View Full Version : Vu Ultimo - BH1.76 Upgrade

24-04-2013, 04:43 PM

As a newbie, using a Vu Ultimo receiver running BH1.76 for which I have become somewhat familar but not an expert (eg. installing pluggins, etc.) and have found this to be stable.

I was thinking of moving to BH1.79 and would appreciate if somebody could kindly advise if this is a good move in terms of stability and the same/similar familarity what I am used to with BH1.76. As I understand, BH2.02 is something quite different may require a very steep learning curve on my part, hence I have not considered this.

Many thanks in advance, for all your valuable help.

With kind regards.

24-04-2013, 07:36 PM
I don't think you will find the jump that hard as the differences are not noticeable to the end user, the biggest jump is the fact you will be using an image that has support and not one that is now obsolete.

Any problems with the upgrade and there are plenty here that can help you.

25-04-2013, 02:29 PM
Hi Sonic1,

Thank you very much for your valuable suggestion, which I will now definitely consider very carefully. At first, I have a number of questions, which I would appreciate some help with:-

- What is the latest BH 2.x stable image, which I should be using and can it also be easily be updated online?
- Assuming that I take a personal backup of the BH1.76 image on the receiver, can that backup be restored to the latest BH2.x image installed on the receiver?
- I assume that BH2.x is based on Enigma 2, whilst BH1.76 is based on earleir version of Enigma 1.6. Am I correct?
- Assuming BH 2.x is installed on the Vu Ultimo, can you still install "older" pluggins (eg. TRRplugin, TSPanel, CrossEPG, etc.) from a USB stick?
- What other step-by-step installation methods / tools maybe used (eg. Software Management and/or VuCC 0.6) or direct FTP locatiions via FileZilla FTP client (please confirm the directory paths) on the Vu Ultimo receiver?
- What should you do if after installations-reboot, the pluggins do not appear for use on the receiver?
- Once, migrated to the latest-stable BH2.x image, if need be can you still downgrade back to BH1.76 even the drivers etc. have been upgraded with the BH2.x?

Many thanks in advance, for all your help.

With kind regards.

25-04-2013, 06:37 PM
The backup of 1.79 or lower cannot be used on 2.0 images
Your channel settins can be stored on your pc and reloaded back with VUCC or dreambox edit
Yes you can downgrade if you like
Some older plugins may not work
Use latest 2.02 BH image

25-04-2013, 08:54 PM
I think A has answered what you need to know, I would say upgrade then come back if you have issues.

26-04-2013, 03:33 PM

I have upgraded to BH2.02 plus it's updates and channel lists on the Vu Ultimo receiver.
- Installed TSPanel 6.0 from the USB stick, but it does not appear on any of the menu options after a receiver reboot?
- How do find/install CAM 2.30 plus the key-updates pluggin from the BH2.02 image available options?
- In order to install TRRPlugin, do I use enigma2-plugin-extensions-trrplugin_v2.0-r055_py27_all.ipk in the /TMP directory, Telnet opkg install python-subprocess command and then press on the remote control the green + yellow buttons to install ipk packages?

Many thanks in advance, for all your help.

With kind regards.

26-04-2013, 04:06 PM
If I were you I would simply forget about TSpanel with the latest BH images. From personal experience on my Solo2 it has serious issues with your mounted media and there are reports of people losing their hdd data altogether.

No idea how to install TRRPlugin and don't even know what it does but if it's not on the BH feed I would probably find an alternative one there if available.

As for your cccam queries, go to https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?154256-Dummies-guide-to-setting-up-Vu-Ultimo and follow steps 5 and 6 and you'll be ok even with this latest image.

26-04-2013, 04:08 PM

Just an update. I successfully installed the TRRplugin and this allowed the access to many of the familair pluggins used previously.

With kind regards.

26-04-2013, 05:09 PM

May I please ask somebody to point me in the right direction for a picture-in-picture pluggin for BH2.02?

Many thanks in advance, for all your help.

With kind regards.