View Full Version : BH 2.0.2rev.C upgrade

13-04-2013, 12:31 PM

There's a new update available in the BH image feed from 2.0.2 rev.B to rev.C.

You might lose your tuner's configuration in the process but reloading your channel list and reconfiguring your tuners afterwards will solve this issue.

Also, even after the two updating stages required it will keep updating the last one on and on. I'm sure this will be fixed soon.


Dark Cloud
13-04-2013, 12:46 PM
Many thanks.
I though after 1.7.9 and we got 2.0 that all updates would be automatic and we wouldn't need to manually flash ?.

13-04-2013, 01:07 PM
if you had the original 2.0.2 installed, you never needed to flash the box to update it to the latest revisions :302:

13-04-2013, 11:11 PM
A follow up on my previous post. I've always been a fan of this great image but I'm really disappointed with today's update. It puzzles me why it has become available on their online feed without proper testing. Not only it has issues with your old tuner's configuration but I've just noticed there's a bug with the GMT timezone setting showing one hour behind.

You can fix the first simply by restoring your channel list with dreambox edit or dreamset and redo your tuner configuration afterwards but in order to fix the latter you need to save your previous timezone.xml file before upgrading and then send it back to the box after the update.

Not really the end of the world but simply unacceptable for such a great team.

PS: if someone could be kind enough to post your timezone.xlm file in case you haven't updated your image yet, I'd really appreciate it.


13-04-2013, 11:30 PM
A follow up on my previous post. I've always been a fan of this great image but I'm really disappointed with today's update. It puzzles me why it has become available on their online feed without proper testing. Not only it has issues with your old tuner's configuration but I've just noticed there's a bug with the GMT timezone setting showing one hour behind.

You can fix the first simply by restoring your channel list with dreambox edit or dreamset and redo your tuner configuration afterwards but in order to fix the latter you need to save your previous timezone.xml file before upgrading and then send it back to the box after the update.

Not really the end of the world but simply unacceptable for such a great team.

PS: if someone could be kind enough to post your timezone.xlm file in case you haven't updated your image yet, I'd really appreciate it.


As I understand it, the team are aware of the timezone issue and also the tuner configuration issue's.

They are working on it, and I believe the issue is down to vu+ changing things in there git, after the update was added to the server, which has mixed things up.

I'm sure it will be sorted out as quickly as possible.

14-04-2013, 01:04 AM
ive upgraded to rev c and ive got the same problem with the time zone its not fixed it with channel list.also cccam info does not show up in plugins its in the usr/lib/enigma2/python/plugins/extensions/cccam info 1.56 chmond 755/644.and also i cannot download any plugins from bh addons it shows me connection failed dont know if it worth going back to rev b and not doing upgrade ive lost channel 1 plus ondemand there not anywhere to findplus i dont know if its done anything to my lan settings but when i do network check it shows i have no gateway tryed with dhcp ticked on solo2 plus ive put it in manualy still shows i have no gateway unconfirmed im useing virmin hub software v2.37.01 hardware 2.00 on the hub dhcp is ticked so s this a bh issue also when it rebooted my ip on the solo had changed any help please thanks.

14-04-2013, 05:20 AM
ive been here for hours now trying to get this right as i said in my earlier post i am unable to download from bh server tryed to telnet this command for ondemand

init 4 && opkg update
opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-ondemand && init 3

it worked in the lastest revsions but not in rev c now ive lost all my peers and still cannot get my router to work properly cannot get on line because of gateway issues with router any advice please im thinking of going back to 2.2 and not doing any upgrades thanks.

14-04-2013, 08:14 AM
I am still using bh 2.01 on my duo, but had been thinking of updating to 2.02 to get a better flash mem by using the 2.02 meoboot revenge update

to that end, yesterday I made sure all of my plugins etc were up to date and used the bh backup tools to make a full image and a personal backup file and copied these from the usb stick over to my laptop for safekeeping

I also backed up the essential files from bin - camscript - etc - keys - tuxbox - extensions (plugins) too by ftp transfer to my laptop to a dated folder

and I backed up my channel list using dreamboxedit as well, and I also ftp the picons folder over from the usb stick whilst doing the rest

1) the point is, for anyone reading this, do a full range of backups of your system and files when happy with it

2) do these backups BEFORE changing the base image to a newer one, or to a different one, so you can go back to it if needs be

the same applies with your laptop or pc, cleanup , virus check , tidy up , defrag , BACKUP - copy BACKUP to EXTERNAL USB DRIVE for SAFEKEEPING

so in this case I wont bother as yet with 2.02 until I see reports of it working ok in rev c or rev d

I would advise anyone still having problems to revert to a saved backup of the previous system, be it 2.02b or 2.01

all the above applies to a solo2 just the same as on my duo, and to your pc or laptops too ;)

14-04-2013, 10:06 AM
BH have my favourite Image for my Vu+Solo2 because I consider it to be the best.
However, such untested upgrades which are made available to Users impact very negatively
on the integrity of their Images.
Sincerely hope that future upgrades are first tested and then announced put online for Users.

14-04-2013, 01:39 PM
Sorted. Managed to obtain the old timezone.xlm file. You can overwrite the corrupted one after the update in /etc/tuxbox via ftp.


14-04-2013, 01:56 PM
You can just do another online update as the issue's are fixed now.

14-04-2013, 02:16 PM
You can just do another online update as the issue's are fixed now.

Good news. Thanks for that. Just tried it and can confirm all is well.


14-04-2013, 03:12 PM
What does this upgrade actually give me over and above rev B?

14-04-2013, 04:00 PM
as per vuplus community forum:

Black Hole 2.0.2 rev. C online upgrade available.

What is new:
•New new new: Add parental control in Addons and settings. This can be useful to prevent downloading unprotected settings, **** plugins or streams.
•New new new: Add scheduling (daily, weekly or montly) to autoupdate bh feed settings.
•Black Hole feed settings: fix bug opkg upgrade -> opkg install.
•Black Hole Speed Up: Remove extra files when hbbtv is disabled and add option to remove web manuals (this will save more than 5 Mb of flash).
•Update French lang.
•Media-tree: [Siano] Add ***1XXX_BOARD_SIANO_NICE devices to request "***dvb" kernel object (like some PC100 Greek devices done in the past).
Experimental changes to improve performance:
•opkg-collateral: download updated lists in Ram instead of Flash this will increase performaces but massive tested is required to check stability.
•opkg-collateral: use only root for target
•Skip opkg update in addons and bhspeed when lists are present in /tmp
•Start transition to new commands: (AVL6222/AVL6211)
•Note that more workaround and new drivers will be needed to have blindscan working again.

23-04-2013, 09:39 PM
great thanks for that

09-05-2013, 05:15 AM
blackhole online update 2.0.2 rev E, everything seems to be running ok. as anybody else done the update ? i'm not sure what as changed. maybe someone could let us know.

09-05-2013, 03:08 PM
blackhole online update 2.0.2 rev E, everything seems to be running ok. as anybody else done the update ? i'm not sure what as changed. maybe someone could let us know.

Yes indeed. Running fine here too and without any issues after upgrading.

Again and per vu+ community BH forums the changes are:

•Update Browser
•Initscripts : fix tty0 > ttyS0 in populate-volatile.sh
•Vu+ uno remove hbbtv by default
