View Full Version : service

12-04-2013, 11:06 AM
Hi whats the service like using this box is it smooth or is there lots of freezing


12-04-2013, 11:22 AM
I think it has a fast frost option button on the front so you can put your sealions in it without fear of their getting too hot and glitching around all over the place. :)

If you are talking about CS and freezing then this has very little to do with a box but rather provider & connectivity.

STB's are now not just restricted to just being able to be used for watching Satellite TV. Many of the medium to high end Enigma2 based ones are all-in-one media centres to boot.

Important things to consider before you buy a STB.
- Pedigree - has the maker got a good track record
- Road tested - how long has it been around what is being said about it on forums
- Features - Does it do everything you want it to do, in the way you want it to do and at the level you need it to.
- Support - Is there loads of support for it on forums, firmware, plug-ins patches etc
- Price - Never compromise on price so as to take a cheaper option and end up paying double to actually get what you wanted in the first place. More is often less
in the long run.

12-04-2013, 01:34 PM
sorry I was asking about the blackbar iks service