disconnecting.
Info 2013-07-07 20:44:14 Goodbye.
Info 2013-07-07 20:44:14 Disconnected.
Info 2013-07-07 20:44:14 Goodbye.
Info 2013-07-07 20:44:14 Directory L:\Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-45 West 28.06.2013 selected
Warning 2013-07-07 20:44:19 TV Favourite (userbouquet.LastScanned.tv) without corresponding service not loaded
Warning 2013-07-07 20:44:19 -- data: #SERVICE 1:0:1:1:0:1:46B14A:0:0:0:
Warning 2013-07-07 20:44:19 Files loaded with errors
Warning 2013-07-07 20:44:19 - errors in services file: 0
Warning 2013-07-07 20:44:19 - errors in bouquets file: 0
Warning 2013-07-07 20:44:19 - errors in userbouquet.xxxxx.tv file(s) (TV): 1
Warning 2013-07-07 20:44:19 - errors in userbouquet.xxxxx.radio file(s) (Radio): 0
Warning 2013-07-07 20:44:19 See earlier logged messages for more details
Warning 2013-07-07 20:44:19 Explanation of errors found within TV and/or Radio User Bouquet:
Warning 2013-07-07 20:44:19 .. All files are loaded but unsupported references were found in the TV and/or Radio User Bouquet list!
Warning 2013-07-07 20:44:19 .. Those references were skipped as they were references to the complete services list, the complete bouquets list
Warning 2013-07-07 20:44:19 .. or a circular reference to User Bouquet itself, probably created by accident
Warning 2013-07-07 20:44:19 .. Although you will loose these unsupported references, you can still go on editing and saving.
Info 2013-07-07 20:45:08 Succesfully received the file-set from the Dreambox.

Info 2013-07-02 20:16:31 DreamBoxEdit started
Info 2013-07-02 20:16:33 There is no newer version of DreamBoxEdit available online
Info 2013-07-02 20:16:56 Directory L:\Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-45 West 28.06.2013 selected
Info 2013-07-02 20:17:01 Files loaded
Info 2013-07-02 20:26:49 Connecting to 192.168.2.xxx.
Info 2013-07-02 20:26:49 Connected.
Info 2013-07-02 20:26:49 Dreambox response: Login successful.
Info 2013-07-02 20:26:49 ** Getting directory list /etc/enigma2/* **
Info 2013-07-02 20:26:49 Starting FTP transfer

Info 2013-07-07 21:07:53 ** Sending file "/etc/tuxbox/terrestrial.xml" **
Info 2013-07-07 21:07:53 Starting FTP transfer
Info 2013-07-07 21:07:53 Transfer complete.
Info 2013-07-07 21:07:53 Transfer complete
Info 2013-07-07 21:07:53 Ok to send data.
Info 2013-07-07 21:07:53 Disconnecting.
Info 2013-07-07 21:07:53 Goodbye.
Info 2013-07-07 21:07:53 Disconnected.
Info 2013-07-07 21:07:53 Goodbye.
Info 2013-07-07 21:07:59 Network response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<e2statetext>reloaded both</e2statetext>
Error 2013-07-07 21:07:59 Could not connect to Dreambox on IP adress 192.168.2.xxx, check the IP address and/or your network.

07-07-2013, 09:52 PM
Someone due post a solution on here to clear that up using dreambox edit

Have a search through through board as it was a while ago

Otherwise try using dreamset to edit & load file

09-07-2013, 11:20 AM
Hi bro.

Just to let you know.
Sky showcase HD, and Sky Sports 2 HD not working.

Just 2 to mention.

Thanks for all ur hard work :-))

09-07-2013, 11:00 PM
Someone due post a solution on here to clear that up using dreambox edit

Have a search through through board as it was a while ago

Otherwise try using dreamset to edit & load file

Thanks Catseye. I tried Dreamset before but I had some trouble connecting. I got it working now and the files transfer no problem. I still have the problem on DbEdit but now only uploading. But the receiver is working OK so it doesn't matter. Thanks again and keep up the good work.

10-07-2013, 10:11 AM
Hi bro.

Just to let you know.
Sky showcase HD, and Sky Sports 2 HD not working.

Just 2 to mention.

Thanks for all ur hard work :-))

Hi All just got back from holiday did an update everything worked great except the 2 channels mentioned above, tried searching for a fix but no joy, has this been fixed



10-07-2013, 11:30 AM
Hi All just got back from holiday did an update everything worked great except the 2 channels mentioned above, tried searching for a fix but no joy, has this been fixed



Hi mate.

I need to get a box to a mate on friday night.
Don't want to hassle Catseye, as he has been so good to us:-)
Go to lyngsat mate, and manually edit the channels in DB edit if you have too.
You will se frequencies, sid, pis etc. providing it has been updated lol
Thats the way I do it.
You can also rescan the transponder bud :-)
I'll be doing this Friday morning.
Will keep you in mind if i need to do this.
@ Catseye. Do I have your permission to reupload the settings mate?
Sorry for the impatience lol

10-07-2013, 11:39 AM
Hi mate.

I need to get a box to a mate on friday night.
Don't want to hassle Catseye, as he has been so good to us:-)
Go to lyngsat mate, and manually edit the channels in DB edit if you have too.
You will se frequencies, sid, pis etc. providing it has been updated lol
Thats the way I do it.
You can also rescan the transponder bud :-)
I'll be doing this Friday morning.
Will keep you in mind if i need to do this.
@ Catseye. Do I have your permission to reupload the settings mate?
Sorry for the impatience lol

hi ford all sorted I did a rescan of 28 which found the channel Sky sports Ashes then just load the db channel list on to computer and edited across the new channels all done



10-07-2013, 08:02 PM
Hi mate.

