View Full Version : Best image

27-03-2013, 10:22 AM
Right just made the plunge and purchased Solo 2 for delivery tomorrow

I know its somewhat subjective but what image do people recommend to save me some time testing different images out.

Btw just upgrading from DM 800HD with BH image so do have experience of lots of images having had the DM800 since they came out when almost the only image was Gemini


27-03-2013, 10:49 AM
There are only two images to choose from at the moment, BH or VIX. IMHO Black Hole is the way to go.

The transition from DM will blow you away but you will miss tinkering with different images if, like me, you were a long time DM owner and fiddler. I was and am a BIG Nemesis fan but the Team refuses to support VU+ products and to be perfectly honest are not really devedlpping for DM anymore either. In fact dev for DM seems now to have all but stopped. :(

I have no doubt that you will more than enjoy your Solo2. :)

27-03-2013, 10:58 AM
Thanks Donki,

Wow! Same here I used to be a Nemesis fan but then was pretty much forced to BH due to lack of dev.

Reading your post I'm real excited now to get my Solo 2


27-03-2013, 11:11 AM
I can also vouch for the latest Black Hole 2.0.2 image. Install it in the flash, mount your drives and configure it to your liking with your preferred settings, EPG configuration, the cams you will be using and so on. Once happy with it, install Meoboot and try any of the others images available. I've got Vix, Vti and Open PLI all installed in the usb stick and it's a breeze to switch between them is you so wish.


28-03-2013, 08:02 PM
There are only two images to choose from at the moment, BH or VIX. IMHO Black Hole is the way to go.

The transition from DM will blow you away but you will miss tinkering with different images if, like me, you were a long time DM owner and fiddler. I was and am a BIG Nemesis fan but the Team refuses to support VU+ products and to be perfectly honest are not really devedlpping for DM anymore either. In fact dev for DM seems now to have all but stopped. :(

I have no doubt that you will more than enjoy your Solo2. :)

You weren't wrong....

Got it today all setup. Freaking amazing!! Its so fast everything is instant! seriously happy with it thanks guys!