View Full Version : Ftp

oxigen 1
06-06-2013, 07:12 PM
Hi Guys

I am new at this so can anybody tell me how to use FTP.

I want to copy a file from memery stick at the back of the box to the /tmp file ??????????????????

I have FTP panel in Blackhole aps

How do I open it

Thanks................... oxigen 1

06-06-2013, 07:57 PM
Sounds like your trying to install an ipk file

USE Front USB slot behind the flap

1. Copy.ipk file to USB.
2. Connect USB to box, it will be automatically recognized and small window appears.
3. Press OK and follow steps for install addon.

07-06-2013, 05:02 AM
FTP isn't for coping files from an USB stick to the internal drive/memory. If you wanted to copy a file like that then you could telnet to the box. But I guess you haven't used telnet before.

What you could have done is ftped the file before sticking it on the memory stick. Using something like filezilla or other ftp clients. This assumes the box is networked.

oxigen 1
07-06-2013, 07:29 AM
Thanks guys

My box is networked.

Could you take me though the prosses step by step please

Thanks.... oxigen 1

07-06-2013, 09:52 AM
What are you trying to do? What Compass suggested? Follow his suggestion.

If not. Download a FTP client.

Then you basically tell the client to connect to your receiver. It'll likely show the directory setup in a window. Find /tmp on the receiver and do a transfer.

filezilla is more then good enough.

07-06-2013, 10:16 AM
VuCC also contains an ftp program, telnet and various other tools

so try reading the "dummies guide"

oxigen 1
09-06-2013, 08:03 AM
Hi Guys

Thanks for your help

I have done it ................ Thanks