I need to get a box to a mate on friday night.
Don't want to hassle Catseye, as he has been so good to us:-)
Go to lyngsat mate, and manually edit the channels in DB edit if you have too.
You will se frequencies, sid, pis etc. providing it has been updated lol
Thats the way I do it.
You can also rescan the transponder bud :-)
I'll be doing this Friday morning.
Will keep you in mind if i need to do this.
@ Catseye. Do I have your permission to reupload the settings mate?
Sorry for the impatience lol

Yes feel free
New file should be out on Friday
Changes to sky sports 2 & showcase hd have updated

10-07-2013, 09:49 PM
Yes feel free
New file should be out on Friday
Changes to sky sports 2 & showcase hd have updated
Thanks bro.
Ill wait then :-)
Do you use lyngsat out of interest?

10-07-2013, 09:55 PM
Thanks bro.
Ill wait then :-)
Do you use lyngsat out of interest?

Yes all sorts m8 KOS Lyngsat digital spy to name but a few...

12-07-2013, 12:02 AM
Lots of work then lol
Been struggling with a new DM800SE.
Lots of images to chose from, but open pli rocks.
Now i got it to work, ill have a buzz around lyngsat to manually edit those missing channels in DB edit

16-07-2013, 10:42 PM
Quote Originally Posted by ford View Post
With permission from Catseye.

Updated Sky Showcase HD, and Sky Sports 2 HD.

Tested on Vu+Duo and DM800SE

Hi pal sorry but neither Showcase HD or Sky Sports HD worked for me on Solo2 but i updated manually and got sorted. They were on wrong transponders still.
Thanks for hard work guys

17-07-2013, 05:14 PM
Quote Originally Posted by ford View Post
With permission from Catseye.

Updated Sky Showcase HD, and Sky Sports 2 HD.

Tested on Vu+Duo and DM800SE

Hi pal sorry but neither Showcase HD or Sky Sports HD worked for me on Solo2 but i updated manually and got sorted. They were on wrong transponders still.
Thanks for hard work guys

Do u mean the latest list I published or the one that Ford released?

17-07-2013, 06:16 PM
Showcase HD AND Sky Sports HD I Have tested just now and work on your lated settings list Catseye m8 ,

But..your most recent E2 List seems to be missing HALLO TV Germany is there any chance at all you could try add or include this in your next E1 & E2 update ?
12692 H 22000sr Fec 5/6 Dvb s - Hallo TV

cheers mate .

17-07-2013, 08:46 PM
Showcase HD AND Sky Sports HD I Have tested just now and work on your lated settings list Catseye m8 ,

But..your most recent E2 List seems to be missing HALLO TV Germany is there any chance at all you could try add or include this in your next E1 & E2 update ?
12692 H 22000sr Fec 5/6 Dvb s - Hallo TV

cheers mate .


No problem is this channel also on Astra 19.2 east??


18-07-2013, 01:11 AM
Sorry for late reply HALLO TV German / Polska / Espaņa is 3 channels but all broadcast same program simulcast
And is only broadcasting on Astra 19.2 east

here is freq and transponder details link :

http://en.k ingofsat.net/find.php?question=HALLO+TV&Submit=Zap

remove the space in the link as this annoying forum censoring wont allow me to type the word "king" without all the " *'
censoring for some odd reason .

cheers .

18-07-2013, 10:51 AM
Do u mean the latest list I published or the one that Ford released?

apologies i meant one Ford had released

18-07-2013, 05:17 PM
Sorry for late reply HALLO TV German / Polska / Espaņa is 3 channels but all broadcast same program simulcast
And is only broadcasting on Astra 19.2 east

here is freq and transponder details link :

http://en.k ingofsat.net/find.php?question=HALLO+TV&Submit=Zap

remove the space in the link as this annoying forum censoring wont allow me to type the word "king" without all the " *'
censoring for some odd reason .

cheers .

Hi Barney

Channels were on list but were omitted from favourites

On the new list they can be found under the Astra 19.2 East ***** section now

Hope this helps

18-07-2013, 11:02 PM
Astra 19.2 East A-D-U-L-T section you mean ? ....damn forum censoring again ..lol's !!

its not a problem and no panic i didnt see Hallo TV in your list 13.07.2013 but i'll have a look tommorrow again ,

cheers .

29-07-2013, 11:17 PM
Thanks to Catseye for the updates again :respect-049:

I'm not here to moan but is anyone else having trouble with ESPN HD on 28.2?


30-07-2013, 09:43 AM
hi does this file work with Vu+ solo as im having difficulties updating this box it works great with dreambox but not, this one im using dreamboxedit



30-07-2013, 10:27 AM
Thanks to Catseye for the updates again :respect-049:

I'm not here to moan but is anyone else having trouble with ESPN HD on 28.2?


They moved transponders yesterday m8

Have a look here


File has been updated ready for next release

30-07-2013, 10:28 AM
hi does this file work with Vu+ solo as im having difficulties updating this box it works great with dreambox but not, this one im using dreamboxedit



Can you give us more details -whats happens when you send file to box etc ??

03-08-2013, 09:18 AM
Can you give us more details -whats happens when you send file to box etc ??

Box reboots but new channels don't load, I will try again with the new update cheers


04-08-2013, 01:34 PM
Box reboots but new channels don't load, I will try again with the new update cheers


Try placing Enigma into sleep mode before using DBE to transfer the settings over then once done wake enigma again.

to place enigma to sleep in a telnet session issue the init 4 command
to wake enigma issue the init 3 ( GUI reboot ) or init 6 ( full reboot ) command.

The reason channel settings dont always load with DBE is because it's sending them while the system is live and as the channel settings are partially held in live memory it can sometimes override the changes, either try the method above or use another settings editor that does it for you ( there is one but i cant remember the name of it rite now ).

10-08-2013, 10:43 AM
Hi sorry its been a while since you replied to my message and I have just had chance to read it regarding the Vu solo update.

So how do you place Vu Solo into sleep mode how do you issue sleep command in telnet, to wake I could just reboot after the update. I want to do this update with team viewer.



10-08-2013, 05:47 PM
Hi sorry its been a while since you replied to my message and I have just had chance to read it regarding the Vu solo update.

