View Full Version : cfg file wont load via USB

08-04-2013, 08:24 PM
Hi Guy's,

I'm trying to load a cfg file via USB port but it just wont go in. I've tried some older files I have and they appear to go in OK. I then decided to load the Ccam information in manually which I did but I can't get the box to show any cards, and the picture wont clear. Because I couldn't get the file in using the USB does it mean that there is something wrong in the file information itself?

The first bit of the file is c: cccam4u2.dyndns-ip.com and then just the port etc

Any help would be appreciated

08-04-2013, 08:56 PM
Do not include the C:, at the beginning of the file, this is just for the .cfg file, to tell it what to load.
The fact that it isn't showing any cards either means you haven't got the data correct or the server isn't recognoizing your line.
Check everything is correct, especially any upper case letters.
It is easier loading using a .cfg file, just copy the information, into the server.cfg notepad file, do a keyboard return, save as server.cfg, then transfer it to your USB stick and spiderbox.

08-04-2013, 09:30 PM
Thanks Mickha,

Sorry but I've tried all of the above. I try and load it via USB but it just won't get recognized as my client list is empty. I tied an old outdated .cfg file and it loaded OK. I've been trying all kinds of things since 5:00 this evening. I've only brought a £1 pound 24H access so need to try and sort it out soon or I won't commit to a longer term access.
Stop the press! I just changed the c: to a capital C, the same as my old files, and it now loads via USB. It still says disconn -0 cards but at least I now know why it didn't want to load. Still not sure why is still doesn't work but I'll keep at it. ;-)

09-04-2013, 12:08 AM
If you've loaded it using a .cfg file then the line, and information, should be correct, contact the supplier, via their site, and explain the problem, you might have to set up the IP address manually, at least they should give you more time to get it working.

09-04-2013, 09:58 AM
Are you by any chance, (in Notepad), saving to usb as .txt as a default instead of 'all files'? Just a thought as I fell for that one when starting!

09-04-2013, 07:31 PM
Thanks guy's for the reply's,

I can now get the Ccam file in OK, either by USB or manually but still can't get any access. I emailed the provider to ask if the server as up and running and this was Ok. I can use Homestream to connect from my laptop via router to the box so the connection is Ok. Could it be anything to do with the firmware version as it's a bit old now, Nov 15 2011, but it used to work the last time I used files from this company?

09-04-2013, 07:36 PM
possibly, seeing as the last update was just over a year ago, march 2012

also make sure your network details are correct with the primary set as the router ip address, or as google using