View Full Version : vu+uno root at 96%

28-04-2013, 01:04 PM
hello I have a vu+uno with BlackHole-2.0.2 and the was at root 100% I have deleted a few add-ons/plugins and got it to 96% but it will not update the software now as there is not enough room or recognise the hardrive i put in. I have also plugged in a 16GB usb stick to down load the EPG files straight on to it rather than the uno ::would it be possible to reflash the uno with BlackHole-2.0.2-vuuno_usb the same way i did the first time so i can get back some of the root value if so do i reflash the same as the first time i loaded it
or if some one has a better or easier way / idea please tell me


28-04-2013, 02:44 PM
have you used the speed up under blue button blue button and disabled any plugin you don't need

28-04-2013, 03:12 PM
thanks for getting back to me
I have put in a USB stich and the EPG now or it think downloads on usb now I have also downloaded meoboot and the receive boots off that at the moment
to be honest I have not got a clue what I am doing when it comes to meoboot I tried to delete it this morning but it wont let me
I have Picons loaded about 30 of them but I have not downloaded any of them
can you tell me how to refresh the receiver thanks

28-04-2013, 03:40 PM
if your realy struggeling try re reading the uno section of the bourd if your still not happl you can reflash it and then set everything up from scratch the way you want it to work
meoboot or multiboot only lets you add extra images to play with
till your used to wat you have at the mo I wouldn't bothere with it and set your usb to universe any thing you want to try ie pluging if you set them up in universe ie ghost if you get the green screen of death just jump to another universe chaos or avilon keep black hole as is

if you need more help ask

but read the uno help section first

28-04-2013, 03:44 PM
as I understand it, the new 2.2 BH includes meoboot in order to give you "more flash memory" by including a usb stick into the mix

so not just for multiboot but to take the pressure off those of us with less flash memory then on a solo2 (in my case a duo)

the idiots guides (in the stickies) contain full instructions on starting from scratch

28-04-2013, 03:50 PM
so if I reflash the uno do I just do it the same way as the first time or is there anything more I need to do on a reflash

28-04-2013, 03:53 PM
there are plugins
first one that springs to mind is 'memory expander'
this moves the /lib directory onto either USB or hdd
gives you a load of space back.

there is also one that mirrors your flash onto USB - can't remember what its called - do some searching; gives you most of your flash memory back

28-04-2013, 04:13 PM
have you got any idea what its called or where I might be able to get it thanks

28-04-2013, 05:15 PM
never heared of them ive tried a search here but nothing comes up

28-04-2013, 06:53 PM
There is a plugin called FlashExpander v0.33

28-04-2013, 07:40 PM
'rambo' allows you to boot from USB - must have OE2.0 image


flash expander


28-04-2013, 07:49 PM
THANKS I have disabled a lot of plugins now and deleted languages that I will not use and I am down to 86% at the moment by the time I am finished all I will have is a sat receiver HAHA
I don't seem to be able to mount the hard drive I go in to device manager change it to media/hdd save it and when I look at it again it has changed back and when I click on telnet or network browser and mountpoints in blackhole apps I keep getting a green screen and the uno reboots just another learning curve so it seem I need some more help I also have a 16GB usb stick plugged in the uno to take the EPG files

28-04-2013, 09:12 PM
Hi Malone,

Have you mounted the USB Stick
in Device Manager.
It should read (USB stick).
So in D/Manager you should
have your (Hard Drive)
Then (USB Stick) mounted.

28-04-2013, 09:14 PM
Hi Malone,

Plug USB Stick into back USB slot.