View Full Version : iks channels

22-05-2013, 05:45 PM
have just got a new spiderbox 6000hd can anyone help with a list of iks gift channels please. box is all set up and works fine just need to play around with channels

22-05-2013, 06:36 PM
Do a (tax-free) Google for vasiks - you should find what you need there.

22-05-2013, 06:47 PM
thanks but not a VIP member on there so cant find anything just need to know the list of channels so I can sort mine out

22-05-2013, 07:20 PM
bits and pieces have been added to the list since then.

22-05-2013, 07:30 PM
thanks tony0 will try and sort all mine out now

04-06-2013, 10:24 PM

I´ve been using this box now for a couple of weeks and I must say I´m a little disappointed.

Quite a lot chls only open on "good" days like the Cmore chls on Thor and the rest (apart from Nova on Hotbird)
are nearly unwatchable due to constant glitches (scambled chl info)

Anyone noticed the poor audio quality via HDMI?

Hope there will be a new update soon.

04-06-2013, 11:45 PM
I don't use it to watch films as always breaks up if available at all. The odd **** channel is stable. Al Jaz Sport is stable so I am happy with service and will renew. 16E is largely a waste of time but 30W is quite good....apologies my comments are dated as not used it for 2 months or so. (Sorry can't comment on HDMI as viewing via a very long length of RF cable!!).

04-06-2013, 11:54 PM
Can only review the channels on 13& 19 E coz those are the only two sats I am watching. True some channels are a little iffy but I wouldn`t say that nothing is watchable. On the contrary I find far to much to watch on these two sats alone. I mean there are so many channels open that I simply do not have enough time to zap thru them all. And what I found usefull when creating my list is that I placed HD channels next to their SD versions, so if there is any glitch on one version I can quickly change to the other. Took me a bit longer to create the list but makes my viewing a lot more comfortable. Will not go into details of what exactly channels I am viewing on an open forum, suffice to say that IKS is and excelent way to have that little more out of your receiver, and I think that saying that nothing is watchable is unfair (to say the least)
PS. The new Delay option does wonders on my ITA channels :)

04-06-2013, 11:56 PM
It works ok here but some packages are tempremental, sty Germany and sty Italy are very glitchy but not all channels.

Nova and polish channels are a lot more stable, 1w is up and down a bit but ok when its going.

06-06-2013, 05:24 PM
I use 13 east, 19 east, 0.8 west and there are simply loads to watch and many very stable have to admit my box is a 9000HD. Might be an idea to check out your setup a little tweek here and there might give you better results, signal strenght on certain Satelites can make a difference. I have one favorites channel just for films and i must have at least around thirty channels on that alone. Usualy it is the set up which is the problem the service has been very reliable.

06-06-2013, 06:05 PM
Payserver'payserver'payserver'''' ''''glitch'glitch'glitch.'' These boxes with. Iks''aka gift"''are a waste of money'''' I'm saving my hard earned cash for a duo 2,,,,,,,,

06-06-2013, 09:12 PM
Good for you voyager1972, we all have a free choice i am sure you will get the receiver to suit your requirements.

06-06-2013, 11:32 PM
TonyO / johnhenry when you refer to Sly It do you mean SCT stuff or are there films and sport available on that Sly It platform? (My negative comments should be borne in line with the fact that I stated that I intend renewing it so on balance am pleased....but not as pleased as I am with another service!!)

07-06-2013, 07:37 PM
captainglassback m8 open tonyO's attachment thread #4 and look at 19 east your question will be answered.

07-06-2013, 08:30 PM
captainglassback m8 open tonyO's attachment thread #4 and look at 19 east your question will be answered.
There`s a lot more open than that. It`s a real shame there is no ChEditor for this stb, it would have been easy to compile a list of open channels to post here. FOr now tho its checking them one by one and seing what is open... ( takes couple of days to check all channels and organising the lists but is well worth the time spent on it imho)

08-06-2013, 04:51 PM
Hi, here is my list Note that it`s heavily customized for Polish Tv. Check the text file for more info.

08-06-2013, 09:45 PM
Trying to open Roadrunner1's Zip on legit Win 7 64 bit. Doesn't want to open. 7-Zip comes up as the default. Any suggestions folks please?

08-06-2013, 10:06 PM
Trying to open Roadrunner1's Zip on legit Win 7 64 bit. Doesn't want to open. 7-Zip comes up as the default. Any suggestions folks please?
I have added the .rar in my previous post

09-06-2013, 08:09 AM

I´ve been using this box now for a couple of weeks and I must say I´m a little disappointed.

Quite a lot chls only open on "good" days like the Cmore chls on Thor and the rest (apart from Nova on Hotbird)
are nearly unwatchable due to constant glitches (scambled chl info)

Anyone noticed the poor audio quality via HDMI?

Hope there will be a new update soon.

I've also noticed that the sound is very poor via HDMI.

09-06-2013, 01:13 PM
I have upload mine here :


02-07-2013, 11:55 PM

Anyone noticed the poor audio quality via HDMI?

Hope there will be a new update soon.

I've also noticed that the sound is very poor via HDMI.

Latest update has vastly improved Audio Quality through HDMI :respect-067:
