View Full Version : Tspanel cccam help

08-04-2013, 09:07 PM
Hello bought a vu uno receiver on Friday did not know what I was getting my self into from a spiderbox anyway I have set the box up nearly I loaded enigma2 blackhole 2 02 I have loaded enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam_2.1.4_mips32el enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam_2.1.3_mips32el.ipk and I could noy find any of them on the receiver so I uninstalled them two / three times I have now loaded TSpanel and I am using the cccans but they do not work I have looked in the ect file and there is a cccam cfg file which reads N: 34000 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
I have been at this for 3 day now can someone tell me where I am going wrong I have put some pictures in so you can see

08-04-2013, 09:32 PM
ftp the file to var/volatile/tmp the via the addons panel manual install IPK
You will see on screen if it is installing correctly.

What exactly does not work ?

08-04-2013, 09:48 PM
hello if you look at the second photo it is the cam section in tspanel and I can not get the cccam to work and the third photo is of the cccam cfg folder in the ect file and when I open the cccan cfg file it reads (N: 34000 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 ) I will be honest I have not got a clue what I am doing this is not as easy as using the spiderbox
thanks anyway

08-04-2013, 09:53 PM
(N: 34000 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 )

The above line would indicate you are using oscam to read your card and the view/share it via cccam but the image above shows you are running just CCcam so the N line is pointless.

As I asked already, what is it you are trying to do ? Read a local card or CS ?

08-04-2013, 10:08 PM
I am trying to cs that is the only cccam cfg file in the ect folder and when I open the tmp folder I see cccam.nodeid and when I open it 1. ôôx‰Ê/X‚ so do you think I need a cccam cfg file for cccam_2.2.1

08-04-2013, 10:25 PM
I am trying to cs that is the only cccam cfg file in the ect folder and when I open the tmp folder I see cccam.nodeid and when I open it 1. ôôx‰Ê/X‚ so do you think I need a cccam cfg file for cccam_2.2.1

cccam always needs a cccam.cfg file in var/etc

all you do is copy and paste your line into it and # out any lines that are not useful or working (or any examples)

sometimes when cccam is installed you only get the bin file and starter script , and not the cfg file, but usually you get everything including a starter for ten cfg file that you alter to make your own. all this was explained in your other thread with links to the relevant threads

the var/tmp (or var/volatile/tmp) is where you send the ipk install file ready for installation, it is either deleted or you remove it after installation as it plays no further part in the matter (neither does var/tmp apart from being the temporary place for the installer files)

08-04-2013, 10:39 PM
thanks getting back to me do you think I would be better off installing a separate cccam and not use the tspanel I will have a go tomorrow but as I seid I loaded stand alone cccam and can not find them any where on the menu of the receiver again thanks for getting back to me I will tell you how I get on

08-04-2013, 10:45 PM
thanks getting back to me do you think I would be better off installing a separate cccam and not use the tspanel I will have a go tomorrow but as I seid I loaded stand alone cccam and can not find them any where on the menu of the receiver again thanks for getting back to me I will tell you how I get on

yes I do, and you were given links in your other thread to the correct BH 2 files on this forum over the weekend


you ftp the ipk to var/tmp (var/volatile/tmp) and install it from the menu

and as you were also told in that other thread, the cams are under the blue button, not plugins , as they are emus (emulators)

you add your c line using an ftp program into the cccam.cfg file in var/etc and save it

my point being you were told all this over the last few days in your other thread

personally I wouldnt load the cccams from tspanel (which you said you had uninstalled) as they may be for BH 1.6 and not bh 2.0 , whereas the ones on here you were linked to (the 2013 mips32el installers) were correct for bh 2

not much point in asking for help if you dont read the answers and follow them , is there ?

and in case you ask, I have a vu duo running bh 2.01 and use them myself so am talking from experience same as sonic1 is (and probably dcg too)

09-04-2013, 04:35 PM
i am sending this from work how i have done this before is i ftp the ipk file i go into menu and install it from menu i then look in addons plugins all over the menu and i can not find it i do not understand that the cams are under the blue button as no where on the menu / addons plugins is there a blue button i press the blue button on the remote but nothing happens i will uninstall tspanel when i get home and reinstall enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam_2.1.4_mips32el and see if i can find it
thanks for sticking with me

09-04-2013, 04:51 PM
when you are on the main screen with say bbc1 showing, press the blue button

blue brings up a special menu, green brings up plugins , etc , all when you are on the normal tv screen , so not in menu, not in plugins

what you have to learn on this box is pressing the coloured buttons in various ways brings up various options or can initiate specific tasks

09-04-2013, 06:13 PM
thank god for that I have finally found out how to get that page up the cam is installed it says set as default and ecm info not available I have put in a photo so you can see
where do I go from here

09-04-2013, 06:23 PM
thank god for that I have finally found out how to get that page up the cam is installed it says set as default and ecm info not available I have put in a photo so you can see
where do I go from here

as already mentioned in previous replies in the other thread https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?161374-vu-uno-cam-install


you can clearly see it in your picture if turned the correct way round

09-04-2013, 06:30 PM
ok I have now uninstalled tspanel and installed enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam_2.1.3_mips32el.ipk and it is coming up on the top of the screen when picture is showing thanks for the blue button info I feel like I am getting some where do I now go in to the cccam cfg file and put the cline it cant be that easy thanks

09-04-2013, 06:32 PM
ok I have now uninstalled tspanel and installed enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam_2.1.3_mips32el.ipk and it is coming up on the top of the screen when picture is showing thanks for the blue button info I feel like I am getting some where do I now go in to the cccam cfg file and put the cline it cant be that easy thanks

yep, it really is that easy

all you do is select the emu required (cccam or oscam or mgcamd etc) under the blue bh panel (under blue button) and providing you have setup the config file correctly for the selected emu its job done

once you have done this, read both threads again and you will see that you were told this all along ;) (sometimes more than once)

10-04-2013, 04:28 PM
thanks very much for your help
when you are on the main screen with say bbc1 showing, press the blue button

10-04-2013, 04:49 PM
thanks very much for your help
when you are on the main screen with say bbc1 showing, press the blue button

yes, then use the left/right buttons until you see the cccam you installed showing, then press ok to select and save it as the default emu

providing your C line is in the cccam.cfg file , it should work same as it did on your previous box