So how do you place Vu Solo into sleep mode how do you issue sleep command in telnet, to wake I could just reboot after the update. I want to do this update with team viewer.



pheonix wrote it 1 post before you Ask

to place enigma to sleep in a telnet session issue the init 4 command
to wake enigma issue the init 3 ( GUI reboot )
And as far as i know Teamviewer is not a Telnet Client or am i wrong?
use the free Tool Putty for Telnet to your Box

btw why you donīt use Dreamset?
you can choose during the setup how the Settings will be Load to your Box 1 choice is :
Enigma 2 ver 4 (Telnet reload)
choose this one and E2 will End and Start Automtic after the Settings are on the Box

10-08-2013, 07:12 PM
yes I saw the reply but I don't know how to do the command init 4 do I just enter that in telnet?

10-08-2013, 07:26 PM

Yes after you Loged in to your Box enter :
init 4 than click enter on your keyboard
for Restart Enigma 2 enter :
init 3 than click enter on your keyboard

11-08-2013, 06:14 PM
Just to advise the latest files will be released on Tuesday instead of this weekend

Im off on hols from Wednesday for 2 weeks so wont be any releases from me (Unless someone else wants to have a go)

Ive been hanging on in case of major changes for footie season

11-08-2013, 06:31 PM
will u be able to post E1 Update for me aswell Catseye mate ?
hope u enjoy your holiday : )

cheers .

12-08-2013, 01:23 PM
I will try but cant promise as got loads to do

12-08-2013, 01:44 PM
would be great as I need this badly have a good holiday



12-08-2013, 03:42 PM
Forgot to say if anyone wants owt adding to lists can they post here by lunch time tomorrow please

Any news on al jazerra sports on Hotbird etc??

12-08-2013, 03:59 PM
Forgot to say if anyone wants owt adding to lists can they post here by lunch time tomorrow please

Any news on al jazerra sports on Hotbird etc??

hey catseye im loving your channel lists and appreciate your hard work,
but i noticed that i always have to manually scan 13E for two channels,
any chance you can add them on your Enigma 2 channel list please? thanks

Saudi Quran - 12654 H 27500 - FEC 3/4
Saudi Sunnah - 12380 V 27500 - FEC 3/4

12-08-2013, 04:08 PM
hey catseye im loving your channel lists and appreciate your hard work,
but i noticed that i always have to manually scan 13E for two channels,
any chance you can add them on your Enigma 2 channel list please? thanks

Saudi Quran - 12654 H 27500 - FEC 3/4
Saudi Sunnah - 12380 V 27500 - FEC 3/4

Whats the service id's?? -no problem to add to list

12-08-2013, 04:14 PM
hey catseye im loving your channel lists and appreciate your hard work,
but i noticed that i always have to manually scan 13E for two channels,
any chance you can add them on your Enigma 2 channel list please? thanks

Saudi Quran - 12654 H 27500 - FEC 3/4
Saudi Sunnah - 12380 V 27500 - FEC 3/4

On new file

You will find them under Hotbird Various FTA & are listed under 'S'

They were listed under other names hence reason for rescan

12-08-2013, 04:25 PM
there will be no EPL on Hotbird

there will be SD EPL on 26 East badr

and HD EPL on 7 West nile sat

I am based in Spain and have AJS cards that iam installing now into old humax abudabi boxes,

so for me 26 east and 7 west set with the new changes would be great and for those with E1 a channel list for that as well would be a bonus, and if your over here near Alicante the beers are on me.

12-08-2013, 04:31 PM
On new file

You will find them under Hotbird Various FTA & are listed under 'S'

They were listed under other names hence reason for rescan

thats wicked, i appreciate it,
thanks a lot mate! :)

12-08-2013, 06:13 PM
You did not forget about Hallo TV
i see its included on your new E1 update very nice indeed
many thanks for this update its a good 'un again .
cheers Catseye !

12-08-2013, 06:46 PM
why no e2 settings only e1

12-08-2013, 07:09 PM
I was just going to ask the same question as joe2419

12-08-2013, 07:24 PM
Dont panic -will be out tomorrow

Will be away for 2 weeks so hanging on until last minute

12-08-2013, 07:42 PM
OK mate thanks for reply, will wait till tomorrow. Enjoy your 2 weeks break you deserve it :champion-018:

15-08-2013, 05:25 PM

Yes after you Loged in to your Box enter :
init 4 than click enter on your keyboard
for Restart Enigma 2 enter :
init 3 than click enter on your keyboard

Hi ok an update to the problems im having.

I used dreamset and loaded the iniy commands 4 and 3 and I could see the Vu solo go into sleep mode, I loaded the latest catseye settings, for Sky UK, everything loaded ok except for ESPN HD and BT Sports HD 1&2 the channels were there but green screened with errors, the SD variants work great. anyone else had this problem I am now at a loss don't know what to do



15-08-2013, 06:07 PM
Manual Scan 11585 H 29500sr Fec 3/4 DVB S2 QPSK

AFTER Scan check and see if problem is solved ??
if problem is still there then use DreamboxEdit instead and load list again and switch VU+ off at mains and let it reboot problem hopefully will be resolved
i have loaded catseye's E2 latest settings on my DM800SE HD original and Dm500HD Original and do not get any GSOD so the issue is with maybbe your image
try flash a different image i used to get this Green screen with Erros aswell a lot on my Dm800SE HD when i was running Blackhole image i flashed with Edg Nemesis latest and hav'nt seen a GSOD since .

Good luck .

29-08-2013, 09:56 AM
Im back now & have lots to sort out

If you could post here any major changes that you are aware of or want included in next release it would be appreciated

Please include as much info as possible


01-09-2013, 07:48 PM
Fox Sports HD 2 on 23.5 in the Canal digital package is missing in the new settings.

01-09-2013, 08:27 PM
Fox Sport 13e SD changed recently i think FEC ?
HalloTV 19e i cant find on E1/E2 list yet ?
on 11w plze include Nitegate channels on your next E2 update
on 16e Tring TV done some freq changes on SD and HD
i dont suppose Nova GR bouquet E1 & E2 will be required anymore ?
Same with TotalTV on 16e E1 And E2 pointless having those bouquets since they dont open in c/s anymore

hope that helps a little with your next updates ?

05-09-2013, 12:50 PM
Fox Sport 13e SD changed recently i think FEC ?
HalloTV 19e i cant find on E1/E2 list yet ?
on 11w plze include Nitegate channels on your next E2 update
on 16e Tring TV done some freq changes on SD and HD
i dont suppose Nova GR bouquet E1 & E2 will be required anymore ?
Same with TotalTV on 16e E1 And E2 pointless having those bouquets since they dont open in c/s anymore

hope that helps a little with your next updates ?

Ive just checked the following items:
Fox Sport 13 east SD & HD both still same no changes there
Hallo TV (x3) are listed under 19.2 east ***** -under German ***** FTA section
Nitegate was already added but was hidden-now under 11 West
Tring changed on 8 & 12th August -all changes were updated & should be ok

Hope this helps

13-09-2013, 11:51 PM
Having some trouble with the latest Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-45 West 13.09.2013 released today on my VUUNO VIX 3.0 Build 735
I have transferred with both dreamset & dreamboxEDIT with the same results.
only seem to be effecting Sky Deutschland & Digiturk (channels are displayed in dreamset & dreamboxEDIT fine)

attached some pics

most probably user related at my end but thought it was worth mentioning.

14-09-2013, 08:50 AM
Having some trouble with the latest Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-45 West 13.09.2013 released today on my VUUNO VIX 3.0 Build 735
I have transferred with both dreamset & dreamboxEDIT with the same results.
only seem to be effecting Sky Deutschland & Digiturk (channels are displayed in dreamset & dreamboxEDIT fine)

attached some pics

most probably user related at my end but thought it was worth mentioning.

ok here mate usining ultimo also with VIX 3.0 Build 735


14-09-2013, 11:37 AM
Thanks for taking time to reply scrupples

It seems to have corrected itself this morning after i powered down my VUUNO and all seems fine

19-09-2013, 12:44 PM
Fox Sports 2 HD, is part of the Canal Digitaal pack. Stil missing :D

Astra 3B 12187.50 H 25 Europe DVB-S2 8PSK 27500 2/3 CANALDIGITAAL, 54.5 Mbps NID:3 TID:3225

19-09-2013, 03:48 PM
Fox Sports 2 HD, is part of the Canal Digitaal pack. Stil missing :D

Astra 3B 12187.50 H 25 Europe DVB-S2 8PSK 27500 2/3 CANALDIGITAAL, 54.5 Mbps NID:3 TID:3225

Thanks for pointing that one out
Its now in the Canal Digitaal HD package ready for next release

04-10-2013, 11:21 AM
Wow !! What a load of Changes happened over the last couple of days or so ..hardly any channels on my Enigma 1 boxes working anymore infact .. but that is no fault of Catseye whatsoever just there has been such a huge amount of channels swapping about very recently and 1N active now it seems with loads of channels now active on it .
If you do have any spare time at all i guess we is all gonna need a new E1 and E2 update list Catseye
my head is just dizzy with the amount of changes and i have no idea how you gonna update all those changes but i do have faith and as always im sure you will find a way to update all those changes :eek:
but i will wish you good luck and keep my fingers crossed that you might find enuff time to upload an update for us all here ,
i dunno what we do without you .

04-10-2013, 02:30 PM
Not really that much of a problem :rant: manually rescan the following and reboot your E2 box. Worked on my Solo2 big time.

12516 H 22000 5/6 QPSK
12523 V 22000 5/6 QPSK
12545 H 22000 5/6 QPSK
12575 H 23000 DVB-S2 QPSK 8/9
12582 V 22000 5/6 QPSK
12610 V 22000 5/6 QPSK
12634 H 22000 5/6 QPSK
12640 V 22000 5/6 QPSK

04-10-2013, 05:29 PM
or use the autobouquets plugin.

even though i have my own custom settings,all the changes were sorted in a matter of about 5 mins.


05-10-2013, 08:05 PM
setanta ireland and setanta sports on 28e not clearing in 5th October release.
KOS shows new freq from 3.10.13

05-10-2013, 08:37 PM
New settings posted today by Catseye
E1 And E2 yes Setanta not ok but thats very easily sorted just remove and manual scan correct freq
12422 H 27500sr Fec 2/3 DVB S
not a problem at all .


06-10-2013, 06:18 PM
New settings posted today by Catseye
E1 And E2 yes Setanta not ok but thats very easily sorted just remove and manual scan correct freq
12422 H 27500sr Fec 2/3 DVB S
not a problem at all .


not sure why this one was missed -i blame the kids:chillpill:

It will be amended on next release


06-10-2013, 08:35 PM
TCM +1 Aswell but to be honest you got it 99% correct nobody is totally perfect and most of the changes that may have been missed happened very recent so not your fault at all Catseye mate i think you done a really brilliant effort considering the sheer amount of changes you had to deal with to put together a successfull list in pretty short notice it must be said .
There is no guarentee that every change that was made might not need fixing again in few days time ..i seriously hope not but i wouldnt rule it out !
Again well done and thank you very much Catseye my friend .:respect-054:

11-10-2013, 10:22 AM
I would like to add my thanks to catseye and anyone else involved with these great channel listings

17-10-2013, 08:54 AM
New frequency for Astra 2A (28.2°E) Setanta Sports 1: 12633.00 H SR:22000 FEC:5/6 Setanta 12422.00 H 27500 FEC:2/3 .Give it a try ,please let us know if it still works.

17-10-2013, 09:16 AM
thanks tinbin 300.it's working perfect.

17-10-2013, 01:14 PM
yeah the only major change that ive personally noticed since the last Catseye Enigma 1 setting update is probably the Setanta freq change
should hopefully get fixed when catseye issues his next E1 update im sure .

17-10-2013, 07:33 PM
Hopefully new file will be out tomorrow or saturday

TCM+1 fixed plus sentanta sports sorted

Plus there have been loads of changes to meo package at 30 west in last few days

17-10-2013, 10:09 PM
I am so glad it works for you m8s.

18-10-2013, 02:40 AM
Not to worry about too much Meo pack its HD and dont work on Enigma 1 boxes anyways
i look very much forward to your new E1 update tommorrow [ later today ,lol ]
Thank you very much Catseye for keeping us all uptodate thro' these times of major changes it is appreciated .

18-10-2013, 08:26 PM
Hello boyos.
Noticed no Setanta Ireland.
Not a sports person.
Friend bought to my attention.
Autobouguet for that region did not fix it.
Not really bothered looking further into it lol
Maybe worth a mention??

18-10-2013, 11:20 PM
Hello boyos.
Noticed no Setanta Ireland.
Not a sports person.
Friend bought to my attention.
Autobouguet for that region did not fix it.
Not really bothered looking further into it lol
Maybe worth a mention??12633 H 22000sr Fec 5/6 dvb s [ SD ] - Setanta Ire / Setanta Sport 1

Hopefully this will be updated When Catseye next new E1 settings file is released .
cheers .

10-11-2013, 08:36 PM
i cant use this on dream edit they are rar files how do we use this

10-11-2013, 08:55 PM
i cant use this on dream edit they are rar files how do we use this

You download free winrar software to unzip them

Then use dreamset to edit or send to your box

Mods can you move this to correct section please

16-11-2013, 03:24 PM
i cant use this on dream edit they are rar files how do we use this

or use the free programme 7zip to unpack them first, before using dreamset or dreamboxedit

moved posts to the correct discussion thread

16-11-2013, 06:25 PM
weird. Is it only me or today's files appear as pdf's and not rar files as usual after downloading ??

EDIT: problem with my IE browser. Opens fine with others. Sorry

04-01-2014, 08:12 PM
Catseye could you add NSS 7 at 20W or how can i add it manualy with dreamboxedit?

04-01-2014, 08:22 PM
Catseye could you add NSS 7 at 20W or how can i add it manualy with dreamboxedit?

Hiya m8
Adding it is no problem
However according to KOS it only broadcasts on c band rather than ku band

I find its easier to add sats using dreamset buts thats just a personal opinion
Hope this helps

05-01-2014, 12:19 PM
been away for 6 days and loads of changes mainly JSC on 7 west thanks for the update, will there be an E1 cheers and happy new year to everyone



05-01-2014, 08:32 PM
been away for 6 days and loads of changes mainly JSC on 7 west thanks for the update, will there be an E1 cheers and happy new year to everyone


I will try & do one this week

05-01-2014, 11:28 PM
i will look very much forward to your newest E1 update Catseye m8
thanks for all your support and help in 2013

Happy New year 2014 and Respect for all your hard work That you do Catseye .

13-01-2014, 03:33 PM
Hi Catseye. Much appreciated all the work.
On the server that i use various users have lost Sly Spots 1 HD. All other channels on the bouquet are working fine.
Are there multiple copy's of the 1 HD channel which is causing confusion?

If my server is using one of the Sly Sports 1 HD alternatives, how can i change the default channel in your list?

13-01-2014, 05:21 PM
Hi Catseye. Much appreciated all the work.
On the server that i use various users have lost Sly Spots 1 HD. All other channels on the bouquet are working fine.
Are there multiple copy's of the 1 HD channel which is causing confusion?

If my server is using one of the Sly Sports 1 HD alternatives, how can i change the default channel in your list?

Best thing to do, is to access channels via the favourites option & view channels that way -select Sky UK HD & scroll until you find Sky Sports 1HD

15-03-2014, 10:32 PM
Hi Guys

Just to advise there will be some delay in releasing the latest e2 files

Im having problems with internet on pc which is used for files

Problem has been reported & have to await isp to fix

15-03-2014, 11:57 PM
Sorry to hear that Catseye i hope you get your problems resolved soon ,
i was wondering why you was a little quiet recently but dont worry i am still using your most recent E1 channel list on my dm600s
ive not seen any real major changes just yet anyways and if you get fixed up by next weekend it'll be grand im sure everyone including myself can have patience its always well worthwhile every time anyhow .
so dont panic and i wish you good luck my friend hope your isp will resolve your internet issues .
Have a nice weekend : )

01-04-2014, 03:27 PM
Cats could you add all the SKY Bundesliga HD 1 channels the next time? Now there is only HD1 but there are 10 HD channels.

http://nl.*********.net/find.php?question=Sky+Bundesliga+&Submit=Zap The king (meaning the best) of satelliet website's :D
thx in advance

01-04-2014, 07:55 PM
Cats could you add all the SKY Bundesliga HD 1 channels the next time? Now there is only HD1 but there are 10 HD channels.

http://nl.*********.net/find.php?question=Sky+Bundesliga+&Submit=Zap The king (meaning the best) of satelliet website's :D
thx in advance

Will look into it & see what I can do

03-04-2014, 12:33 PM
Just confirm all 10 HD Sky Bundesliga channels added to Sky Deutschland HD list

03-04-2014, 05:10 PM
can you do an E1 update this weekend if you have some spare time please Catseye mate ?
cheers .

07-04-2014, 11:38 AM
Hi Catseye can you help sky sports 1 hd not working for me all others are ok, sky sports 1 sd works ok.

07-04-2014, 11:57 AM
Hi Catseye can you help sky sports 1 hd not working for me all others are ok, sky sports 1 sd works ok.

All working ok for me with latest catseye.

07-04-2014, 01:03 PM
Hi Catseye can you help sky sports 1 hd not working for me all others are ok, sky sports 1 sd works ok.

All working fine here -try accessing channels via favourites then HD section on 28.2 east

07-04-2014, 01:12 PM
Hi catseye tried that no joy tried scanning satellite still no joy so it must be my server.

