View Full Version : 2 questions about solo2

31-03-2013, 01:36 AM
ive just recently set my solo2 up after being in and out of hospital.got it of the sponsers when thay first came out (thanks lee) but this week only really had time to play with it.
1 when i turn it of with remote ie standby i get up in the mourning and it does a complete reboot and starting gui.ive even gone into settings and pressed standby but same result plus it stops displaying the time so i know when i switch it on its going to reboot is this normal because cccam stops aswell or am i missing something.
2 i know you can had chanells thru remote but how do i delete a chanell that i dont want thru remote i know theres editers but i want to do it thru remote struggle to get to pc waiting for laptop to come any help please on these 2. image bh 2.0.2 A thanks

ps ie delete most of itvs and bbc for instants thanks.

31-03-2013, 03:59 AM

first of all, upgrade your image to the latest BH 2.0.2.RevB on the addons menu. Then go to system menu/autoshutdownn settings and disable auto shutdown. Finally if you want to delete any channels with the remote, press the down arrow and select the channel you want to erase . Press menu and select remove entry. That's it ...

31-03-2013, 09:24 AM

first of all, upgrade your image to the latest BH 2.0.2.RevB on the addons menu. Then go to system menu/autoshutdownn settings and disable auto shutdown.

Finally if you want to delete any channels with the remote, press the down arrow and select the channel you want to erase . Press menu and select remove entry. That's it ...

not a criticism but more info for others reading this

you can also add channels or move channels using the various menu options after pressing the down arrow key too, like removing the regional channels and adding your own in their places in order to make it right for your location (I add winter hill ones in my case and remove the default midlands ones as used by catseye)

so you can add , remove , move and delete channels using this method, and its almost always been this way since the dreambox started being sold

31-03-2013, 07:00 PM
thanks for your replys. now running 2.0.2 B. and set auto shutdown to disable. and been able to delete what chanells i dont want thanks agiain.


07-04-2013, 03:56 PM
This doesn't work for me if the channel is not already in a bouquet/favourite. If it is then fine but if I just want to delete duplicates that aren't in favourites I get the options *add service to bouquet* or *activate p in p*.

I'd love the option to edit from remote as I can then check which channels are active which you can't tell from within channel editor.

Sent from my F9S using Tapatalk HD

09-04-2013, 02:15 PM

first of all, upgrade your image to the latest BH 2.0.2.RevB on the addons menu.

Hi, I have 2.0.1 B.H image and have tried to update to the 2.0.2 RevB as described, the on screen notes says the image is down loading 0 packages and stays at 2.0.1, any advice please? There is an image in the solo2 section but it says its a meoboot revenge 2.0.2 ( https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?716-Vu-Solo2-Images - its the top of the list ) is this the same image as the one you are refering to? If so should I just download it and install over the top of my current image by using a USB stick in the front USB connector?
Many thanks for any advice.

09-04-2013, 02:17 PM
if you use the image from here it will overwrite your current image, so you had better backup your BH 2.01 image before embarking on any updating or replacing with BH 2.02 (yes it is the version he is referring to)

09-04-2013, 03:10 PM
Thanks for the update echelon, much appreciated.