View Full Version : Getting EPG to work

11-04-2013, 01:26 PM
Hi, I have a Vu+ Solo2 running Black Hole 2.0.2. I have downloaded epg data to my HDD from a couple of sources (using echelon's CrossEPG guide but using the HDD) and watched the files loading and parsing. Viewing the HDD I can see that they are there, however, when I press the EPG button all I get is Now and Next. So I deleted the epg files off the hard disk and tried the BH EPG method. Again the files downloaded, parsed, etc. but still only Now and Next. Where am I going wrong? or is there a setting for "extended epg" that I am missing?? Any help would be appreciated (very new to Linux so please be gentle!!).

11-04-2013, 03:01 PM
Long press EPG button on the remote. A new menu will come up with 3 options. Choose show single service EPG (to show your present channel forthcoming events) or Multi EPG for whichever bouquet on your channel list. That's it ...

11-04-2013, 03:02 PM
and if you have coolmans installed, even more options appear

11-04-2013, 03:08 PM
and if you have coolmans installed, even more options appear

Sure. Can't be bothered with it if you ask me ...

11-04-2013, 05:02 PM
Yes, done that, just trying to load UK data. File explorer confirms that the file epg.dat (almost 6MB) is in the root of the HDD. Long press on EPG for graphical representation - but still only now and next of transponders I have visited appear?? I must be missing something . . . but what??

11-04-2013, 06:26 PM
VERY STRANGE!! Was just flicking through channels and got a BH message on screen saying epg cache was being updated don't change channel. When it had finished I have full epg - but this was a couple of hours after I loaded epg files!! why the delay? What caused it to start? How do I kick it into action rather than wait a couple of hours?? Again I am missing something here?

11-04-2013, 06:34 PM
for a start , my guide uses a usb stick which is instant access and no waking up like a hdd

I cannot believe anyone would spend £300 on a satellite box and not spend a few quid on a usb stick for instant access to picons and epg data

lastly , crossepg uses a folder called crossepg and stores the data within it (I just checked my usb stick) so nothing is stored on the root

11-04-2013, 08:14 PM
I followed the same setting up EPG guide posted by echelon, the only thing I didn't do was use the Open TV just the Rytek as I think I am right in saying that Rytek downloads from the internet while you are still watching a program where Open TV changes channel to download off air.
I couldn't see why both were necessary and my EPG worked fine. (I am sure it will be explained if I have got it wrong!!)

11-04-2013, 08:50 PM

I know your guide uses a USB stick, but since I have a HDD installed, and that is the first option in the selection, I decided to use the HDD. Regarding it being "woken up", since I have just written the epg data to the HDD it is already awake - surely. Regarding the epg data - yes, crossepg puts its data in a folder, but as explained, since that wasn't working I deleted the folder and used the native BH epg - which produces a file epg.dat, not in a folder but in the root of the HDD. If you read the BH blurb you will see that they claim that BH has the "best epg of any image" - that is why I was reverting to trying the BH rather than crossepg. Since this is not covered by your guide I suggest you close this thread.

11-04-2013, 09:34 PM
Use either crossepg or the BH epg, do not use both.

11-04-2013, 10:27 PM
as far as I am concerned , if you are going to refer to a guide you do so in its entirety, not "cherry pick"

if you are going to refer to the bh epg, then stick to that

my guide is quite specific and refers to crossepg and nothing else simply because it was about crossepg , and nothing else (and there are 2 crossepg guides in the sticky thread by me, one for BH and one for VIX)

as sonic1 says, use one epg or the other , but a guide is quite simply that, a "guide", if it works for you then fine, if not , sort your problems out yourself and make up your own guide like I did, especially if its for BH epg and not crossepg

but using the hdd does not make sense to me, as the picons and epg are required and invoked when changing channel etc which means a lot of wake up calls to the hdd and apparent "freezing" whilst its happening

its horses for courses m8, and the usb sockets are there for a reason, as are the sata connectors , and the tuners

call it what you like , but to me its mean and doesnt make sense when a usb stick only costs a few quid, and my guide was specifically for those who use a usb stick and are using crossepg, at no point is a hdd mentioned never mind used

your opening post was rambling and didnt make a lot of sense as its all jumbled up and mentions 2 epg methods in the one long paragraph, and yet post #5 doesnt even tell the forum members which of the 2 methods was used in order to get those results

so the main point here is do as sonic1 suggested

ie:- use one method and stick to it, and I believe you either do a job properly , or not at all !

a harsh lesson to learn ? - maybe so - but a necessary one