07-04-2014, 01:16 PM
@Catseye ...can you include in your next E1 Update new channel on 28.2e London Live - 12610.00 V 22000 5/6 DVB-S QPSK
Channel Nine UK is not working anymore
Cartoon Network +1 is not working anymore
Nick Jr Peppa Pig has stopped working

07-04-2014, 02:53 PM
@Catseye ...can you include in your next E1 Update new channel on 28.2e London Live - 12610.00 V 22000 5/6 DVB-S QPSK
Channel Nine UK is not working anymore
Cartoon Network +1 is not working anymore
Nick Jr Peppa Pig has stopped working

No problem
The new London Live has definetly been added already
Im sure the others mentioned have been updated too

I will double check

07-04-2014, 07:05 PM
Just checked & all are working fine so confirms I must have updated them

23-05-2014, 12:14 PM
strange one this I have the latest catseye file and it works great on my dreambox, but when I try to update using teamviewer on other dreamboxes sky sports news hd and F! hd don't work anyone else have this problem I have check the file and its correct


23-05-2014, 05:27 PM
strange one this I have the latest catseye file and it works great on my dreambox, but when I try to update using teamviewer on other dreamboxes sky sports news hd and F! hd don't work anyone else have this problem I have check the file and its correct


Ive never used teamviewer so cant help with that one

23-05-2014, 05:49 PM
Ive never used teamviewer so cant help with that one

got them to do a manual scan using the same details in Catseye's channel list and they pulled in great but not doing an update of the total list

26-05-2014, 03:53 PM
Please note guys a new channel was added to the Sly Italia Entertainment section last week

on KOS its listed as undefined whilst channel hopping/checking its actually a p o r n channel called Pink O TV

Ive now moved this to the "hotbird a d u l t section"

You might want to do this yourself prior to next release so as the kids etc don't come across it:cuss:

26-05-2014, 03:59 PM
Huntingdon beach north cam south cam and end of pier cam no longer transmitting ! 22west
you should know cos your busy doing everything else<
You can remove those from next list mate.

26-05-2014, 04:04 PM
LOL's ..new channels are always welcome catseye mate .. especially for educational purposes of course :respect-048:

looks like the Boxing is gonna just be on SBO Events SD which also is a welcome sight and yes works perfectly with FTV promo's showing now on your new list .
infact its very obvious you have been extra buzy putting a lot of effort into your updates so there is no need to worry or panic at all
i appreciate the hard work you do and every time its perfection we are very fortunate to have these important updates when it really matters and take nothing for granted .
So once again a massive thanks for all your hard work Catseye
So Relax and have a nice bank holiday my friend .: )

26-05-2014, 04:09 PM
LOL's ..new channels are always welcome catseye mate .. especially for educational purposes of course :respect-048:

looks like the Boxing is gonna just be on SBO Events SD which also is a welcome sight and yes works perfectly with FTV promo's showing now on your new list .
infact its very obvious you have been extra buzy putting a lot of effort into your updates so there is no need to worry or panic at all
i appreciate the hard work you do and every time its perfection we are very fortunate to have these important updates when it really matters and take nothing for granted .
So once again a massive thanks for all your hard work Catseye
So Relax and have a nice bank holiday my friend .: )

i concur absolutely with the honourable members view !

26-05-2014, 04:15 PM
Huntingdon beach north cam south cam and end of pier cam no longer transmitting ! 22west
you should know cos your busy doing everything else<
You can remove those from next list mate.

Can confirm they have been removed

26-05-2014, 07:48 PM
Hi Catseye.

Thanks for the lastest list and for including 37.5 West for me before. Can you get 61 West Amazonas 3? There is a European beam which I can receive, only one FTA channel from Ecuador I think on 12642 H 3/4 28888.

26-05-2014, 08:15 PM
Hi Catseye.

Thanks for the lastest list and for including 37.5 West for me before. Can you get 61 West Amazonas 3? There is a European beam which I can receive, only one FTA channel from Ecuador I think on 12642 H 3/4 28888.

Whereabouts in the world are you to receive 61 West?

Yes can add it no problem

26-05-2014, 08:29 PM
I'm in Ireland, 1.1 m dish. Plenty of reception reports in the UK as well. Many thanks.

26-05-2014, 08:40 PM
I'm in Ireland, 1.1 m dish. Plenty of reception reports in the UK as well. Many thanks.

Ive added Amazonas 61 West sat with the 2 european transponders

19-06-2014, 01:28 PM
My DM8000 hd crashed and had to put in a new image ( last version of Newnigma2) and put back the tuner configuration ( working with an external sat positioner.)

Now for both Eutelsat W2 (16 E) and Eutelsat 25b ( 25,5 E) when i tune in to them DM says that I have to check my tuner configuration??????????????

I tried already several things but no luck and all the others work fine !!!!

Any idea


19-06-2014, 02:08 PM
You need to go back into sat config menu & set up 16 east & 25.5 east the same as the other sats set up for your box to receive

for example if say 28.2 east is set to lnb 1 make those other sats are as well

19-06-2014, 02:38 PM
Sorry but that was the first thing I did, but my channels turn white and than immediately after back in grey.

19-06-2014, 04:11 PM
Send settings to box & try doing a reboot box not just enigma 2

26-06-2014, 07:31 AM
Using Catseye's E2 channel list with autobouquet now seems to have a problem every time. Autobouquet sorts channels fine up to the sports section then starts to miss the odd channel, so ends up with channels on the wrong program number. If I use autobouquet and let it do a service scan everything works fine (just takes about 20 mins). Not sure whether this is a channel list or autobouquet problem?

26-06-2014, 09:49 AM
I cant comment tbh as ive never used autobouquet feature im sure someone on here will be able to throw some light on the problem for you

26-06-2014, 06:40 PM

Is there any reason buddy that you use a none standard Satellites.xml in your settings ?

I ask because in order to use the AutobouquetsMaker plugin your xml file has to be replaced so that its possible for the plugin to then save all existing bouquets,before you commence a scan.
This doesnt apply to the Autobouquet plugin,just the AutobouquetMaker plugin.


26-06-2014, 08:32 PM
I am not aware that I am using a non-standard satellites.xml file. I have merely been downloading catseyes settings file and running autobouquet for E2 plugin (correctly configured for my UK region etc.). If the said file could be the problem then I will download a new one and use that - but I have never before downloaded such a file - the one I am using must have come from either a settings download or a backup image from a generous buddy.

27-06-2014, 09:30 PM

Is there any reason buddy that you use a none standard Satellites.xml in your settings ?

