View Full Version : Softcam for Solo 2

18-05-2013, 08:04 PM
I've read through a couple of times the thread here:


but cannot get anything to clear on 39E nova sport eg or 10E.

I have been able to get 10E to clear in the past using my old openbox but Im getting lost with VU+ Solo2 it seems so complicated with the various formats.

I'm not sure what should be going where and everyine's advice seems to say slightly different things.

Im running BH 2.02 and have mgcamd 1.38 installed.
I installed compass and simon's softcam and mg_cfg to usr/keys as in the above thread but get nothing.

I tried satangels autoupdater but it wants to install to var/keys like a Solo1 and not usr/keys like Solo2.

What am I doing wrong? and
What files should I actually have in usr/keys? :001_07:

Many thanks for your help...

18-05-2013, 09:22 PM
Hi Mcrred I had a similar issue here do you use VU+ Control center tool for your keys and your emulator? If you are using a softcam it has to be the latest keys for Dreambox as VU+ and Dreambox receivers work very much the same if you can access it via the VU+ Control center is quite easy also access the keys attribute by right clicking and make sure the number is "0644" so that way the softcam can work hope that helps.

One last thing look for folder "usr/keys" that is where you put the softcam via filezilla.

simon 2003
18-05-2013, 10:21 PM
this softcam works currently mate just tested as long as the mgcamd in the thread you linked is installed you have this softcam file (unrar it first) in usr/keys attributes 644( right click to change attributes) you have pressed blue button to make mgcamd your active cam it will work !!! :001_07:

18-05-2013, 11:41 PM
Thanks fellas, will give it a try first thing...

Sent from my F9S using Tapatalk HD

19-05-2013, 08:22 AM
Ok. Curiouser and curiouser...

Something's quite wrong.
I can use a line with mgcamd and it works fine (mgcamd 1.38) eg 28.2E
I go to 39E and there's nothing there - no signal for any channels, nada.
I go to 10E nothing there either.
I go to 0.8W strong signals for the FTA channels.
I go to 7W nothing.
I go to 30W strong signals for FTA channels (but for instance, TVI internacional - which is in the softcam file that simon2003 so kindly shared - does not clear with mgcamd)

So I have two questions, one is about the emu (and I must be doing something wrong here)...
what files should I have in usr/keys?
should I have "mg_cfg"? Is that the correct file spelling?
For example my mg_cfg is not wordwrapped when I look at it with notepad, is this ok? should I take it out?
should I have anything else in there apart from softcam.

two, seems like my dish is slightly out of alignment OR could I have an incompatible channel list somehow? Is this possible?
I know my arc could be set just too low or slightly to one side, but it seems odd that I can get good signal on 28.2E; 0.8W AND 30W.

Very confused. But would love to be able to get the footy for this last day of the season ;-S

19-05-2013, 08:48 AM
when I check dish alignment I tend to use a simple box like my spiderbox, not a vu or a dreambox (or an old tm1500)
next, I only check fta channels, never any scrambled channels, so I have a few fta at the top of my list on each sat
this allows me to change sat from east to west or vice versa and check the motor and dish alignment is correct
once I know this I will check the channels like bulsat on 39e using the latest softcam for my spiderbox and adjust if required

ok ? now I would do something similar with a dreambox or a vu or whatever, leaving the bulsat check until last
but only use fta channels for checking dish alignment and satellite alignment, as you can swap between positions knowing you are not including decoding of channels in this equation (employing the K.I.S.S principle - keep it simple stupid !)

when I did this a couple of months ago using a clone dreambox I found oscam-ymod was the best option for everything
I also got cccam and mgcamd working as well, but I found I could not swap from say c5HD on 28e to nova sport on 39e successfully
ie:- if I checked 28e and was ok, 39e didnt open (unless I used the oscam as I said)
so I had to either restart the emu on the chosen satellite, or reboot e2 on the chosen satellite

the point being I could not swap and change between the 2 satellites like I could on my spiderbox with any success
the only option that allowed me to have one emu running was the oscam-ymod option which seemed to handle the encryption changes

before this I had never successfully managed to use mgcamd and I did make a few posts about it in the emu forums
and the mg_cfg also needed adapting in order to work and several people posted their cfg files with different parameters
so using mg_cfg needs work and was discussed in the emu forum (as its not a box issue)

so , to sum up, you are complaining of several issues here, but I found I had to break it down and fix each issue separately
unfortunately its several weeks ago so I cannot remember all the things I tried and did
BUT I do know that the oscam-ymod worked best for me on my clone dm800 at the time, and I always prefer oscam anyway

hope this info helps

19-05-2013, 09:26 AM
That does help.
I also use fta channels to check im on the right bird...but saving them in the favs list is a neat idea.

So, not alignment then. Fta are coming in fine. Id not seen mention of the difficulties swapping between emulators on different sats before so that could be it...

Trying to isolate the variables, im a sucker for KIDS - Keep It Difficult, Stupid

Ok. Back to the drawing board. And thanks!

19-05-2013, 09:37 AM
we have emu help sections for cccam , mgcamd , oscam etc
so you need to check those forums if you want to see some discussions on this
also dont just check the solo2 forum, as the same applies to all vu boxes and all dreamboxes too

ie:- dont get tunnel vision and stay in this single forum as you miss things
this forum is for solo2 issues and boxes for the most part

mgcamd is where you would discuss mgcamd issues , cccam for cccam issues , oscam for oscam issues etc

like this thread I posted in from feb 2013 https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?152320-How-to-add-a-cccam-C-line-to-Mgcamd