View Full Version : reflash

30-04-2013, 07:27 AM
hello I am running BlackHole-2.0.2-vuuno_usb on my uno would it be ok to reflash with VTi "Vu + Team Image" - v. 4.2.0 - 26.08.2012 OE 1.6 or would I be better of sticking to to BlackHole-2.0.2 I think I need to reflash if you read my last post you will see I have changed some things on the uno and certain thing are not working properly
for instance when I go into blackhole apps when I click on telnet or network browser and mountpoints all I get is a green screen and the uno reboots
I have a 150GB internal hard drive I have tried to mount it and it says it not mounted but I can record and playback what I have recorded and I have set it up so that the EPG files are downloaded on the hard drive if I go into device manager and try to mount the hard drive as media/hdd uno will restart and I go back into device manager and the hard drive has not been saved as media/hdd but at the moment it is saved as media/usb so I was wondering would I be better off reflashing the uno and starting from scratch

30-04-2013, 10:33 AM
The Uno is struggling for space in the flash, I have the same problem.
What you need to do is load 2.0.2A and add nothing, use BH Speedup to remove HBBTv and any other plugin you don't need. Then add and update your image.
The problem is being worked on.

30-04-2013, 10:45 AM
thanks for getting back to me but do you mean reflash using blackhole 2.0.2A and start from scrach so it will stop me getting the green screen when i click on telnet or network browser and mountpoints

30-04-2013, 11:12 AM
You probably have a corruption of some sort and sometime a reflash is the only solution.
Do not use any backup either, FTP the files you need to keep.

30-04-2013, 11:55 AM
I had similar troubles with the duo and so I had to do similar tricks to lower the flash, and not load anything that may corrupt it
its also important to try to use os2.0 plugins on the newer os2.0 images in order to stop any green screen crashes
I did mention in your previous post that you should reflash it from scratch using an os2 image like 2.02

30-04-2013, 12:16 PM
when i tried BH it used 87% flash empty with nothing at all loading on by me.

by the time id finished loading cams,settings and plugins i was around 95% and that was just the bare minimum of plugins that i couldnt do without.
subsequent updates to rev B and rev C ect forced more software on me that i didnt want and took my flash to 97%

i managed to reduce this to 88% by using tricks and editing pyo files to prevent the image from installing stuff that i didnt want and re installing stuff that id deleted to reduce the flash,but all this took time and was a great deal of effort.

finally it became corrupted with many green screens mainly due to the high flash usage,but also because the devices manager is crap.not to mention all the problems associated with network mounts ! they just drove me mad.

so i got rid !!!!

best thing i ever did.

im now using Openpli with every plugin my heart could ever desire,all the software i require and all with a flash usage of just 57% and im never forced to have software that i do not want when i perform an update.now if i want something i add it myself,if i dont then im not forced to have it.

and whats more everything works !!!

all the annoyances of BH such as losing epg data in the channel list because the EIT is broken are now gone.
now when i press the provider button from the channel list im now taken to the correct provider,and the same when i press satellite.

my box is now much faster and runs so much better,and i repeat EVERYTHING WORKS as it should.

BH is bloated and until they sort this out and all the minor annoyances too that all add up i might add,to a point that makes me want to scream,i wont be going near it again.

this post is going to drive sonic and cokeaddict up the wall,but its so true and these things need addressing.

plus im lazy and i really dont want to be reflashing my image again and again like people have to now with each new version.

Openpli gives daily updates online,if you so desire them,but more importantly,you are hardly ever forced to reflash to a newer supposedly fixed version like BH seem to make you do on about a 5-6week basis.

matter of taste im afraid,but BH is just not for me as its not stable enough for all the tests i perform on it.admittedly more than the average user i admit,but even so.....


30-04-2013, 12:28 PM
the main openpli problem I can see there is that the last updates were summer 2012 on here in the actual firmwares sections

I cannot believe there are no further image updates that could have been posted as alternatives to vix and bh

30-04-2013, 12:35 PM
new firmware is not needed ech simply because its kept up to date via the online updates.

this is what i meant about not being forced to reflash every month or so.

the biggest problem with BH as apposed to Openpli is that BH uses the VU+ git
so when they screw up something the BH image is also screwed up.

Openpli wrote there own,so they dont have this issue.

now i know cokeaddict is going to jump on me here saying the one of their updates stopped the remote from working,but sometimes **** happens,you can always roll back to a backup for a few days until the next online update fixes the issue again.

assured in the knowledge that it will be and that you wont be again forced to reflash a brand new image and start from scratch once more,as is the case with BH


30-04-2013, 12:42 PM
ok, well the links are out of date then as none of them work and I get error 404 and even the main site part of those links fails too. I do understand the links are from june 2012 or so, so I would assume they are out of date now

I also tried the openpli links on another sat site but they pointed to the same download and failed too

the only recent ones that seem to work are always vix and bh

ps:- a google search gives this site for my duo


and for uno


30-04-2013, 01:05 PM

just select you receiver model on the right hand side of the page and then download.


30-04-2013, 01:29 PM
just to sum up and this is only my opinion for what its worth.

BH tries to be all things to all users a bit like Windows 7 whereby many things are added just in case the user might need them.
its pretty and is by far the most user friendly and for most its just plug and play.

but the price you pay for that is loads of stuff that you do not want or need and a full flash.

Openpli is more for the experienced user as you have to do more for yourself,and i personally had to edit the fstab file to get my usb hdd disc drive to mount and i also had to create a swap file via telnet as both just refused to be done from the images software,but once its done its done and the benefits are far more flash space with everything working and having to reflash far less.

i now have a BH skin on an Openpli image,so it looks like BH,but performs much faster as its Openpli


30-04-2013, 02:58 PM
so will i be able to reflash OpenPLi 3.0: over blackhole once flashed is it easy to set up sats / cams like blackhole and is there the backup on line if i need some info just a bit worried about something i dont know about what would make me load this is the space on the flash and being able to use a lot of the plugins

30-04-2013, 05:56 PM
bh 2.0.2 rev d out now

01-05-2013, 09:16 AM
i loaded Openpl 3.0 last night and impressed at the moment root 44% ccam and sats all working ok i think i have got the hard drive working but not mounted a bit more to do with the network dont seem to be able to find my ip address or telnet