I ask because in order to use the AutobouquetsMaker plugin your xml file has to be replaced so that its possible for the plugin to then save all existing bouquets,before you commence a scan.
This doesnt apply to the Autobouquet plugin,just the AutobouquetMaker plugin.


I will have a look at xml website i use & report back

30-06-2014, 11:48 AM

Is there any reason buddy that you use a none standard Satellites.xml in your settings ?

I ask because in order to use the AutobouquetsMaker plugin your xml file has to be replaced so that its possible for the plugin to then save all existing bouquets,before you commence a scan.
This doesnt apply to the Autobouquet plugin,just the AutobouquetMaker plugin.


This is the website ive used in the past to update the xml file


Ive never had any issue with it tbh

08-07-2014, 10:19 AM
Hi cats. Thanks for yet another update of your channels list. Just a quick note to ask if you could change the Zon package to Nos on Hispasat. Name has changed recently even though KOS is still naming it Zon.

Also on the swiss package SSR/SRG at 13E, there's two channels missing on the SD section. Please add RSI LA 1 and RSI LA 2.


08-07-2014, 11:39 AM
Hi cats. Thanks for yet another update of your channels list. Just a quick note to ask if you could change the Zon package to Nos on Hispasat. Name has changed recently even though KOS is still naming it Zon.

Also on the swiss package SSR/SRG at 13E, there's two channels missing on the SD section. Please add RSI LA 1 and RSI LA 2.


Yes no problem will do

28-09-2014, 06:15 AM
Catseye E2 Settings ALL FILES 27.09.2014

Includes most recent updates from usual places


Thanks m8 - I did notice you are and have been missing this channel on 13 east Hotbird - for a long/long time:

Prima fila 2 - 12673 v 29900 5/6

vid pid 0a28
aud - 0a2a
pcr - 0a2d
pmt - 013c
txt - 0a2c
onid - fbff
sid - 038bf


28-09-2014, 11:45 AM
Thanks m8 - I did notice you are and have been missing this channel on 13 east Hotbird - for a long/long time:

Prima fila 2 - 12673 v 29900 5/6

vid pid 0a28
aud - 0a2a
pcr - 0a2d
pmt - 013c
txt - 0a2c
onid - fbff
sid - 038bf


Thanks will check that one out
Over next few months all sats/packages will be checked in case anything wrong but feel free to advise

28-09-2014, 11:55 AM
Thanks for the update catseye, posts moved to the discussion section.

28-09-2014, 11:15 PM
Thanks m8 - I did notice you are and have been missing this channel on 13 east Hotbird - for a long/long time:

Prima fila 2 - 12673 v 29900 5/6

vid pid 0a28
aud - 0a2a
pcr - 0a2d
pmt - 013c
txt - 0a2c
onid - fbff
sid - 038bf


Ive just chcked & can confirm it is in list but is missing from the sky primafilla favourites section-It will be added before next release

16-10-2014, 09:47 PM
Any idea why when I click the link to download the files it comes up as an attachment.php file?

17-10-2014, 02:38 PM
Any idea why when I click the link to download the files it comes up as an attachment.php file?

Where are you downloading from?

If you click on this link

(& its just been checked ) its a win rar file

So you will need to install free winrar software (use google to find ) to open & access folder within file

18-10-2014, 06:34 AM
Any idea why when I click the link to download the files it comes up as an attachment.php file?
You could give this a try....



09-11-2014, 02:26 AM
Could you check "Music One - Ru TV" please, It's in the "Hotbird Various FTA" section? They moved the channel a month or so ago, and I'm not sure how to change the channel details to update the new settings.

@dazman11 I had the same problem in IE11, but it downloaded fine in Firefox.

09-11-2014, 03:04 AM
Could you check "Music One - Ru TV" please, It's in the "Hotbird Various FTA" section? They moved the channel a month or so ago, and I'm not sure how to change the channel details to update the new settings.

@dazman11 I had the same problem in IE11, but it downloaded fine in Firefox. This is how to do it manually for DM800HD , 500HD and very likely most VU+ Boxes aswell ...
Hotbird 13E
11316 V 27500 3/4 DVB-S-QPSK
12558 V 27500 3/4 DVB-S-QPSK
Menu> Service Searching > Manual Transponder Scan > Enter freq 11316.50 V 27500 3/4 DVB-S-QPSK
then press OK
wait for " Done" message

Do same thing for 12558 V 27500 3/4 DVB-S-QPSK
and wait for " Done" message

then Exit Button x3 times
Then ok Green button And Choose Hotbird 13E - Services
scroll down untill you find this channel and is working ?
then press OK> MENU> Add to Specific Bouquet > Select Bouquet Folder where you want this channel then OK Button
then simple press Blue Button and find Bouquet you added this channel to then ok and press UP Button you will find it and Enjoy .

10-11-2014, 03:48 AM
This is how to do it manually for DM800HD , 500HD and very likely most VU+ Boxes aswell ...
Hotbird 13E
11316 V 27500 3/4 DVB-S-QPSK
12558 V 27500 3/4 DVB-S-QPSK
Menu> Service Searching > Manual Transponder Scan > Enter freq 11316.50 V 27500 3/4 DVB-S-QPSK
then press OK
wait for " Done" message

Do same thing for 12558 V 27500 3/4 DVB-S-QPSK
and wait for " Done" message

then Exit Button x3 times
Then ok Green button And Choose Hotbird 13E - Services
scroll down untill you find this channel and is working ?
then press OK> MENU> Add to Specific Bouquet > Select Bouquet Folder where you want this channel then OK Button
then simple press Blue Button and find Bouquet you added this channel to then ok and press UP Button you will find it and Enjoy .

Is that for a specific image? Because my Blue button on Vix opens the extensions, not bouquets. Based on that being different, the rest of it might be different too. I'll have to check tomorrow (sorry, later today) and let you know if it works on Vix.

