View Full Version : NFI, MeoBoot, Universe Expansion Q's

28-04-2013, 05:51 PM

I wonder if somebody can please kindly point me in the right direction about what-uses are for NFI (Backup-Flash etc.), MeoBoot, Teleportation (Universe Expansion) - running Vu Ultimo BH2.02 receiver.

Many thanks in advance for all your help.

With kind regards.

16-05-2013, 12:11 PM
To the best of my scant knowledge NFI is a plugin which helps with the management of backups.
Meoboot is a manager for configuring multi image boot systems. I have not used either NFI or Meoboot but a quick search on Google brought up lots of info.
Universes is a feature of the latest versions of the Blackhole Image. It allows the creation of 3 additional 'universes' as well as the base universe. This is like creating additional user profiles in windows.
The universe concept can be very useful if you want to do a lot of testing and changes. If you switch from the master universe to one of the 3 additional then changes made in any of those 3 do not effect the Master universe. This allows a clean base master universe to be maintained so if you do something silly you always have a clean base to return to. It can also be used by different users so that each person can customise their own universe with skins etc etc. I think pin numbers can be added to each universe to control access.

I'm sure there are lots of people who know a lot more than me about these features and if i have stated something wrong please correct.

VU+ ULTIMO, 1.2M 36v Motorised Visiosat, VBox III, Invacom C120 Quad LNB, Visiosat Feedhorn
Blackhole v2.0.1 also HTPC with Skystar HD2.