View Full Version : Hello!

13-05-2013, 08:12 PM
Hello All -

Some years ago I was pretty heavy into the DirecTV scene and had all the equipment and knowledge I needed to enjoy DirecTV at home for free. As I am sure most of you know, that became more and more ***bersome as the years went on and once I couldn't get a card to stay active for more than a few hours, I gave up.

Now, I am trying to convince my wife that we should cancel our cable subscription which is costing us well over $100/month in favor of going back to satellite and I am hoping I have come to the right place to find the information I need. I am really out of date with the scene and how everything works now so I have no idea where to even begin.

Before I start posting around the forums with a bunch of noob questions, can anyone help point me in the direction of how I would develop a solution which might look something like this:

I have two beefy media center PC's, one in the living room and one in the bedroom. One runs OSX the other runs Linux - both us XBMC as the HTPC front-end. Currently I only use them for downloaded or streamed media. I download all stuff to my NAS box (Synology) and have it all shared over NFS.

Now that XBMC has pretty good Live TV integration I am basically looking for the most up-to-date solution for me to ditch paid cable and switch to free satellite (be it free to air or card sharing, etc) where I can be using XBMC as the frontend for watching TV (as opposed to a set top box).

In my initial research it seems like I would use something like tvheadend/oscam on my Linux box and some sort of IPTV capable receiver and I could use my HTPC's to watch live tv without needing STB's on every TV. PVR/DVR support is not a priority.

Can anyone who actually reads these introduction threads attempt to point me in the right direction of what equipment I would need and what sort of solution I could develop for essentially ditching paid cable entirely but still allow my wife and family to enjoy live television through our existing media centers?

I am extremely tech savvy so it can be complicated to set up and run, but the end-user experience should be pretty smooth so I don't have my wife bitching that we ditched cable, spent a few hundred bucks on satellite equipment and she wishes we still had cable :/

For what its worth we only really watch a handful of paid cable channels.

If anyone can help point me in the right direction I would sincerely appreciate it. I'd rather not start posting noob questions in the wrong forum sections if I can avoid it!

13-05-2013, 08:36 PM
welcome to the forum

however, as you say its mainly european on here and definitely not anything to do with usa or canada

given your previous involvement then you probably know it all died a death "over there" as your broadcasters and politicians and law makers/enforcers decided to stop the scene and prosecute those involved, and probably changed encryptions etc too

clearly you need to get advice from those in your region so need to visit your own regional forums, if there are any that is

I would think your "scene" has either collapsed or been forced underground , and I dont think you have any cable hacks now either

so , in a nutshell, this is another forum that isnt for you as we dont cater for the usa at all , nor can we "see" your satellites either