Edit: Just to update... although slightly different, it was close enough on Vix to get this to work following these instructions, so thank you, the info was very much appreciated. :respect-054:

10-11-2014, 10:15 PM
Just a quick update to let you all know i havent forgotten about releasing updated files

At present im still working on updating 13 east which is a massive job-once im happy with it -it will be available here as usual

20-11-2014, 07:39 PM

I have noticed in your last Settingīs that you have
removed the Pidīs from some of the English Erotic Channels ( redhot 18īs for example )
are they not need anymore? as far as i can remember right
they were needed in the Past to work correctly or is it only the ID which have
to be correct?

20-11-2014, 08:40 PM

I have noticed in your last Settingīs that you have
removed the Pidīs from some of the English Erotic Channels ( redhot 18īs for example )
are they not need anymore? as far as i can remember right
they were needed in the Past to work correctly or is it only the ID which have
to be correct?

They should work fine without the pids tbh
Im guessing maybe they moved transponders & that why the other info wasnt added
I see if I can update/add them to file for next release

22-11-2014, 06:08 PM

I've been thinking and I've remembered what was important :)
not the Pids are Important itīs the entry in the lamedb
If there the entrys from your lamedb not present the
XXX ( for example Playboylovers,Blue Tube ) channels are not shown in the channellist
you can see it when you do a channel search on 28.2° East
than you have for the XXX only () in the List and not the Names

22-11-2014, 06:59 PM

I've been thinking and I've remembered what was important :)
not the Pids are Important itīs the entry in the lamedb
If there the entrys from your lamedb not present the
XXX ( for example Playboylovers,Blue Tube ) channels are not shown in the channellist
you can see it when you do a channel search on 28.2° East
than you have for the XXX only () in the List and not the Names

Can you explain what you mean by enteries??
For every channel to work it must include a SID (Service I.D )which is what distinguish it from every other channel
Im not sure why Playboy Lovers doesn't work -its not blacklisted, hidden or locked on my list
On checking it has
SID 4617
Video PID 513
Audio PID 641
PCR PID 8190
Dont forgot these channels dont usually come on air until 11pm onwards

22-11-2014, 08:09 PM

I guess this is a miss understanding
If i make my own setlist by doing a manual channel search
on 28.2° than i have () for the XXX in my list
with your list the names are correct because you have
an entry in your lamedb and this is the entry for PB Lovers :
Playboy Lovers
p:Sky Digital,f:0009,c:000201,c:010281, c:031ffe

and in my manual list the entry looks like :
Playboy Lovers
thats are the differences and thats why
in my manual list the channels are named as ()
hope this is a better explanation as my previous post.

here on the "mainland" the channels starts at 10pm ;)
but anyway thoose XXX donīt open at all but the other
"redhot" channels are good to go

22-11-2014, 10:06 PM

I guess this is a miss understanding
If i make my own setlist by doing a manual channel search
on 28.2° than i have () for the XXX in my list
with your list the names are correct because you have
an entry in your lamedb and this is the entry for PB Lovers :
Playboy Lovers
p:Sky Digital,f:0009,c:000201,c:010281, c:031ffe

and in my manual list the entry looks like :
Playboy Lovers
thats are the differences and thats why
in my manual list the channels are named as ()
hope this is a better explanation as my previous post.

here on the "mainland" the channels starts at 10pm ;)
but anyway thoose XXX donīt open at all but the other
"redhot" channels are good to go

Ive gone through the list & all the missing vpids & apids have been added now

23-11-2014, 04:17 AM
Will you be able to upload E1 Update for December maybbe next weekend Catseye please ?
cheers my flawless friend : )
excellent updates i find no faults personally with your settings Ever :D

24-11-2014, 06:49 PM
Any chance of adding 47.5e.Particularly for Stan sport. Thanks for the updates.Much appreciated.

24-11-2014, 07:27 PM
Any chance of adding 47.5e.Particularly for Stan sport. Thanks for the updates.Much appreciated.

Will look into it -can it be received in UK & most of europe??

24-11-2014, 08:12 PM
Will look into it -can it be received in UK & most of europe??

On checking with flysat it would appear most beams broadcast on Intelsat 10 @ 47.5 East are viewable in UK & most of Europe

02-12-2014, 10:36 PM
Hi Catseye

On the latest E2 channel list - 75 east to 61 west there is now an extra sat which has confused my positioner - and I don't have a spare sequencial number to allocate to it/

The channels that were all on 4.8 East have now been split - some are on 4.8 east and some are on a 'new' sat called 4.9 east.

Any chance they can all be put back on 4.8 east which is set up on my positioner database?

It also throws the bouquets out - showing some channels as 'greyed out'.

Or is there some work around...



02-12-2014, 11:28 PM
Hi Catseye

On the latest E2 channel list - 75 east to 61 west there is now an extra sat which has confused my positioner - and I don't have a spare sequencial number to allocate to it/

The channels that were all on 4.8 East have now been split - some are on 4.8 east and some are on a 'new' sat called 4.9 east.

Any chance they can all be put back on 4.8 east which is set up on my positioner database?

It also throws the bouquets out - showing some channels as 'greyed out'.

Or is there some work around...



Thanks for pointing that out i will look into it & report back

The xml file was updated as someone from another board said i used non standard xml file which was a load of crap tbh- sounds like something as gone astray

03-12-2014, 05:55 PM
Hi Catseye

On the latest E2 channel list 75 east to 61 west there is now an extra sat which has confused my positioner - and I don't have a spare sequencial number to allocate to it/

The channels that were all on 4.8 East have now been split - some are on 4.8 east and some are on a 'new' sat called 4.9 east.

Any chance they can all be put back on 4.8 east which is set up on my positioner database?

It also throws the bouquets out - showing some channels as 'greyed out'.

Or is there some work around...



Hi mumbles
Ive just checked the file for you (dated last release of 30.11.14)

Astra 4A/SES 5 are combined together & listed as 4.9 East

All channels are logged at this one position of 4.9 East

i would suggest try installing the file again & do complete reboot afterwards

Also might be good idea to open up file first using Dreamset , find sat & select edit settings or check they are all showing as 4.9 East

Or you can edit the file yourself back to 4.8 East until next release

I have now amended it back to 4.8 East

It should not show as 2 seperate sats or any greyed out channels -This sounds like you need to check your satellite configuration settings on the box
