View Full Version : help with setting long lat or or disque

30-03-2013, 01:31 PM
hi guys i have put in my vu+ duo box and when connected to fixed sky dish its fine but as soon as i put it on my motorized dish with the long and lat it goes about 4in to far east.

i have tried the disque 1.2 but im not sure how that works it was simple on my sider to manually tune the sats but not with this vu its doing my head in. please help as when i connect my older spider box to my motorized dish it picks up all sats fine and i can watch the lot any sat

here is my long and lat.
can you tell me what i should put where maybe im doing it wrong

any help welcome.
Latitude = 51.8557, Longitude = 0.5231
Lat = 51 degrees, 51.3 minutes North
Long = 0 degrees, 31.4 minutes East
If you want to point a satellite TV dish at Satellite= 13 East orbit longitude
Beam elevation= 29.6, Azimuth= 166.4 (magnetic compass), Polarisation= -9.6

simon 2003
30-03-2013, 01:43 PM
just have a fiddle with different settings mate dont think you are to far away from me (midlands) i use 359 west as using less than 1 east doesnt get quite as good signal just put dish on bbc news 1 west and just keep tweaking your lat/long till you get best signal

30-03-2013, 02:31 PM
is your spiderbox using usals or diseqc 1.2 ?

if usals, just input your longitude and latitude into the vu, there is a sticky thread tutorial explaining all this

if you are using diseqc v1.2 you will have to find and store each satellite manually

30-03-2013, 02:41 PM
my spider was using disque my long lat are posted on top of this thread my dish is not going to 1w grrr
help please

30-03-2013, 02:41 PM
how do u find and store each sat manually i cant work it out...
i cant work anything out my spider wass piece of p

30-03-2013, 04:43 PM
please guys im getting so frustrated its fine when connected to my fixed sky dish i loaded image lines boquets but as soon as i put on my mororized it wont pick up anything.
i have no ide how to do disque manual tuning and when i put the above into long and lat usals it goes 3/5in to far east...

any ideas welcome

my spider box is fine on the motorized
thanks in advance

30-03-2013, 05:02 PM
your location details are only used if you are using usals, which you are not

to use diseqc v1.2 on any box including your spiderbox and your vu you have to find and store each satellite manually

you must have done this on your spiderbox, and therefore you must do the same on the vu

if you had a usals motor you would find this newer usals method much simpler than the old do it yourself method that is diseqc v1.2

30-03-2013, 05:07 PM
Are you in Birmingham? If so you should be setting longitude to West.

Is your longitude actually 0.5231 or is it -0.5231?

If it's -0.5231 then subtract 0.523 from 360 and that will give you the correct Longitude.

So you should enter 359.447 WEST in your Longitude not EAST as you've stated above assuming you are in Birmingham UK.

30-03-2013, 05:15 PM
gus thanks for your replys.
im in es*** and there is no minus by the 0.5231

as for doing on the spider it was simple into motor settings set to dique then go to the sat u want an move the diosh left right till u geta lock i just cant work how to do this vu its menus are confusing me any support welcome and thanks for yiour help already

30-03-2013, 05:22 PM
OK if there is no minus next to longitude you don't have to subtract the number from 360.

Now increment the longitude value by 1 until it goes to 1w correctly.

Example, try setting longitude to

and so on until the dish goes to the correct bird.

30-03-2013, 05:23 PM
i got these details from this site for my address

Latitude = 51.8557, Longitude = 0.5231
Lat = 51 degrees, 51.3 minutes North
Long = 0 degrees, 31.4 minutes East
If you want to point a satellite TV dish at Satellite= 13 East orbit longitude
Beam elevation= 29.6, Azimuth= 166.4 (magnetic compass), Polarisation= -9.6

so if using usals what numbers and stuff should i put in where guys?

thanks again

simon 2003
30-03-2013, 05:25 PM
mate do you really want to put your address on a forum your dish is fine obviously have you tried changeing your lat/long a half a degree up or down as each receiver will have different settings ie what might be right on your spider might be something else on a VU+ ,,when i set my solo2 up my exact long /lat wasnt the best signal

30-03-2013, 05:25 PM
hda5 thats great but how do i know if its gone to 1w all im doing is putting the long lat in then trying to open 28.2 bbc but its flying past it toward the east.

after imputiing the long lat what should i do???
sorry to seem thick but im so used to the spider.
pm is welcome or if u know anyone in es*** that can set me up of course ill treeat them
thanks again

30-03-2013, 05:26 PM
mate do you really want to put your address on a forum

good point thanks simon im just getting so frustrated i want to set the box up lol/

30-03-2013, 05:27 PM
Do as I suggested above and report back.

You should have Longitude set to EAST and Latitude set to NORTH.

30-03-2013, 05:28 PM
is your spiderbox using usals or diseqc 1.2 ?

if usals, just input your longitude and latitude into the vu, there is a sticky thread tutorial explaining all this

if you are using diseqc v1.2 you will have to find and store each satellite manually

where is the link to this sticky please thanks

30-03-2013, 05:29 PM
Goto 0 in Positioner setup will go to 1w

30-03-2013, 05:59 PM
ok ill give that a pop althought im not really sure what go to 0 means but ill try.. how will i nno if i have 1w???
kids watching tv now ill have to try about 7pm

30-03-2013, 06:01 PM
Goto 0 in Positioner setup will go to 1w

and hda5 thanks by the way
im so confused
i have just unplugged my spider and the dish was left on 28.2

so when i plug the vu on its pickls the 28.2 channels up but as soon as i put in long lat and go bacvk to 28.2 there gone again mate

what do i do start to finsih sorry to ask

30-03-2013, 06:15 PM
where is the link to this sticky please thanks

at the top of this forum

simon 2003
30-03-2013, 06:17 PM
you start mate by having a good read through the forum your not the first person to struggle setting a receiver up you wont be the last all the info you need is here most of it in this thread :)

30-03-2013, 06:48 PM
Read this Dummies Guide

Press Menu
Select Setup Press OK
Select service searching Press OK
Select Positioner Setup Press OK
Select goto 0 Press RED Button

Dish should now goto 1w.

30-03-2013, 08:02 PM
right i have now got 99.ag an 92 on snr for 28.2 but the guy who loaed my boquet only did for 28.2 so i have no channels on any other sats guys tyhanks so much for your support what channell list should i put on to get the otgher sats i can get from 45e to 30w i have a 95cm dish

i thought about this one..
catseyes egigma 2 settings 75e to 45w..

any support welcome on hopw to load it up and once again thanks agin for the usals support in the end to get that lock on 28.2 i need to input 9.5231 in lon instead of the 0.5231 wiered but there u go

30-03-2013, 08:21 PM
right i have now got 99.ag an 92 on snr for 28.2 but the guy who loaed my boquet only did for 28.2 so i have no channels on any other sats guys tyhanks so much for your support what channell list should i put on to get the otgher sats i can get from 45e to 30w i have a 95cm dish

i thought about this one..
catseyes egigma 2 settings 75e to 45w..

any support welcome on hopw to load it up and once again thanks agin for the usals support in the end to get that lock on 28.2 i need to input 9.5231 in lon instead of the 0.5231 wiered but there u go

section 4 in post #1 of that dummies guide !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also read post #9 too

and yes use that list

as for your location, looks to me as if whoever setup the motor hasnt done it correctly

30-03-2013, 08:29 PM
section 4 in post #1 of that dummies guide !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also read post #9 too

and yes use that list

as for your location, looks to me as if whoever setup the motor hasnt done it correctly
yes i no im a dummie maybe your right the guy who set up my spider set the dish wrong anyways its picking up 28.2 sat perfect now so ill load that list and see what happens..
as for my post in #9 it is hard lol

thanks agin for the help ill post my status on how the loading of the list went when the blooming kids get of the bloody tele
thanks again all of u
hope to report good news i mean i loaded the line easy enough so how hard can a channel list be lol

30-03-2013, 08:33 PM
I meant post #9 in the dummies thread, which also details 3 tools for loading channel lists , as well as section 4 of post #1 of the same dummies thread which details the main tool contributed by the forum sponsor here

I think you need to learn that reading is a requirement on here as most questions have been asked and answered before, which is not to say that I am not learning more about my duo by reading this thread because I too run my motor using a spiderbox and not my duo but may change over one day

30-03-2013, 08:46 PM
I meant post #9 in the dummies thread, which also details 3 tools for loading channel lists , as well as section 4 of post #1 of the same dummies thread which details the main tool contributed by the forum sponsor here

I think you need to learn that reading is a requirement on here as most questions have been asked and answered before, which is not to say that I am not learning more about my duo by reading this thread because I too run my motor using a spiderbox and not my duo but may change over one day

dude your a start i thought u ment #9 in this thread and yes my reading is crap.
tbh im a doer not a reader i hate reading but realize ill have to try and dude im impressed with th vu+ i need to sort that list and away i go.
quick questing what does tuner b need tio be set at to watvh 1 channel record another
some say equal to a other say usals again

30-03-2013, 09:07 PM
read this as I think you have 2 dishes'


ignore the word nightmare that was just to get our attention

and when you are sorted post back what you did as it will help others who are yet to get the vu+

30-03-2013, 09:15 PM
dude your a start i thought u ment #9 in this thread and yes my reading is crap.
tbh im a doer not a reader i hate reading but realize ill have to try and dude im impressed with th vu+ i need to sort that list and away i go.
quick questing what does tuner b need tio be set at to watvh 1 channel record another
some say equal to a other say usals again

depends what dish and lnb your box is connected to for tuner b

you really need 2 separate feeds to watch one channel and record another (unless they are on the same transponder)

30-03-2013, 09:25 PM
read this as I think you have 2 dishes'


ignore the word nightmare that was just to get our attention

and when you are sorted post back what you did as it will help others who are yet to get the vu+

lol how odd i was just reading that thread, however i have a motorized dish with dual lnb twin feed?
so im not sure i should set like the thread suggests ill play around see what happens.
but in the thread there are pics too which is helpfull

30-03-2013, 10:05 PM
depends what dish and lnb your box is connected to for tuner b

you really need 2 separate feeds to watch one channel and record another (unless they are on the same transponder)

im just tuning all the channels in at mo taking ages on 19.2 and 13e lol and i still got 10e 7e 4.8e 0.8w 30w to go

i have a dual lnb with twin feed i know u can say wath thor 0.8 and record 28.2e im nit that dunmb but i need to set it so u can watch something on say bbc1 and record something on s?y prem?
so waht would i set tuner b to? is it equal?
by the way channel list easy to load with your help and the vuu 0.6 programm

31-03-2013, 09:10 AM
im just tuning all the channels in at mo taking ages on 19.2 and 13e lol and i still got 10e 7e 4.8e 0.8w 30w to go

i have a dual lnb with twin feed i know u can say wath thor 0.8 and record 28.2e im nit that dunmb but i need to set it so u can watch something on say bbc1 and record something on s?y prem?
so waht would i set tuner b to? is it equal?
by the way channel list easy to load with your help and the vuu 0.6 programm

if one dish is motorised and the other fixed on 28.2e you could do as you are asking

if both were fixed on 28.2e you could watch one channel on the first tuner and record another channel on the second tuner (like sly plus HD)

it totally depends on your setup, so if we assume you have a twin feed from your motorised dish (which you mentioned earlier) then you can only watch and record on the single satellite that the motor has pointed the dish at, so if its pointed at freesat on 28.2e you could watch itv1HD and record bbc1HD for example (we dont talk about sly channels here ;) )

this would mean a better setup is a motorised dish on tuner A and a fixed dish on 28.2e on tuner B
(or possibly a fixed dish with 3 or 4 satellites like say 13e + 19.2e + 28.2e on tuner B )

the point here being that sly plus HD is fixed on 28.2e and has a twin feed, 2 tuners and does exactly this, which is what we replicate on our boxes

we then complicate the issue by motorising our dishes, which means if your dish as 2 outputs like mine does, then it limits your abilities to only one satellite at a time

so with a twin feed dish you cannot watch thor on 0.8w and record bbc1HD on 28.2e due to the dish being pointed at the one satellite

so I suspect you need to rethink your options, or limit what you watch and record to a single satellite

I cannot tell you the exact answer to the tuner options you require but I think the "equal to" may well work ok

31-03-2013, 09:38 AM
if one dish is motorised and the other fixed on 28.2e you could do as you are asking

if both were fixed on 28.2e you could watch one channel on the first tuner and record another channel on the second tuner (like sly plus HD)

it totally depends on your setup, so if we assume you have a twin feed from your motorised dish (which you mentioned earlier) then you can only watch and record on the single satellite that the motor has pointed the dish at, so if its pointed at freesat on 28.2e you could watch itv1HD and record bbc1HD for example (we dont talk about sly channels here ;) )

this would mean a better setup is a motorised dish on tuner A and a fixed dish on 28.2e on tuner B
(or possibly a fixed dish with 3 or 4 satellites like say 13e + 19.2e + 28.2e on tuner B )

the point here being that sly plus HD is fixed on 28.2e and has a twin feed, 2 tuners and does exactly this, which is what we replicate on our boxes

we then complicate the issue by motorising our dishes, which means if your dish as 2 outputs like mine does, then it limits your abilities to only one satellite at a time

so with a twin feed dish you cannot watch thor on 0.8w and record bbc1HD on 28.2e due to the dish being pointed at the one satellite

so I suspect you need to rethink your options, or limit what you watch and record to a single satellite

I cannot tell you the exact answer to the tuner options you require but I think the "equal to" may well work ok
you guys are mazing thats like and eassay.
yes its cool i only want to record of the sat im watching.
so if i understand you right i set tuner b equal to a and therfore i can waytch bbc hd and record itv hd?
can i record itv hd and bbc hd and watch channel 4hd like u can on the sly?

31-03-2013, 10:12 AM
if one dish is motorised and the other fixed on 28.2e you could do as you are asking

if both were fixed on 28.2e you could watch one channel on the first tuner and record another channel on the second tuner (like sly plus HD)

it totally depends on your setup, so if we assume you have a twin feed from your motorised dish (which you mentioned earlier) then you can only watch and record on the single satellite that the motor has pointed the dish at, so if its pointed at freesat on 28.2e you could watch itv1HD and record bbc1HD for example (we dont talk about sly channels here ;) )

this would mean a better setup is a motorised dish on tuner A and a fixed dish on 28.2e on tuner B
(or possibly a fixed dish with 3 or 4 satellites like say 13e + 19.2e + 28.2e on tuner B )

the point here being that sly plus HD is fixed on 28.2e and has a twin feed, 2 tuners and does exactly this, which is what we replicate on our boxes

we then complicate the issue by motorising our dishes, which means if your dish as 2 outputs like mine does, then it limits your abilities to only one satellite at a time

so with a twin feed dish you cannot watch thor on 0.8w and record bbc1HD on 28.2e due to the dish being pointed at the one satellite

so I suspect you need to rethink your options, or limit what you watch and record to a single satellite

I cannot tell you the exact answer to the tuner options you require but I think the "equal to" may well work ok

ok got all that thanks once again.
am i allowed to ask wht internal hdd u have and whats the best place to get it?

31-03-2013, 10:39 AM
you certainly are allowed

mine is a 3.5 inch 1TB western digital "green" WD10EARS sata hdd and I think I got it from flea bay

you can use 2.5 inch laptop drives and 3.5 inch pc drives, providing they are sata and not pata, as the duo uses the modern sata connection

I suppose you could say any sata hdd will do but there are some that are more suitable for recording, like the ones sly fit inside their boxes

found this one on that site

Western Digital Caviar Green WD10EARS/ 1TB / Internal SATA Hard Drive 64MB Cache

item code 170969650316

there are 2 TB versions too as I fitted that one in my sly box instead of the one already fitted, so many sizes exist

what you buy is your choice, these are just examples I am listing for the duo

anyone with a solo2 reading this post actually needs a 2.5 inch 5400 rpm laptop version of these sata hdd drives

31-03-2013, 10:52 AM
you certainly are allowed

mine is a 3.5 inch 1TB western digital "green" WD10EARS sata hdd and I think I got it from flea bay

you can use 2.5 inch laptop drives and 3.5 inch pc drives, providing they are sata and not pata, as the duo uses the modern sata connection

I suppose you could say any sata hdd will do but there are some that are more suitable for recording, like the ones sly fit inside their boxes

found this one on that site

Western Digital Caviar Green WD10EARS/ 1TB / Internal SATA Hard Drive 64MB Cache

item code 170969650316

there are 2 TB versions too as I fitted that one in my sly box instead of the one already fitted, so many sizes exist

what you buy is your choice, these are just examples I am listing for the duo

anyone with a solo2 reading this post actually needs a 2.5 inch 5400 rpm laptop version of these sata hdd drives

thats magic cheers dude,
atm i have an external plugged in but ill watch those on flea thanks..
what about seagate will they suffice bit cheaper than wd?

31-03-2013, 12:09 PM
thats magic cheers dude,
atm i have an external plugged in but ill watch those on flea thanks..
what about seagate will they suffice bit cheaper than wd?

if you read what I said, I said any may suffice, but I am no expert on what to tell others

you have to make up your own mind on issues like these, same as we all do

I am not going to speculate on any issue that I know nothing about, only on issues I have knowledge of or experience of

what I do know is that you should not buy based on cheapness, if we all did that then quality brands would go out of business and the world would be worse off because of it

I would only buy a different make if it had the same or similar specs of the green ears ones

31-03-2013, 12:32 PM
I recently sold a WD10EARS on that site. Wonder if that was mine. :)

£30 eSata caddy could solve many physical disk size issues. :)

31-03-2013, 04:00 PM
I recently sold a WD10EARS on that site. Wonder if that was mine. :)

£30 eSata caddy could solve many physical disk size issues. :)

not me m8, did my duo months ago so the hdd was bought last year sometime

I have a 2 tb ears in my sly plus box too, not bought from there but from some website (cant remember where now)

the green ears are good for these tasks, and maybe some of the seagates may work, especially if they are "green" versions

one thing I do know is we cannot have one member buying dozens of drives just to test them out, I refuse to do so anyway ;)

so basically alll I use now on boxes like these are WD EARS , and those are the only ones I will recommend due to experience alone

if it was a pc , buy whatever you like

as for external drives, cant see the point when there is a hdd cradle and fitting screws and cables already supplied with a duo, and its one less power pack too as the duo powers the internal hdd drive

31-03-2013, 05:57 PM
cheers dude ill look into gettiong one asap.
i have another problem the guy who set my box up i had a 7 day epg for 28.2 now sice i had a few isuuse with pausing its gone?
any ideas what i have done but now im only getting now and next and its feel like on the spider again grr..
if u dont no maybe u can tell me how to get a near 7 dfay epg back to my box again thanks again

31-03-2013, 06:01 PM
i did read it mate and also read this thread about epg but not sure what its saying

31-03-2013, 06:11 PM
also about the hard drive?
will this be ok it says formatted to ntfs???
i thought i needed fat32
item number 271179002926

31-03-2013, 07:07 PM
format a usb stick into ext by using the blue menu and placing the stick in the back of the box when prompted, then set crossepg to use the stick to save the info, select your providers and save all the settings, setting double tap green to crossepg downloader to update the stick and this will keep crossepg updated if you use double green at least once a week

full details are in that "dummies" sticky thread you did not read !! (as I posted them)

post #11 for BH and post #12 for VIX3

looks like brooky changed the providers to update his list

as for a hdd , hdd are formatted in the vu box as well and are ext format, not ntfs and not fat32 either (linux does not use fat32 or ntfs, a windows pc does)

one thing I do know after more than 10 years on here, if the answer is already on the forum (and they usually are) , YOU will be told to read it, over and over again ;)

31-03-2013, 07:19 PM
i did read it i the dummines h=gide right i dont see antgthing anout epg?
ill loook again
so is that hdd no good then cause it ntfs?
thanks agin for all the help

31-03-2013, 07:22 PM
i did read it i the dummines h=gide right i dont see antgthing anout epg?
ill loook again
so is that hdd no good then cause it ntfs?
thanks agin for all the help

its definitely in there in posts 11 and 12 as I said

you wont buy a hdd formatted in ext , they will almost always be fat32 or ntfs, as will a usb stick (or sold unformatted)

the vu will be used to format it correctly after installation and mounting, same as on a usb stick too

31-03-2013, 07:39 PM
bugger that 1 would of been ok then o well next time ill no i sorted epg..

with my spider i could say go to my channel list pick a channel on 28.2 then pick another on 16e and dish would auto move.
it does not work like that for me on vu i have to go into settings then find sat each tim i move say is that right?