View Full Version : CCCam.cfg file location / path

06-05-2013, 07:56 PM

I wonder if somebody can please help or point me in the right direction. I am trying to find the location of the CCCam.cfg file on Vu Ultimo running BH2.02 Rev D using the FileZilla FTP client? Is there is a sticky available which lists the various files and their locations on this receiver and image?

Many thanks in advance, for your help.

With kind regards.

06-05-2013, 08:08 PM
All config files can be found in /etc

06-05-2013, 08:09 PM

On E2 Boxes the 3C.config is Located at /etc
with Attributes set to 755

08-05-2013, 12:07 PM

I am unable to locate this file in the etc directory, as mentioned above. When and how is this CCCam.cfg file created by the system?

With kind regards.

08-05-2013, 12:40 PM
it is either created when you install the full cccam plugin/emu
or you can get your own cccam cfg file and ftp it into the var/etc folder

try looking through the dreambox and vu and cccam sections here for the relevant installers (which depend on the os version you have installed)
or find the actual cfg file and ftp it over after amending it using notepad++ on your laptop or pc
and then chmod to 755 on the vu or dreambox itself

the dummies guide also has this info in the sticky at the top of this forum

08-05-2013, 12:42 PM
It depends if you're using Blackhole or Vix image.

The CCCam install file for BlackHole includes CCcam.cfg

The IPK file for ViX doesn't include the CCcam.cfg file to the best of my knowledge.

I've attached a CCcam.cfg file for you. Just unzip it and FTP to /etc

08-05-2013, 05:11 PM
Thanks for the file. I am using BH2.02 Rev D. Does the file still need to be chmod 755 after the ftp transfer?

08-05-2013, 05:16 PM
Thanks for the file. I am using BH2.02 Rev D. Does the file still need to be chmod 755 after the ftp transfer?

it may not matter but I always do so anyway

Dig Deep
08-05-2013, 07:57 PM
Think it is a must !