View Full Version : crossepg hangs

20-05-2013, 11:50 AM

I've got my crossepg configured as per echelon recommended settings on my Solo2 and I only download it whenever STV HD epg disappears which happened again yesterday like it normally does every week or so.

Started downloading but it hangs when the radio channel is visible saying parsing summaries 13.32 MB of 13.32 MB, leaving this info on the screen without moving on.

I've deleted the epg.dat file from the usb stick but that didn't help. Mind you I' m using the latest BH image and it worked fine as usual upon flashing some time ago.

Could someone please try and check if it's a problem with the rytec server ??


20-05-2013, 01:04 PM
Maybe someone can figure this out. I surely can't.

20/05/2013 11:12:31 SIFTeam CrossEPG Downloader 0.6.2+git296+c199a7a (c) 2009-2011 Sandro Cavazzoni (http://code.google.com/p/crossepg/)
20/05/2013 11:12:31 This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
20/05/2013 11:12:31 Interactive: OPEN cmd received
20/05/2013 11:12:31 EPGDB opened (root=/media/usb/crossepg)
20/05/2013 11:12:31 Clearing old aliases...
20/05/2013 11:12:31 Loaded 0 aliases
20/05/2013 11:12:31 Adding new aliases...
20/05/2013 11:12:31 Completed
20/05/2013 11:12:31 Interactive: OK action sent
20/05/2013 11:12:31 Interactive: DOWNLOAD cmd received
20/05/2013 11:12:31 Download channels from url: http://www.ebook-directory.net/rytecxmlepg/rytec.channels.xml.gz (0)
20/05/2013 11:12:31 HTTP Get (host:www.ebook-directory.net, port:80, page:rytecxmlepg/rytec.channels.xml.gz)
20/05/2013 11:12:32 Downloaded 90014 bytes
20/05/2013 11:12:32 Deflating rytecxmlepg/rytec.channels.xml.gz
20/05/2013 11:12:32 File deflated
20/05/2013 11:12:32 Reading channels from /media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.1tA1bk
20/05/2013 11:12:32 Read 7365 channels
20/05/2013 11:12:32 Download channels from url: http://www.ebook-directory.net/rytecxmlepg/rytec.channels.xml.gz (0)
20/05/2013 11:12:32 HTTP Get (host:www.oostwestedpnet.be, port:80, page:Box/rytecxmltvbbci.xml)
20/05/2013 11:12:33 Downloaded 49349 bytes
20/05/2013 11:12:33 Parsing /media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.hAd8QO
20/05/2013 11:12:33 Read 193 events
20/05/2013 11:12:33 Interactive: DOWNLOAD cmd received
20/05/2013 11:12:33 Download channels from url: http://www.ebook-directory.net/rytecxmlepg/rytec.channels.xml.gz (0)
20/05/2013 11:12:33 HTTP Get (host:www.ebook-directory.net, port:80, page:rytecxmlepg/rytec.channels.xml.gz)
20/05/2013 11:12:34 Downloaded 90014 bytes
20/05/2013 11:12:34 Deflating rytecxmlepg/rytec.channels.xml.gz
20/05/2013 11:12:34 File deflated
20/05/2013 11:12:34 Reading channels from /media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.MyFUo0
20/05/2013 11:12:34 Read 7365 channels
20/05/2013 11:12:34 Download channels from url: http://www.ebook-directory.net/rytecxmlepg/rytec.channels.xml.gz (0)
20/05/2013 11:12:34 HTTP Get (host:www.ebook-directory.net, port:80, page:rytecxmlepg/rytecxmltvuk.gz)
20/05/2013 11:12:37 Downloaded 3500726 bytes
20/05/2013 11:12:37 Deflating rytecxmlepg/rytecxmltvuk.gz
20/05/2013 11:12:38 File deflated
20/05/2013 11:12:38 Parsing /media/usb/crossepg/crossepg.tmp.5maDnL
20/05/2013 11:15:46 Read 67888 events
20/05/2013 11:15:47 Interactive: WAIT cmd received
20/05/2013 11:15:47 Interactive: DOWNLOAD cmd received
20/05/2013 11:15:47 Started OpenTV events download
20/05/2013 11:15:47 Reading dictionary '/usr/crossepg/providers/skyuk_astra2_28.2.dict' ...
20/05/2013 11:15:47 Completed. Read 512 values
20/05/2013 11:15:47 Reading channels...
20/05/2013 11:15:56 Read 908 channels
20/05/2013 11:15:56 Reading titles...
20/05/2013 11:16:02 Read 3.50 MB
20/05/2013 11:16:02 Parsing titles...
20/05/2013 11:16:06 Titles parsed
20/05/2013 11:16:06 Reading summaries...
20/05/2013 11:16:15 Read 13.32 MB
20/05/2013 11:16:15 Parsing summaries...
20/05/2013 11:16:22 Summaries parsed
20/05/2013 11:16:22 Ended OpenTV events download
20/05/2013 11:16:23 Interactive: WAIT cmd received
20/05/2013 11:17:22 Interactive: QUIT cmd received

20-05-2013, 02:04 PM
EPG's disappear when they reach the end of their due date which is as you indicate around 7 days unless you intervene and change the parameters in setup.

CrossEPG hangs on me also when trying to use opentv providers as oposed to rytec ones even though in the past it has worked (or not) the other way around. I think it may have a lot to do with who is or is not doing the updates. OpenTV used to be my preference and worked ok for me on UK but never worked for ITA for some odd reason but then I think I only tried a couple of times and gave up on it.

Now I just use all rytec for what I want and it works OK but seems to be missing spain at the moment and sometimes Italy also. Again I think this is down to the updater. CrossEPG always was and is a bit hit and miss sometimes but at least, at the moment, it does not hang on either of my E2 boxes.

20-05-2013, 02:35 PM
I'll try resetting the configuration without the opentv providers and see how it goes.

Cheers m8

EDIT: sorted !! It worked just fine after removing the opentv providers. While at it I added the rytec XMLTV providers for Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Poland and although it took forever to download the full channels EPG is now present !!

Thanks again :respect-055: