View Full Version : re solo2 PQ

Midnight R
07-04-2013, 08:35 PM
Echelon or other's with an opinion,

I know we have had a few boxes in common in the past ie Spiderbox and the Icecrypt S4000.

I've agreed with your evaluation of the PQ between these two boxes in the past.

I was wondering how you thought the PQ of the solo2 matches up with those other boxes.

I need a twin tuner and the Solo2 looks nice.

07-04-2013, 08:41 PM
I dont have a solo2 but when I set one up recently it seemed fine to me and my comments are in the thread about picture quality already which I made at the time


I own a duo and have no problems with picture quality at all

07-04-2013, 10:36 PM
I've moved from an original dm800 to the solo2, no regrets
pq is superior on the solo2 over the 800 (on my 42" panny)
and as for the speed and functionality......
as i've said, no regrets
a great box, imho


Midnight R
08-04-2013, 10:24 AM
OK, thanks guys.

I'm gonna buy one when I get back from my Hols :respect-052: