View Full Version : Standby or Off?

30-04-2013, 01:01 PM
Just wondered if you guys left your STB's in standby or switch off after use?
Currently I have mine connected to a green multi connector which switches off when I switch my amp off, consequently the Vu+ has to reboot every time I want to use it, is this O.K or should I connect it straight to the plug and just let it go into standby? Or does it matter at all?
Thanks for any advice. :respect-063:

30-04-2013, 03:42 PM
Personally I always turn mine off at the wall. I did this with my Humax for about 8 years and never had a problem with it. Other people I know used to leave theirs in standby and all of them had to change the power supply at least once.

If the power supply is external and easy to change then it wouldn't matter but as they are internal I would power it off.

Just my opinion.


30-04-2013, 03:46 PM
Thanks for that pixey, should have said, mine is a VU+solo2 which has external power pack, but I take your point, I will leave it as it is. Many thanks.

01-05-2013, 09:14 AM
Standby. But then I often record things at weird hours.

I can't see how turning it off could be better for the power supply. The stress from turning it on/off has to be higher then leaving it alone.

01-05-2013, 02:55 PM
Standby. But then I often record things at weird hours.

I can't see how turning it off could be better for the power supply. The stress from turning it on/off has to be higher then leaving it alone.

Second that ...

01-05-2013, 03:12 PM
I think a compromise is needed here in the form of a mix of the two opinions on offer. :302:

Off at the wall unless you need to record things at weird hours. I personally don't record that much any more as I am now so old I have seen it all, not just once but so often, I can almost repeat the dialogue word for word. :) Besides what's on at 3am is often repeated anyway unless it's good old HC Nookie of course wink wink :)

If money's no object and we are talking peanuts here in the bigger scheme of things then leave in standby. Saves a lot on booting time & component stress and if you want to do a quick update or edit on the box it's all ready to go. New PSU is not all that expensive for most boxes and the power consumed will hardly register.