View Full Version : vlc video player v2.5

06-05-2013, 11:39 PM
i've just installed vlc player in solo2. when i play a movie from the harddrive it still plays in media player. i can see vlc in my plugins, do i need to set up server ?. green button add server or yellow button edit server ?. how do i get to play movies/music in vlc.

07-05-2013, 12:47 AM
Sorry I cannot help you with your problem, all i can say is the latest version of VLC Player can be found here:


07-05-2013, 01:27 AM
ok so now i've installed it on my pc, how do i use the vlc player on my solo2 image blackhole. do i have to set it up to run along side my pc?.

07-05-2013, 11:55 AM

It's not like VLC for the PC and can only be used in streaming mode on the STB. That's why we use mediaplayer.

07-05-2013, 02:26 PM
is it worth setting it up for streaming mode on the STB. i've been looking at it, and the only thing i can see to set it up is. green button add server or yellow button edit server ?. how do i set it up or is it not worth it.

07-05-2013, 02:47 PM
Personally, I have never had a use for it as my media is all on NAS which can be played directly in Mediaplayer by setting up a network share for it on the STB. If I want to watch/control the STB from my PC then I use the web i/f to do this. So IMHO and for my useage it is not worth bothering with but your situation may be different to mine. :)

07-05-2013, 03:28 PM
vlc should not be needed on the solo2 (or a duo) , as you use mediaplayer for movies and merlin mp3 player for music

these plugins can play files from an internal hdd, or a shared folder on your pc or laptop, or from a nas, my duo is set to use all of them

07-05-2013, 04:00 PM
vlc should not be needed on the solo2 (or a duo) , as you use mediaplayer for movies and merlin mp3 player for music

these plugins can play files from an internal hdd, or a shared folder on your pc or laptop, or from a nas, my duo is set to use all of them

thats what i want to do is play movies from my pc,and music from my pc.thats why i was lead to believe that using vlc was better to use than mediaplayer. so how do i set up my stb to play these files from my pc. i now gather i need merlin mp3 player for music. is there a guide on the board.

07-05-2013, 04:23 PM
Easy peezy. Share (depending on OS you are using you may need to set permissions to "everyone" read as a minumum at the share & access level) the folder(s) that contain media on your PC and then go to your STB and use the NetworkBroweser under menu/setup/system/network. Once the share(s) are listed select them/it and enter all the details if or as required (ie account, pswd. I personally don't use urs or pswd a it's all internal to my home). Once happy wait for the mount to be confirmend then esc out to the main menu and run media player and you should now see you PC shares listed. Enjoy.

07-05-2013, 05:27 PM
I posted a guide several weeks ago in the sticky thread here

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?133588-Dummies-guide-to-setting-up-Vu-Duo post #10

07-05-2013, 07:22 PM
Easy peezy. Share (depending on OS you are using you may need to set permissions to "everyone" read as a minumum at the share & access level) the folder(s) that contain media on your PC and then go to your STB and use the NetworkBroweser under menu/setup/system/network. Once the share(s) are listed select them/it and enter all the details if or as required (ie account, pswd. I personally don't use urs or pswd a it's all internal to my home). Once happy wait for the mount to be confirmend then esc out to the main menu and run media player and you should now see you PC shares listed. Enjoy.

i'm running xp yes caveman lol, theres only me using pc so not got to give permission to anybody else. i'll now look at echelon's thread.

07-05-2013, 07:29 PM
just make a shared folder on the pc, then share it , and have your shared files within that folder, that way you are only sharing a folder on the pc or laptop, and not the whole pc or laptop or hdd

or use a nas and have the shared folders on the nas, or fit an internal laptop sata hdd into the solo2 and have the files on it

the details were also posted by me in post #2 of this sticky thread here in the solo2 forum


so there is no wayyyyyyy you have read it ;)

11-05-2013, 10:00 PM
@echelon sorry but i did read your post. but i think the mistake i made was i was trying to set it up using a external hd. on that drive i made a folder films. then in the mount management i put films and dive E. ip address of pc user name and password, but i only had 1 green tick on the right hand side of the hd symbol. but nothing worked so i left out user name and password now i've gave up with that. so now i've fitted a 2.5 internal hd. so what i'm getting at now is i've got films on the hd plus music and the hd set to media/hdd, its mounted and i can play films thru media player and the music the same. but i have installed merlin music player plus there is merlin idream in merlin idream there is 5 options
1 playlist
2 artist
3 albums
4 songs
5 genres
is it possible to make my own playlist in merlin player, and put albums in that section of merlin instead of everything messed up in media player. so i can just go to merlin plugin and play my music from there? i've looked at flahfxp but i'm not sure where to put the music so it plays thru merlin.

11-05-2013, 10:09 PM
I just follow the same rules as sony for the psp and tv,s and playstations etc with folders


then you put the correct files into the correct folders with flashfxp and use Mediaplayer , Merlin and Picture player as required

I find the playlist aspect a bit of a bind so havent really got to grips with that part yet

the main thing is to make sure you can play each file type and learn to add and remove from the playlists

after that its learning how to use the playlists

I have always used an internal hdd and a nas and my laptop so my tutorial in the sticky thread reflects that
my point was that you asked a question and I had already posted a tutorial on it for all vu boxes in each and every section
sharing to and from a pc has nothing to do with any hdd on the vu, neither internal or usb external